Christmas Break is Here!

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As Vix said, Monday was spent writing essays on Incubi and Succubi, Wednesday was a test, which Eren and Levi passed, one an A and the other an A- because neither were actually fully focused on their work and were to busy thinking about Christmas with the other. Friday came around and it was obvious that those who had Myth Studs as their last class just wanted to get the fuck out of there.

"Now now class, calm the fuck down." She pulled out all the things she brought. "It's not time for Christmas break yet so chill. We're going to watch one of the best Christmas movies there is!" The students expected Silent Night Deadly Night, because Vix was messed up like that. Nope, they watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, which had Eren bouncing in his seat a little because that was his favorite kid movie. Levi stared at the one werewolf in the entire film with slight disgust.

"He makes me want to scrubbed myself." Levi said. Eren chuckled.

"The vampires are not much better. Have you seen those tiny parasols? They're pathetic and would protect for shit." And they kept whispering little things to each other while eating mother fucking gingerbread and sugar cookies while Eren happily drank hot cocoa with marshmallows because he firmly believed that it was a crime to not have marshmallows in your cocoa. Levi wasn't a cocoa drinker, it was tea or nothing, he he only grabbed a cup of cocoa to give to Eren because Vix had said strictly one cup per person and Levi had caught the glimpse in Eren's eye that said that would nearly kill him. At the end of the movie Levi leaned over to Eren.

"Did we seriously just fucking spend that entire time ripping a Disney movie a new one?" Eren chuckled.

"The fact it counts as a Disney movie shocks me. It's pretty creepy." Levi stared at Eren for a minute.

"Snow White was fucking creepy as fuck. This, was just creepy." Eren nodded as they left the classroom.

"When are we going to France?" Eren asked. Levi sighed.

"Well, we're heading to my place tonight, and we're heading out tomorrow morning." Levi said, crossing his arms. "We'll be landing in Paris, but Grandfather will be sending someone to get us from the airport to take us to the castle." Eren groaned.

"I was hoping for something less flashy. Like a mansion. Why does everyone need a fucking castle?" Eren sighed. Levi cocked his head.

"Don't worry about it Brat." Eren nodded and then stopped.

"Holy shit... I'm meeting your parents and we've only been dating a week." Levi chuckled.

"Don't worry, Mother will be more then estatic to me you."

"I'm not worried about Maman, I'm worried about your dad." Levi stopped walking.

"Fuck him." Levi said as he grabbed Eren's hand. "Now come on, we need to pack. Do you need help?" Eren shook his head.

"I'll be fine." Levi nodded and after a quick kiss went to do their packing. Levi finished early and went to help Eren finish when Carla came into Eren's dorm room to help move Armin.

"Oh Eren, I thought you'd already be gone?" She saw Levi and she cocked her head. "Who's this dear?" Levi stretched his hand out.

"Hello Mrs. Yeager, I'm Levi, Eren's boyfriend." Carla's eyes brightened as she just hugged him, causing Levi to freeze. Eren sighed a little and shook his head.

"Oh he's such a cutie! You never told me he was so handsome, Eren. And so well groomed." Eren blushed as Levi just kept his mouth shut. "Now." She pulled back and clasped onto Levi's shoulders, her brown eyes shifting into a deadly red, but she kept that friendly smile on her face, showing her fangs. "If you hurt my son, I will hunt you down, rip every piercing out of your body, shove them into your eyes, skin you alive, drain you completely of blood and put your head on a pike and watch you burn as I turn your pelt into a rug. Understood?" And there was the mama bear with in.

"Mom... that would cause a war..."

"And hurting my Grüne Augen Liebling might as well cause a nuclear explosion." Levi cleared his throat.

"Ma'am, I would never hurt Eren, nor let anyone hurt him. I'd probably kill them first." Levi said. Carla smiled as her eyes reverted back to brown.

"Good boy! Sorry if I scared you a little, I'm sure Armin and Mikasa already threatened your life, it's just instinct you know?" Levi nodded slowly. "Now, Eren, make sure you have everything. You're going to be in a different country and I don't know what they're age policies are, so make sure you have condoms." Eren blushed bright red as Levi turned pink.

"Mom! Stop! Just stop! We aren't having sex! We haven't even frenched yet." Carla turned to Levi.

"You're slacking kid." She said with a straight face. She then turned to Eren. "By the time you get back here, you better have at least, the VERY least, gotten a hand job." Eren almost died.

"Mom! Stop! His father would kill me!" Carla cocked her head a Grisha walked in.

"How's moving Armin doing?" He asked when he saw his wife talking to their son and a werewolf. "Oh, this must be Kenny's boy." Grisha said, walking over and offering his hand. "It's good to meet you. I assume you'll keep my son in line while he's with you?" Levi nodded and took Grisha's hand. "How is Kenny by the way?" Levi's bored expression didn't change.

"He can go fuck himself for all I care." Grisha and Carla looked shocked, Carla being the first to recover and her first response was to grab his ear and pull.

"Language young man. What would your mother say?" Eren chuckled.

"Who do you think he learned it from?" Eren said, a wide smile on his face. "Oh, should've warned you of that Levi, Mom's an ear puller." Levi rubbed his ear and hid behind Eren. "Anyways, I'll see you later Mom. I'm staying at Levi's tonight and we'll be heading to France tomorrow. I'll call you before and after the flight, alright?" Carla nodded.

"Alright. I love you. Be safe, mind your manners because I know I taught them to you, don't start any fights, and make sure you bring enough blood to last you because I don't think anyone is willing to be your supplier." Levi cleared his throat.

"If he needs to, I'll supply him with blood." Levi said, causing Eren to blush and Grisha and Carla to smile.

"Oh Grisha, he's the sweetest isn't he? I'm so happy. I have a feeling we'll need to beat that foul mouth, but he seems so perfect for our baby." Grisha nodded.

"Right. Well, behave you two, and Levi." He gave him a card. "In case Eren misbehaves too much." Levi took the business card, nodding.

"Yes sir." Grisha smiled.

"Alright, lets get those two packed in the van dear." He pat Eren on the head while Carla kissed his cheek and the two vampires took Armin with them.

"Your mom's fucking weird." Eren nodded.


"So... hand job?" Levi said with a smirk. Eren blushed and buried his face in his hands.

"Just... don't..." Levi shrugged.

"That's alright, Mother's probably going to give us a similar talk." Eren turned to his boyfriend.

"There must be somethign wrong with our mothers." Levi nodded.

"Fucking definately. Now, do you have everything? Because Shit Glasses should have her truck waiting for us and already filled with hers and Eyebrows shit." Eren nodded and so they headed back to Levi's house, Eren and Hanji singing with her music while Erwin and Levi tried not to jump out of the truck.

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