Bend And Not Break Chapter 2: Set The Fire To The Third Bar

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they are Stephanie Meyer's.

Their words mostly noises

Ghosts with just voices

Your words in my memory

Are like music to me- Set The Fire To The Third Bar- Snow Patrol

"Oh my god Jacob!"

I couldn't believe who I was seeing standing in front of me. It was Jacob Black my best friend from Forks. I grew up mostly with my mom when my parents separated in Phoenix. I used to visit my dad in Forks during the summer and then I decided I needed a break from living with my mom and I went to live in Forks when I was twelve with my dad. My dad was friends with Jacob's dad so we instantly became friends. Although I knew Jacob before I moved to Forks, because we saw each other every day we became close. He was my best friend. Someone I could go to when my life became too much for me to handle. He was the one who always made me laugh during math class. He was the only one who was there for me. When I first met Jacob there was no way I thought I would ever like him more than a friend, but I was wrong. When I was sixteen I started to think of Jacob as more than a friend. I couldn't help but notice his chiseled abs when he wore a bathing suit or his beautiful smile when he laughed at a joke I told. It was so wonderful to hear his laugh. I think he realized that I liked him because he asked me out and that is when we started dating. Not only was he my best friend, he was also my first lover. When he took me to prom our last day of high school, he brought me back to his house and we made love. At the time it was special but now thinking back, he wasn't as good as Edward. Edward was like a stallion in bed, he was amazing.

I thought Jacob and I would last forever because you think everything should last forever when you're eighteen. But seeing Jacob with a blonde, naked girl during the prom after party changed my mind. Although he tried to apologize and describe to me that Susie was drunk and hit on me without his consent. His excuse seemed plausible and I tried really hard to believe him but I couldn't which caused him to get mad at me. The damage was already done, our relationship was cracking and we didn't have the clue to fix it. That graduating year Jacob got accepted into a Washington college and I stayed behind realizing I was clueless about my future. Although I saw Jacob when he came home for holidays, it just wasn't the same. He was still mad at me for not trusting him and I was mad that he put himself in that type of situation. I could tell he was moving on and I realized I had to, to. So even though I still loved Jacob Black, that following year I was accepted into Berkeley College and never looked back. Well I did look back. Every day I thought of Jacob that was until I met Edward who finally showed me what true love meant. Now that I had finally moved on and that the past was the past, it was a shock to see Jacob Black standing in my doorway looking acceptably good looking. He was wearing black jeans, black shiny dress shoes, a casual white t-shirt and a black jacket. Just the way I remembered.

"Can I come in Bella or are you busy?" Jacob asked as he smiled.

I was speechless. I had not heard from Jacob in over three years and here he was in my office. The strange thing was that I swear my heart still fluttered as soon as I saw him. My heart and head were definitely not on the same page. I loved Edward so much, more than anyone else in the world but seeing Jacob was starting to bring back many memories.

"You okay Bella?" Jacob asked.

"Oh sorry, of course come in." I said realizing I had drifted into dream world.

I got up and offered him a seat in one of the leather seats by the fire place. Then I sat down beside him.

"You look great Bella." He said smiling again.

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