Bend And Not Break Chapter 8: Jar of Hearts

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Who do you think you are?

Runnin' round leaving scars

Collecting your jar of hearts

And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold

From the ice inside your soul

So don't come back for me

Who do you think you are?- Christina Perri- Jar of Hearts

Bella's POV:

I could feel Jacob's sweet lips on mine as he kissed me again, this time involving his tongue. He put both of his hands on each side of my face and kissed me hard.

"Mmm, Bella." Jacob said kissing me on my jawbone, then onto my neck line.

All of a sudden my phone vibrated again. It was Edward. Although anger consumed me with every time I thought about Edward, I realized there was no way I could be with Jacob. I just couldn't. For once I had to be the bigger person. I turned my phone off and looked at Jacob.

"Jacob, I'm sorry but I can't do this right now." I said pushing Jacob off of me.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Bella you are right. I am sorry I did that. Of course you wouldn't cheat on your fiancé. That is what makes you so sweat and caring unlike some people." Jacob said lowering his eyes. I could tell he was mad at Edward for what happened today but I knew he was also talking about himself and how he had cheated on me before.

"It's okay Jacob." I said as I sighed.

"So what are you going to do? Go back to your house?" Jacob asked giving me some space.

I sighed again looking at him. I didn't really know what I was going to do. I didn't really want to see Edward and I wasn't in the mood to hear his explanation of the incident. I figured I would go home tomorrow and then talk to him with a clear head, but until then I needed somewhere to go for the night. So I told Jacob my dilemma and of course he invited me to stay over at his house. He even promised nothing would happen between us and I could sleep in the guest room. Although I knew it would be strange sleeping in my ex's house, I really didn't have another option. So I accepted his invitation and kept my phone turned off.

Instead of going to directly to bed, Jacob and I stayed up watching TV, eating pizza and talking. I hated to admit, but it was nice. It seemed Jacob had changed since we had gone out and it was nice to see how mature he had become. He seemed like a completely different person who actually cared about me. We laughed and discussed the old times and again he apologized for being a jerk. When I went to bed, Jacob kissed me. Then I went to bed and tried to sleep, although all night I thought about Edward and Tanya. The image of those two together kept playing in my head like a movie, I didn't know what had happened but it pained me to see my lover with another woman. Every time I played that image in my head my heart kept breaking. I wiped the tears away from my eyes with the blankets and turned on my side, hoping that I would fall asleep, but I knew that would be very unlikely.

However it seemed like I in fact fell asleep because next thing I knew I could feel the sun's rays shining through the window across my face. I got up, dressed and sighed. I felt awful, tired and heartbroken. Although I felt a wave of anxiety hit at the thought of seeing Edward today, I knew I had to. I had to find out what was going on. I couldn't just run from things, I had to be mature. I grabbed my phone and because I was curious, I turned it on. There were 15 missed calls and 20 missed text messages. I skimmed the messages and some of them said, Bella I am so sorry it isn't what you think. But how was I supposed to think? I decided instead of reading them all I would read the most recent one, which was sent at 630 am this morning. Hey Bella, I can't leave things a mess so I'm going to work from home today so I hope you will come around so we can talk things over. I love you so much please believe that Bella, it wasn't my fault.

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