Bend And Not Break Chapter 15: Bend And Not Break

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Try to understand there's an old mistake that fools will make

And I'm the king of them, pushing everything that's good away

Wont you hold me now (I will not bend I will not break)

Wont you hold me now (I will not bend I will not break)

I am fairly agile

I can bend and not break

Or I can break and take it with a smile

And I am so resilient

I recover quickly

I'll convince you soon that I am fine-

Bend And Not Break Dashboard Confessional

Bella's POV:

"Jacob why are you doing this? Where are you taking me? Where is Edward?" I asked frantically as my heart started to beat so loud, I thought it was going to beat right out of my chest. I was scared and terrified and every time I saw the steel gun Jake was holding, my body would start to shake all over. I couldn't believe Jake was doing this! I was his friend! Or at least I thought I was. I was so surprised Jake was doing this because he was always nice and kind to me, never mean or abusive. But now it seemed as though I didn't know him at all. I was also worried about Edward! I didn't know what I would do if anything was to happen to him! I hoped he was okay. I wondered where he was and what Tanya had to do with anything, I thought she was in jail. My head was spinning like a Ferris wheel and all I wanted to do was lay in bed with Edward and our baby.

"Shut up Bella and get in the car." Jacob demanded as he shoved me into his red Cruz.

"Where are we going? I thought you were my friend! Jake!" I yelled as I fell onto the passenger seat.

"I swear to god if you don't shut up I will shoot!" He yelled as he pointed the gun to my face. I gulped as I saw the steel barrel just a few meters from my face. Even though I wanted answers to the million of questions bubbling in my head, I knew it was best if I shut my mouth.

Then Jake started the car and drove off down the street. I looked out the window trying to figure out where we were headed, but I couldn't; nothing looked familiar!

"Oh and for your information Bella we are friends and once Tanya is done with Edward you will not only be my friend but my girlfriend as well." Jake said as he turned around a sharp corner.

"What are you talking about? What is going on with Edward? You will never be my boyfriend!" I shouted.

"What did I tell you?" Jake yelled as he swung the barrel of the gun against my face, knocking me out on impact.

My eye lids felt like weights as I tried to open them but I felt groggy and tired. My head was pounding like a drum. I tried to move my limbs but I couldn't. I couldn't move anything. My heart started to beat as my eyes became focused and I released I was sitting on a chair with my hands and feet tied with thick rope. I looked around and saw that I was sitting in a basement in which seemed to be a house.

All of a sudden I heard a moan; it was coming from the far side of the basement. It was dark so all I could see was a dark outline of a body but as soon as I heard another moan, I realized the body belonged to Edward!

"EDWARD! ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED?" I cried out realizing Edward was in bad shape. I didn't know what happened to him, but I knew he was hurt really bad.

"Bella...." Edward said struggling with each breath he took.

But before I could respond, I heard footsteps and then I heard his voice.

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