Bend And Not Break Chapter 3: Peacock

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Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?

-Peacock Katy Perry!

"Bella why are you talking about Jacob Black?" Edward asked as I froze.

As soon as I heard Edward's gentle voice, I thought my heart had jumped into the middle of my throat. I felt as though someone had knocked the wind out of me, I was that surprised. I did not hear him come into the kitchen and I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. I had told Edward about Jacob awhile ago, but I knew Edward wasn't stupid and if there was something going on with Jacob he would want to know. I didn't want to lie to him but I didn't know how to tell him about my morning with Jacob.

"Bella what is wrong? Why did you just mention Jacob Black?" He asked realizing that my silence wasn't a good thing. He walked closer to me and turned me around so I was facing him. Oh how I could stare at his beautiful eyes and smile forever. Actually that is what I wanted to do instead of discussing my ex.

"I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how you would react... Jacob came to visit me at the office this morning to tell me that he has moved back here." I said trying to avoid Edward's glance. I know I hadn't done anything wrong but I still felt like he would be mad.

"Oh he is back? That is good, did he say anything else?" Edward asked in a calm tone.

"Well he did say that he wanted to catch up and that he was sorry for not keeping in contact." So I didn't give him all the details or how my stomach began to flutter when I saw Jacob.

"He wanted to catch up? Do you think you want to be friends with him after what he did to you?" Edward asked.

Wait! Edward didn't seem mad. He actually didn't seem too bothered by it at all.

"I don't know I might want to see what he has to say and see where it goes. Wait your not mad that he is back?" I asked surprised again by Edward's reaction.

"Of course I am not mad babe; I just don't want you to get hurt. I don't mind if you talk to him again, I just want to make sure you're ready to face him again. I love you very much Bella Swan and I trust you but I am going to watch over this guy to make sure he doesn't try anything." Edward said as he pulled me into a hug.

I smiled. I was so lucky to have an understanding fiancé. Maybe I was the one going crazy. Since Edward was okay with everything I would be too.

Then Edward released me and looked at me.

"Bella I want you to know you can tell me anything! I trust you with my life and I want to be that person you can tell anything to! I love you so much." He said as he kissed me on the lips. His sweet lips tasted like sugar.

"I love you too Edward and I can't wait to get married!" I said as I kissed him back.

"Me too, Mrs. Cullen!" He said as we both smiled and hugged each other again.

"I think I like it! C'mon Edward you better try my pasta while it's still warm!" I said my smile never faded as I grabbed the plates and placed the pasta on them. I was so happy. I had the best fiancé in the world. He was my sun and with him my life was always going to be bright I knew it. I couldn't wait to be married to him.

"This looks so good Bella! Did you want some white wine with dinner?" He asked as he helped me put the glasses and utensils on the table.

"Yes please Edward." I replied as I put our plates on the table. I sat down and waited for Edward to come up from the cellar. When he did he corked the wine bottle and poured two glasses of wine. Then we started to eat.

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