Bend And Not Break Chapter 6: Push

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Maybe you should just shut up

Even when it gets tough

Baby 'cause this is love.

And you know when push comes to shove

It's gonna take the both of us

Baby, this is love

Baby, this is love- Push Avril Lavigne

Dear Edward,

Thank you for all of your help today and I can't wait to go to Luigo's with you.


Tanya Denali

What? Edward was taking Tanya to our Italian restaurant? He said it was our spot and that he would never bring clients there. All of a sudden I wasn't worried about not receiving my sexual release, now I was worried about Tanya.

Bella's POV:

For the last hour of work all I thought about was Tanya and the letter I read, which was now staring in front of me across my desk. It felt as though someone was squeezing my heart and was refusing to let go; that's how jealous I was. I wanted to know what was going on between him and Tanya. I trusted Edward with all of my heart so I had to believe nothing was happening and that maybe Tanya's letter was wrong. But I had a funny feeling Edward was taking Tanya out to Luigos.

I glanced at the clock, it read 6:00, and it was time for me to leave. Thank goodness I thought to myself, I knew I would go crazy if I had to spend more time in this cramped office. I got my things organized and grabbed the folder which had Tanya's note. I placed it in my black brief case. I knew Edward wouldn't be at his office because Edward love to come home early to fix me dinner; he loved to cook for me and I loved watching him cook. So I took a big breathe and ended hope, knowing somehow I had to ask Edward about Tanya without seeming like a bitchy, jealous wife!

As soon as I entered the house, I could smell the scent of Spaghetti and garlic bread; it smelt delicious. I took off my coat and shoes as I placed the briefcase on the floor. I stared at it; it was like a ticking time bomb. I was afraid what would happen when the bomb exploded.

"Hey beautiful, how was the rest of your day?" Edward asked as he greeted me, pretending that he did not refuse my climax earlier today.

"It was good thanks!" I said as I kissed him on his cheek and walked into the kitchen, where the amazing aroma hit me full force.

"Wow this smells so good Edward! You didn't have to!" I said examining the spaghetti.

"Of course I did Bella; you are my beautiful wife and deserve a beautiful meal." Edward said as he took me in his arms and hugged me tight.

I sighed. It had been a long day and I was glad to be in Edward's safe, tight arms.

"So are you ready for Edward's super spaghetti?" Edward asked.

I nodded my head, realizing that I was very hungry. Edward made me sit down as he gathered the food and placed a plate of spaghetti in front of me. He took out the garlic bread from the oven, placed the pieces in a bread basket and set it down on the table. Then he took out a bottle of white wine from the cellar and poured both of us a glass.

"Cheers!" He said as we clinked glasses.

"This looks so good Edward!" I said as we began to eat.

Edward started talking about his day, without mentioning Tanya and I talked to Edward about my day without mentioning Jacob, but all that was about to change when Edward's phone, which was placed on the kitchen counter began to ring. I thought Edward would ignore it but he got up and went for his phone. I thought again he would ignore it and continue to join me for dinner but he didn't.

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