Bend And Not Break Chapter 11: Ball and Chain

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I just wanna be your ball and chain

Wrapped around your finger

Locked up, tied me down

Follow you forever

Never let you get away,

Holding on like a ball and chain

I never wanted to stay

In one place too long

Oh no, not me, I didn't wanna be

A victim of that fatal touch

When you want someone too much but

You, you'll be the end of me-

Ball and Chain- B-44

Bella's POV:

Great news Jacob, Edward believed me when I told him the meeting was pushed up a few hours. Now I will be able to make Edward mine! I hope you will be able make Bella yours too! Good luck!


What? I felt as though my world was crumbling. I quickly put the phone down and stood up. However as soon as I did that I felt as though the world was spinning. All of a sudden I felt a wave of nausea hit as I ran to the sink and vomited.

"Bella, what are you doing here? Are you okay?" I heard Jacob ask as he started to walk towards me.

"Don't come near me Jacob Black!" I said as I cleaned my face with a face cloth which was on the counter. Although it felt as though there were a million of butterflies flying around in my stomach I knew I had to confront Jacob. I had to.

"What are you talking about Bella? What is wrong? Did you talk to Edward, what happened?" Jacob asked again.

I could feel my heart start to spin as I held onto the counter for balance, which caused me to worry. I didn't know why I was sick, I kept telling myself it was stress related but something in my head was telling me it wasn't.

"Bella, what is wrong with you?" Jacob asked as he started walking closer to me.

"Stop it! I don't you not to come near me!" I exclaimed as I ignored my symptoms and turned around to face Jacob.

"How could you Jacob! I thought you were my friend, I thought you came here to fix things but now I know that was a lie! Now I know everything you have ever done or said was a lie." I yelled still holding onto the counter for balance.

"What are you talking about Bella? I would never lie to you, you know that!" Jacob answered as his brows furrowed. Although he was trying to act surprised I was not buying his act.

"I know about everything Jacob."

"Know about what Bella? I'm sorry but I don't understand." Jacob answered.

I clenched my fingers tightly on the counter in rage. He was trying to pretend he had no idea what I was talking about.

"Cut the crap Jacob! I know you and Tanya have been trying to work together to break Edward and I up." I exclaimed.

All of a sudden I saw his face drop as his eyes went wide with shock. It seemed as though my words had sliced his tongue because there was a moment of silence where no one spoke.

Finally Jacob began to talk.

"What...How, did you find out?" He asked realizing that it was pointless to deny it.

I couldn't believe all he cared about was finding out, how I had found out his secret.

"That is all you can think of Jacob? You are not even sorry for what you did? I can't believe you! I can't believe I actually believed you wanted to be friends and wanted to heal my heart from the pain you put it through when we were dating. I thought you wanted me to be happy?" I cried out as all my emotion started to erupt from my body like lava from a volcano.

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