Bend And Not Break Chapter 4: I Keep Dancing On My Own

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Somebody said you got a new friend

Does she love you better than I can

There's a big black sky over my town

I know where you at, I bet she's around

Yeah I know it's stupid

But I just got to see it for myself

Robyn- Dancing on my Own

"Oh Bella you look so beautiful tonight." Jacob said in his sexy, velvet voice.

" Thank you Jacob, you look so hot but I think you would look hotter if you took off your shirt." I said as I smiled and blushed as my cheeks turned red.

"Oh I think I can arrange that Bella." Jacob said as he pulled his collared white shirt over his head, exposing his chiseled six pack chest.

"Mmm Jake you look so hot I just want to...."


As soon as I heard the razor sharp sound enter my head which evaporated my dream I quickly sat up in bed. I rubbed my head and groaned. Then I turned over to my right side expecting to see Edward lying on the bed like an angel but he wasn't there. In his place was a small white note which read:

Dear my beautiful Bella,

I was having such a great time with you last night that I forgot to mention I had to go into work early this morning, I have to hire someone to replace Keith and I have an interview early this morning. I hope you had a good sleep and I will see you for lunch. Can't wait to see you, I miss you already.



As soon as I finished reading his letter, I read it again, and again. I loved reading Edward's notes and how much he loved me. I truly did love him. He was the love of my life and I knew it was letters like these which would destroy the crazy thoughts I had involving Jacob in my head. I wanted him out of my head. I don't know why I just dreamt about him when it was Edward I loved. Even though I had history with Jacob, right now I was living in the present with Edward and nothing was going to change that. Nothing.

Feeling determined and less confused about my feelings, I pushed my dream out of my head and began to get ready for work. I put on my favourite pin stripe black skirt and pant suit with a white blouse underneath. When I finished my hair and makeup, I made my coffee and turned on my phone. As soon as I turned it on, a message came on the screen saying I had one missed call. Hoping that it was Edward's call I had missed, I checked the number, to my disappointment it was Jacob's. Then a message came on the screen that said I had one new voice mail. This time I knew I would be hearing Jacob's voice. I was right. I smirked at myself for being right for once. I listened to my voice mail, Jacob wanted to meet up for coffee, the same time I was having lunch with Edward. What a relief I thought. I didn't really want to face Jacob today. I wish he had never came here. So instead of phoning him, I text him saying I couldn't do coffee.

I drank the coffee I had made, quickly ate some toast and was on my way to work with Edward and Jacob both in my head.

Thankfully I arrived at my work building safe and I made my way to my desk and almost froze dead in my tracks when I passed Edward's office. There sitting across from him was a pretty woman. She actually seemed like a God. Her strawberry blonde, curly hair wrapped around her head like a halo. Her eyes were a light golden brown and her petite frame made her seem as though she was a model. She wore black stilettos, tight black dress pants and a low white and black polka dotted blouse which showed off her double D's. All of a sudden my eyes leared to something that made my heart drop like a ton of bricks into the pit of my stomach. This woman had her arm on my man, on my fiancé! What was she doing? I looked at Edward, he was smiling his beautiful smile. A smile I only saw. My heart starting to panic and waves of jealousy kept washing over me, drowning me in pain and sorrow. I shook my head, no it's nothing I said to myself as I quickly walked over to my office, sat down and tried to erase what I had just seen from my head.

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