Bend And Not Break Chapter 16: A New Day Has Come (Last Chapter)

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I just want to say this is the end of this story! I thought I was going to add more but I feel this is where I wanted it to end!  Thank you for reading and voting!

I was waiting for so long

For a miracle to come

Everyone told me to be strong

Hold on and don't shed a tear

Through the darkness and good times

I knew I'd make it through

And the world thought I had it all

But I was waiting for you-

Celine Dion- A New Day Has Come


It had been two weeks since everything with Jake and Tanya. Thankfully since that day, my life had finally started to stop spinning out of control. Although there were nights where I still thought of Jake and Tanya, I knew they could not hurt us anymore. I also knew that if I spent all my time stressing about the past, it could hurt Hayley and I didn't want. Not at all. So since Edward started to work from home, he was the one who took care of me and made sure I was well rested and fed every day. He was amazing and so patient. He held me close until I fell asleep and always made me breakfast, lunch or even dinner in bed. He massaged my body when it ached and rubbed my stomach so he could feel Hayley's kicks. Edward always kissed me and always went out shopping for BBQ flavoured things. I knew I was spoiled and that I was damn lucky to have a man like Edward in my life. I didn't know how I became so lucky but now I knew, especially after everything we had been through that I wanted now more than ever to raise a family with him.

I sighed as I leaned against the head board of my bed. I rubbed my gigantic stomach and smiled. The doctor said Hayley could be born any day now and I hated waiting, I was very impatient. I couldn't wait to hold my baby girl in my arms. I hoped Hayley would hurry home and come out of my stomach already!

"Hey are you okay love? Do you need anything?" Edward said as he walked into our bed room.

"I am great thanks Edward; I just wish she was out already." I said rubbing my stomach slowly.

"I know love, me too! I can't wait to see our beautiful daughter." He answered as he walked up to the bed, sat down and rubbed my stomach.

"She is going to be beautiful isn't she?" I asked smiling to myself.

"Of course." Edward said as he leaned back against the head rest beside me.

"Edward...I just want to say thank you for being so patient and loving I couldn't do anything of this without you. I hope we don't have to deal with any more drama. I am glad you are okay and that have you. I love you so much and I can't wait to raise our family together." I said rubbing his arm softly.

"Oh Bella, you have no idea how much you mean to me! I love you so much and I would die if something were to ever happen to you! I am so honoured and blessed to be having a little girl with you. However I know if something does happen, I know if we have each other, we can get through anything!" Edward said as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled and was about to hug him but a sharp pain shot through my body, as though someone had stuck a knife in the side of my stomach.

"Ahhhh." I cried out as I looked down.

"'s...time." I said through uneven breaths.

"Ahhh." I cried out again as another contraction tightened the insides of my stomach.

"It's okay Bella, just breathe." He said with uneven breaths too. Then he picked me up, put me in his car and sped off to the hospital.

"Don't worry Bella it is going to be okay. Soon we will have a beautiful girl. I promise I am not going anywhere." Edward said as he held my hand as they placed me on a bed in a white room.

All I could do was moan as the pain became more intense; I thought I was actually going to die. The nurses told me to breathe deeply and push when they told me to. I didn't think I could do it. I didn't think I could push because I was already so tired and weak. At that moment I thought there was no way I could deliver this baby.

But after 8 hours of hard labour, Hayley Ann Cullen was finally born.

I almost cried when the nurses handed me this small baby wrapped in a pink blanket. She was so perfect. So beautiful.

"Hi Hayley, welcome to the world." I said touching her small fingers.

"She is so amazing." I heard Edward said as he looked at Hayley in my arms. Tears were starting to fill his eyes.

"I can't believe we made this perfect angel together." He said gently touching her smooth skin.

"I promise I will protect the both of you until the day I die." He said as he kissed Hayley and then kissed me.

"I love you." I said to Edward.

"I love you too!" I responded as I looked at my family and in that moment I knew everything would be okay, because although my family could bend I knew it would never break.


Thank you! Again check out my profile for more works and stories!

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