Bend And Not Break Chapter 10: Secrets

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Tell me what you want to hear

Something that were like those years

I'm sick of all the insincere

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time

Don't need another perfect lie

Don't care if critics ever jump in line

I'm Gonna give all my secrets away- Secrets One Republic

Bella's POV:

"We can't do this anymore Edward, I love you so much but I think we need a break."

My words echoed throughout my head as I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. My cheeks were wet as a result of the tears which had fallen from my eyes three hours ago. Although I had finally stopped crying, my heart was still breaking in half. I knew I needed to fall asleep but my eyes were wide awake and my head was full of terrible, thunderous thoughts. After I had told Edward we needed a break, I went to our house and packed some of my things into a couple of bags. I was expecting Edward to follow me, but he didn't which made me angry because I knew he was still at the pub. My body became rigid at the thought of her as I clenched the sheets tightly. At first I was going to spend some time at a hotel but Jacob insisted that I stay at his house. Since I was overwhelmed with so much anger and hurt I said yes. After I was done packing I arrived back at Jacob's who tried to make me feel better by making me dinner and teaching me how to play poker. Although I knew Jacob had tried to make me feel better all day, I knew when I went to bed in the guest room; I would have to deal with my emotions all by myself. That was why I was wide awake staring at the ceiling.

All night I was thinking about Edward and how we used to be. I thought about how happy we were and how he made me smile every day. He was like the sun that always brought light to my life. I loved him so much which is why it broke my heart that he was spending all of his time with another woman. I still could not believe that I had seen Edward with Tanya twice in less than a week. It was like I had been slapped in the face, but the painful stinging had failed to disappear. I could actually feel my heart crack into little pieces like a porcelain dish falling to the floor. I didn't know how Edward and I would ever overcome this situation. But I hoped we would be able to work things out, which is why I didn't break up with him right on the spot. I sighed as I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes as I thought of Edward, the love of my life.


My eyes slowly opened as the noise echoed around the room. First I looked at the digital clock which flashed 5:30 am, and then I slowly sat up in bed trying to see where the noise was coming from. I finally noticed the noise was coming from my phone which was where I left it; on the desk. I walked over to the desk and saw that Alice Cullen, Edward's sister was calling me. I was surprised to see her name lit up on the screen because before Alice had left for Europe a month ago, Alice and I had become really close. She had become like a sister to me and Edward and I always tried to see her once a week for lunch or dinner, but that all changed when she decided to travel to Europe. Alice had always dreamed about going overseas so I was very happy when she left but I was upset to hear she would be gone for four months. Although she said she would try to keep in touch, I knew it would be very hard for her to do that when she was travelling. Finally I picked up my phone, shocked and excited to hear what Alice had to say.

"Hi Alice, how is Europe? I bet you are having an awesome time!" I said trying to sound happy and excited even though I wasn't.

"Hey Bella, see I told you I would stay in contact with you! Sorry I am phoning so early but I know this is the time you usually get up for work. It is so awesome here Bella, I will have to tell you all about it when I get home! But enough about me, how are things going over there? How are you?" Alice asked in her quirky voice.

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