Bend And Not Break Chapter 9: Jar of Hearts Part 2

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Edward's POV

I could not believe Bella had invited Jacob Black over for dinner. I clenched my fists trying to calm myself down but I knew it would be impossible for me to tame the furious fire raging inside me. I was so distraught; I could not even focus on typing my reports for work. I sighed as I heard Bella walking to our room. I leaned back in my chair trying to comprehend what had just occurred earlier that evening. As long as I could remember Bella and I had a great relationship, we never fought and we always trusted each other. But ever since Tanya and Jacob appeared, our relationship was crumbling. It upset me Bella didn't like Tanya because she knew I had to fire numerous employees at my work and it was rare to find a good worker like Tanya. I thought Bella would be happy for me and my business but she wasn't. It actually seemed as though she didn't trust me and that upset me the most. It was like someone had cut me with a knife. We always trusted each other and I hated that Bella could not even trust me with an employee. I wasn't sure why she didn't trust me; it wasn't as though I had ever given her a reason not to trust me. But I knew I couldn't be with someone who couldn't trust me. I hated being mad at Bella, but I had to show her it wasn't okay not to trust me.

I also couldn't understand why Bella was now talking with Jacob. I had heard for months how much Jacob had hurt her and I swore I would protect her for as long as I lived. I knew Bella, and I knew she was a forgiving person I just wasn't prepared for her to forgive Jacob so easily. I sighed again, releasing some tension. I had a really bad feeling about Jacob and I guess I was afraid he would take my love away from me. I knew Jacob was Bella's first love and it scared me. It really did. I knew Bella was over him, but due to the events of this evening, I wasn't quite sure. The idea of losing Bella caused my stomach to rumble as I started to feel a wave of nausea hit. I couldn't lose her, even though I felt as though she was slipping through my hands like sand. I tried to focus on the computer screen for the second time, but all of a sudden I heard heavy sobs coming from down the hall. I placed my head in my hands feeling guilty, sad and angry. For the first time in my life I felt as though my life was falling apart and that I was losing the love of my life. I loved Bella so much but I was also very angry with her. Since when did my life become so complicated? I asked myself as I forced myself to get back to work even though my heart was breaking into tiny, little pieces.

I managed to work until two in the morning and because I didn't want to wake Bella, I slept on the couch until four. Before I left for work I snuck into our room and watched my angel sleep from the doorway. Her brown hair was fanned out across the bed like an angel's halo. Oh how she looked so beautiful. I stared at her, consuming her beauty and prayed that somehow we would find a way to overcome this issue. Then I went into the kitchen and was about to write her a good morning note like I always did, but as soon as I glanced at the table I remembered who was at my house last night and it didn't please me. I growled inside thinking another man was with my woman alone. Then I became angry as I asking myself why would, Bella do such a thing? How could she do that to me? The anger surged inside me like a tidal wave and I left for work without leaving a note for Bella.

For the next couple of hours all I could think about was Bella and the fearful thought of losing her. A thought came to mind as I was talking with a manager from Canada. Then I saw Bella walk past my door, but instead of ignoring her I gestured for to enter my office

"Come here love." I said

"Sit here please." I said as I patted my knees.

I knew what I had to do to make Bella realize that I was the only man that should ever be in her life.

"So I think we need to discuss something's like why you invited Jacob Black, your ex-lover over for dinner last night." I explained as I pulled all her hair away from her neck, so the bare skin was exposed for me to kiss. Oh god, how she smelt and felt amazing. I just wanted to touch her all over. I wanted to feel her warm skin on mine.

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