Bend And Not Break Chapter 7: Unfaithful

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And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful

And it kills him inside

To know that I am happy with some other guy

I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore

I don't wanna be the reason why

Every time I walk out the door

I see him die a little more inside-

Rihanna: Unfaithful

Bella's POV:

I woke up to swollen eyes and a silent house. I knew Edward had left for work early but I was hoping he might have stayed to talk things over, but he didn't. I sat up in bed and rubbed my face. I tried to prevent the tears from falling from my eyes, but they fell anyways. Edward and I hardly fight so it felt awful and weird that we were not on speaking terms. I felt as though my best friend was mad at me and there was really nothing I could do to fix things. I hoped things would blow over, but I highly doubted it.

I managed to slowly get out of bed and took a long, hot shower to wake me up. But I knew nothing, not even hot water would be able make me less tired. I got dressed and was hoping to see a note from Edward lying on the kitchen table, like there always was. However there was no note. I knew Edward was mad and although I didn't want to go to work, I had to. So I had to pretend that everything was okay at work, even though it wasn't.

It felt like someone had pushed the pause button on life because it seemed as though it took me forever to get to the office. When I parked my car, my hands were trembling. I was anxious to see Edward. I guess I as wishing he would pretend everything was normal and treat me like he always did; with love and kindness but since I knew he was mad, I doubt he would even talk to me at all. I knew some of it was my fault, I shouldn't have invited Jacob over, but he was my friend and I thought I had the right to see him. I know he had broken my heart into a million pieces, but if I wanted to forgive him, then I should be able to. At least I wasn't the one pretending my employee wasn't into me. I sighed, thinking of Tanya with my fiancée. I couldn't believe how clueless he was being and here I thought he was smart. I sighed again, gathering enough courage to enter the office. I straighten out my black pencil skirt as I exited my car and walked into the building. I walked into the elevator and walked onto the floor where Edward and I had our offices. I decided I would walk past Edward's office to see if he was busy, because although I knew he was mad, I didn't want him to be.

When I walked past the office, I saw Edward was on the phone, so I was just about to turn around when he made a hand gesture, suggesting he wanted me to come inside. I took a large breath and I walked inside. I waited patiently as Edward discussed his work with a client. I was staring out the window, day dreaming about a perfect world where I was in Edward's arms, when I heard the phone click into the receiver. I turned around; Edward was sitting in his leather, wheeled chair.

"Come here love." Edward said in a serious tone.

I looked at him and walked towards him.

"Sit here please." Edward said as he patted his knees.

I looked puzzled but I did what I was told and sat down. I felt as though I was five but I didn't argue.

"So I think we need to discuss something's like why you invited Jacob Black, your ex-lover over for dinner last night." Edward explained as he pulled all my hair away from my neck, so the bare skin was exposed for him to kiss.

"I am very curious Bella why you thought it was appropriate to invite your ex-lover when you have a lover right here." Edward said again as he put his arm around me and started rubbing my right breast thought my white blouse.

I could feel the pressure start to rise all around my body as goose bumps appeared across my skin. Then I felt my other breast receive attention from Edward's hand.

"Mmm." I moaned slowly.

Then Edward's hand dove underneath my skirt and started to rub my clit through the silk material of my panties.

"Oh, Edward..." I said as I started to feel an orgasm start to build inside me.

All of a sudden Edward stopped and lifted me up from his lap and stood up. He turned my body so my back was leaning against his desk. Then he took of my skirt and panties so I was exposed, like a delicate painting on exhibit in a museum. I was waiting for Edward to take off his jeans, but I was in desperate need to feel his cock inside me, but he just stood there.

"My love, you are mine and only mine! So I hope I will never have to see your ex again! I also want to show you that you're present lover, is a hell of a lot better than your old lover!" Edward announced as he quickly pulled down his pants and pulled open my thighs. Then he entered his hard, thick cock inside my wet center and thrusted in and out, in and out.

I heard him groan as he pulled my hair tight as moved his cock inside of me.

"Oh my god Edward, you feel so good inside of me! Mmmmm." I said enjoying the multiple waves of pleasure Edward was giving me.

"Good, I love it when my cock is inside you." He said groaning in pleasure.

Edward continued to thrust into me harder and faster as I held onto the desk for support. I even wrapped my thighs around his waist as he grabbed my ass.

"Oh Edward I think I am going to..." I cried out as I had my orgasmic relief.

Then Edward cried out in pleasure as he released his seed into me.

"Now that we know I am the best lover you could ever have, I don't see a reason in you seeing Jacob. Now please get to work." Edward said as he cleaned himself off and put his pants back on.

"But Jacob is a friend Edward." I tried to say.

"I don't care." He responded as he started to make a phone call.

I looked at him and wished we could talk about things. Although the sex was amazing, I knew it wouldn't be able to fix our issues. I also knew that I didn't want to talk about our lives at work so I made a mental note to talk to Edward about everything tonight. I am sure if I just tried to talk to him he would be more understanding, besides I still had to talk to him about Tanya.

I put on my skirt and smiled at him as I made my way out of his office. Then I went to the bathroom to get freshened up. Since my sexual tension had been released I was ready to get down to business, so for the whole day all I did was work. My day actually seemed to be going well, however that all changed when I left for work.

I knew Edward always left later than me because after all he was the president, so I wasn't surprised to see him, sitting in his chair, still hard at work in his office, however I was surprised to see Tanya straddling Edward. I froze. I looked again. Not only was Tanya on top of my fiancée, but she was kissing him and it looked like he was enjoying it! What? But that was the same spot we just had sex! Why would he like it? Why would he allow her to do that when he was going to get married to me? I felt as though someone had kicked me in the gut and that I was about to vomit. I knew Tanya was bad news, but this was something unimaginable to see, especially seeing Edward not even trying to push her away. I felt my heart was breaking into a million pieces as though someone had shot it with a gun. All of a sudden Edward saw me and looked at me with a shocked and saddened expression. Then he quickly pushed Tanya off him and tried to run to his door, but I ran down the hall with tears flowing freely down my face. I didn't want to wait for the elevator so I ran down the stairs.

"BELLA WAIT, PLEASE STOP, IT IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" Edward yelled, but I just ignored him. I couldn't believe he had done that! He seemed like the perfect man, but I guess nobody was perfect. I felt so ashamed that I had fallen for him. My body felt numb and cold as the pain started to penetrate my body, engulfing me in depression. I didn't know what to do. So as soon as I got into my car, I phoned Jacob. I told him what had happened, so he invited me over to his place and as soon as I walked in he kissed me as my phone vibrated in my pocket.




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