Bend And Not Break Chapter 5: Paralyzed

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I'm not paralyzed

but I seem to be struck by you

I wanna make you move

because you're standing still

if your body matches what your eyes can do

you'd probably move right through me

on my way to you- Paralyzed- Finger Eleven

I had so much fun playing with Jacob, it was like old times. My smile never faded from my face and I even beat Jacob! Yes Bella finally beat Jacob! However when I glanced at my watch, my smile faded, it was 4! Oh no Edward would be wondering where I was.

Bella's POV

As soon as I glanced at my watch, my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach like a steel weight. Every afternoon, regardless if he was busy he would try to see me and see how my day was going. I was always on time and accomplished my tasks. Not only was I worried about Edward being my boss, I was worried what he would say when I told him who I was with. I knew Edward didn't like Jacob, not at all. He hated the fact that some guy had hurt me and when I told him about Jacob, he swore to me he would never break my heart.

"Crap! Jake I have to go!" I cried out quickly putting the pool stick on the table.

"Oh my god Bella I am so sorry, if you get in trouble for being late just blame me!" He said sounding really sincere.

I looked at him and his concerned face. I knew he was sorry and it wasn't his fault. It was mine for not checking the time.

"It's okay Jake it wasn't your fault." I said as I began to rush out of the restaurant, but Jake quickly grabbed my hand.

"Hey Bella, it was really nice playing pool with you, I hope we can do something like this again." Jake said.

I smiled as I looked into his eyes. I nodded my head and ran to the office.

I had finally made it to the office and my heart was pounding like a bass drum. I was worried what Edward would think. But I also couldn't help what I did today. I hung out with Jacob Black, my ex and I actually had fun. It was a strange feeling to have and I was quite confused.

"Oh someone took an extra lunch break, I wonder what the boss will think?" Tanya said sarcastically as she saw me walk to my office, praying and hoping Edward was busy all day so he wouldn't have noticed I had taken a 3 hour long lunch break.

I ignored her and realized I really hated her and I had no idea how I was going to work with her. I didn't see any signs of Edward and I thought I wouldn't get caught, but there sitting in my desk chair was Edward.

Edward sat in silence as he saw me enter my office and close the door. I walked closer to my desk but he still didn't say a word. So I went to grab a folder but his hand grabbed mine.

"Where were you Isabella Swan? You always take an hour lunch." Edward asked, his eyes piercing my own. I couldn't tell if he was mad or curious. I took a breath.

"I was at Apple Annie's." I responded trying to look away from the intimidated look I was receiving from Edward.

"You were there for three hours by yourself?" He asked, knowing there was more to the story I was letting on.

I didn't like lying; I was a truthful girl so I had to tell Edward.

"No, I saw Jacob there and we starting playing pool, I didn't even look at my watch I am so sorry, I can do overtime." I said.

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