Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hermione was bouncing on and off her heels and Draco, though quite some distance away, was smirking at her. Nobody knew this of course, the return of many would mean their meetings would be perhaps less often and most definitely more discreet. Hermione welcomed her friends back with a warm embrace, thanking them for the Christmas presents and asking if they had enjoyed theirs. They each held up copies of books of different titles and Honeydukes sweets. "Yes Hermione, thanks for the homework." Ron said wrapping one arm around her in a short embrace. "I've already read mine." said Harry, who as always was quick to give Hermione a big hug. "Really?" she replied excitedly. "Nope." Ron said walking past her with a smirk to set down his trunk upstairs. "SO," said Harry quick to change the subject. "How was your Christmas?" Hermione sighed, "I've had a great time. It's been an excellent vacation." "How many books did you read?" Ron said, making his way back down the stairs. "Actually," Hermione said with a smirk. "I don't believe I read any at all." Ron and Harry chuckled to themselves, not realizing she was serious at all, she didn't try arguing with them either. "What's this?" Harry asked, referring to the single emerald necklace on her neck. "A Christmas present." she replied, absentmindedly putting a finger to it. Draco and Hermione had exchanged gifts a bit late, as Christmas had not gone quite as planned. "From?" he inquired, raising a suspicious eyebrow at its color. "Draco." she answered. Ron looked up then, looking at Harry then back at her. "I didn't realize he was staying for the holidays." he remarked. "Oh." Hermione said looking away from their curious stares. "Did you two spend any time together?" Harry asked. Hermione shrugged, "A bit." attempting to hide her smirk. "Well I'm starving." said Ron suddenly, to which Hermione burst out laughing.


"Draco." the sound of his own name made him jump, he turned to find the sinister smile of his very nightmares gaping widely at him. "Well done." Bellatrix whispered. "H-h-how are you here?" Draco attempted to demand. "Your work was almost complete. Severus just added the final piece," she said with a sudden giggle. "It's time." she sang.


"Professor, please!" It's important that you hear what I have to tell you." Harry pleaded. "Nonsense Harry, there is a time for everything and this is simply not the time." he replied. "It's about Draco," insisted Harry. "He's been ordered to-" "Harry, I assure you, there is nothing you can tell me on the subject that I do not already know." "What?" replied Harry, taken aback, "But how?" "All in good time, Harry," Dumbledore said with a wave of his hand. "For now we must focus on the task at hand."


"Hermione what the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" Ron screamed after Hermione, who was dashing out of the common room. "They're here! They weren't supposed to be! They're going to kill Draco!" she cried. "No Hermione! They could only be here if he brought them. You know that. We put our trust into the wrong person. You need to realize that now." By this time Ron had gotten a hold of Hermione, stopping her in front of the common room exit. "I know him. He isn't capable of this." she replied, her voice shaking with something Ron could not place. "He fooled us all." Ron insist, but she only shook her head in reply. Hermione, though there were tears streaming down her cheeks, had never looked so sure and so strong. Thought it broke Ron's heart to do it, for he loved Hermione like a sister, he realized he could do nothing to stop her. He sighed. "What can I do to help?"

There was nothing, apparently, that Ron could do to help but get out of Hermione's way. A convenient scream and crash from the dormitory saved Hermione from explaining so, as she directed his attention to the probably terrified first years up the stairs. Hermione scurried quickly out of the common room, before Ron could stop to ask questions or send more worry. Where was she to go? The Dark Mark, she remembered, had been cast just outside the astronomy tower, so there using her best memory of the short cuts Harry taught her, she would go. She tried to think not of what waited for her, instead trying to picture Draco, and thinking of why he needed her and why she needed to be brave. She would be his Gryffindor, as she had been from the start of her journey. She tried not to think what danger she might bring to him by presenting herself, a mudblood, in the situation, let alone the danger she brought to herself. She figured if they were here and he had done nothing to fulfill his task, then he had to be in trouble already. If she didn't go then perhaps there would be no chance at saving him at all, as for her safety, well, she had faced dark wizards before, she could do it again.

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