The Final Chapter

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"You killed my son." said Narcissa in that moment  of complete shock and terror, her eyes wide in astonishment. She rushed to is side with shaking knees and knelt down, a shaking hand reaching toward the one thing she loved most in this world, his lifeless body had to be no more than a nightmare, for otherwise Narcissa's sanity would be no more, but as she touched her little boy, she came to realize what was true. "You killed my son!" she cried again. "My Draco!" she wept, collapsing beside him, screaming now but not hearing it, nor did she hear the sound of her husbands wand dropping beside him, or his stuttering and stumbling over his own words as he put a hand over his chest. She took his lifeless body into her arms, rocking him back and forth, screaming in an excruciating pain like no other. "I didn't mean to. My boy. I didn't." babbled Lucius, tears streaming down his cheeks, the coward stood shaking and shocked. Finally it seemed, Narcissa heard him, a darkness captivating her then. She stood, shaking yet steady, grabbing her wand that had clattered to the floor beside her. "You killed my son." she said once more, her eyes clouded over in something Lucius had never seen. "Our son." Lucius tried. "MY son!" she screamed. "I'm-" "Avada Kedavra!" she cried, Lucius's eyes went wide in a new horror, it was this image, the flash of green over his disbelieving eyes, that would haunt Narcissa every night, forever printed in her eyelids next to the picture of her son, who she had at least avenged, and yet somehow she knew she had relieved Lucius of a terrible pain. She dropped her wand once more, and fell to her knees, her mouth slightly ajar. She looked only forward for a moment, into the twinkling night, until a girl appeared, blocking her view. This girl knelt in front of her, the shaky sobs erupting quickly and stopping short, as if she were attempting to control her emotions. Narcissa truly saw her then. Hermione, Draco had said, Hermione, Draco had died for, and yet Hermione, Narcissa felt no anger towards. 

There in that room, held a lifeless Draco, the man he despised, and the only two people in which he had ever loved. 

Thank you all who have stuck with Draco and Hermione to the very end. I hope you enjoyed the story. It's been an amazing journey! -jazzyjstar~

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