Chapter Twenty-Five

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        Hermione could not believe the amazing feeling flying brought. Flying on a broomstick was nothing like riding on the back of a Hippogriff, something she truly disliked. It wasn't like anything she ever would have expected. They were soaring through the air, high above the castle. She had only felt fear for a second, but it quickly melted away as she gawked with wide eyes at the sky around her, the world-somehow seperate from her-beneath. She had forgotten for quite a while that she was not alone, but holding on to Draco, until she felt him chuckling underneath her palms. He stopped, and the blur of the castle now froze into a almost too perfect picture. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Draco asked, and although she could only see half his face, she knew his expression was smug. "'s...." Hermione couldn't find the words, couldn't describe her emotions, speechless, breathless, and the know it all suddenly knew nothing of what to say. She couldn't help but realzie that this was not the first time that she had this strange occurence-it seemed Draco was always causing her to lose track of her thoughts.


Draco looked around into the open bliss that surround him. He found himself very aware of Hermione's arms crossed around his waist, and her posture no longer at an awkward state. She had grown closer as she got more comfortable, the tension no longer existing. Above these thoughts was the funny joy he found in seeing Hermione in awe, completely silent as she never was. 


    "This is amazing, Draco." she finally replied, and she finally turned away from all around her to look at Draco. Her eyes were sparkling, her cheeks rosy. " were right. I had no idea what I was missing." "Oh we've only just begun." Draco replied. "Wha..?" Hermione attempt. "Hold on tight, Granger." his voice was thick with amusement as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Draco what ar-" and then she was screaming, for they were descending into the night, faster than ever, the ground was closer and closer, and suddenly she was panicking. Was she to die on the back of Draco Malfoy's broomstick?! Then, as though the ride had not been amazing enough, as though she had not dealt with greater troubles, as though magic was a new concept to her...she gasped in surprise as Draco gracefully glided upward, and they were level to the ground once more. "Merlin's beard!" she couldn't help but exclaim, as she rest her head on Draco's back, for it had been almost too much. She squeezed her eyes shut, and allowed herself to relax as the ride slowed down, she felt her long hair rest on her back and shoulders once more, as it had been flying just moments before. The cool breeze swept through her hair and kissed her cheeks just as Draco brought them to a stop. She then untangled her arms from Draco, lifted her head and least attempted to. She found her self on unstable legs, wiggling and uncomfortable. Somehow, Hermione ended up on the ground, staring into the empty Quidditch field in bewilderment. Draco dropped his broom and knelt beside her. "Are you alright?" he asked, and then she began to laugh. Draco looked at her in confusion, trying to register just what was going on in her head, but then his expression softened, as he realized she was alright and he was letting out his own chuckle. "Have fun, Granger?" "Yes! I don't think I'll ever be able to walk's like getting off a plane and-" "A plane?" Draco interrupt. "A...oh! It's kind of a muggle thing, it takes them into the air to travel from place to place." she said, feeling quite silly as she had to explain. "Traveling by broomstick is a lot better." she added. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."


Draco had no idea how long they sat and talked there on the Quidditch field, he didn't care. They had never talked for so long, had never taken the time to get to really know each other...if they had then there might have never been a dispute between the two at all. Draco would forever be grateful for Hermione Granger. She gave him a chance, something no individual ever bothered to do, and yet she was the one who had sufffered the most from his cruel tounge. Again he had to remind himself that was all behind him now. This was not so hard to accept now, as he sat next to Hermione in the cool darkness. 


        "I can't wait to tell Harry and Ron I was flying." Hermione admit, as she thought about her friends reactions to the very idea of Hermione soaring through the air on a broom...on Draco's broom. "Wait till you can tell them you can do it on your own." Draco replied. "It's too dark now but I'll make sure you get to ride a bit during break." Hermione turned to him, her eyes meeting his grey ones, and she noticed...a new sparkle in them, one that she had never seen before. "I look forward to that." she said.

I'm getting really excited because thye are getting closer and closer! So fun to write...I hope it is just as fun to read! Please leave a comment with your thoughts...thank you! -jazzyjstar*

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