Chapter Five

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The next day, Hermione joined Harry and Ron, who were going to the Quidditch tryouts for Gryffinndors. Ron had never looked so nervous, Hermione had never really seen Ron play before, but how bad could he really be? Besides, Harry would probably go easy on him, being Captain of the team and Ron's best friend. She took a seat at the top of the bleachers, waiting for tryouts to begin. She noticed Ginny talking to Harry and smiled. Ginny had to have noticed the way Harry looked at her by now. Just a few feet behind Harry and Ginny was Cormac Mclaggen, when she looked at him he winked. Hermione instantly turned away. That smile was not for him. How strange it was that he was always looking at her. He was good looking, but Hermione knew that was all there was to him, well besides being good at Quiditch. Across the feild, Hermione noticed a group of Slytherins, sitting on the bleachers. She recognized Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and a few others. They were all huddled up together in a group laughing, and about a foot away sat Malfoy looking bored and distracted. The  tryouts began, and Ron was doing okay untill the Slytherins began singing a rude jingle, making fun of Ron. She looked at them with annoyance, and considered a few silencing spells, before noticing Filch keeping watch nearby. Hermione also noticed Malfoy, still slightly distanced from the group, and not singing a word. Hermione had never seen someone look so lost in their own thoughts, that is, if he was capable of thinking up something other than various ways to insult people.


Draco stared at a beetle as it crawled by him on the bleachers. He knew he was wasting time. He should be working on the vanishing cabinet, for his life depended on it. Not that it even mattered, Draco had no other way to look at it but this: His life was ruined already, it had been ruined for him. He was a death eater. Normally, if a Wizard or Witch his age were to say his or her life were ruined, they would be considered over dramatic, but Draco believed he had every right to believe so about himself. Draco had only one reason of going through with his plan: to save his mother. She was the only one in his family who really cared about Draco, and he knew it. Draco needed to stop with the pity parties and get to work. He got up to leave. "Where are you going Draco?" asked Crabbe. "If I wanted you to know, you would." Draco replied. No one questioned it, that was Draco being his usual self. Draco planned on going to the library for once, maybe he could find a book of vanishing cabinets that could help him.


Hermione tried to pay attention to the game, but since she never cared much for Quidditch, it was hard. At the corner of her eye she noticed Malfoy leaving the bleachers. Curiosity took her, and lead her off the bleachers. Alright Harry, lets see if your suspicions were correct. Maybe she could see where he was wandering off to and stop Harry from obsessively watching his Marauder's Map. She caught up eventually, staying a good distance away so that Malfoy didn't notice her following him. She knew this route well, but he couldn't actually be going to...the library?

Malfoy quickened his pace, so Hermione did too, suddenly Draco turned around and spotted her before she could hide. "Why are you following me, Granger?!" he demanded, pointing his wand at her throat. "I'm not following you. I'm going to the library." she lied. It was a good thing Hermione was always at the library, or it would have been obvious she was lying. She raised her eyebrows at him before turning away, and heading to the library on her own.


Draco stared after Hermione for a moment. Of course she was going to the library. This was Hermione Granger. He caught up with her. "Granger, do you think you could help me find a book?" he asked, then instantly felt stupid. "Why would I help you? Why would you even want my help? I'm just a stupid useless mudblood, remember?" she asked, speeding up. His own words thrown back at him were like a slap in the face. "I-I just really need to find this book, and I know nobody spends more time in the library than you." he replied quietly. Hermione stopped and turned to him. "And why should I help you," she asked. "I owe you no favors."  Draco knew she didn't. He couldn't believe he was asking a favor from her. Just as he was about to leave and tell her to forget about it, Professor Mcgonagall came down the hallway with her arms crossed. She stopped in front of Draco and Hermione and peered at them over her glasses. "Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, what is the meaning of all this noise? Just go find him his book Ms. Granger, I don't doubt it will take you long. Lower your voices, especially when you get into the library." she said before turning into her classroom. Draco heard Hermione sigh next to him. "What book do you need so badly, Malfoy?" she hissed. I sighed. "Ever heard of a vanishing cabinet?"

Alright there's chapter five. The next chapter will take us to the library with Draco and Hermione. I know it's  kind of short but I will try to make the next one longer. I hope you guys are enjoying it! Leave a comment with your thoughts, and go check out my new fanfic. I'm working on a Hunger Games fanfic, all about Rue! Thanks! -jazzyjstar*

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