Chapter Ten

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"Up until now I thought you were the smartest girl I knew, now I'm thinking you've gone a bit mad." was Harry's reply when Hermione told Harry what had happened in the library. Ron laughed and nodded in agreement. "What?" asked Hermione. "Hermione you can't be serious." said Ron. "I am very serious! Something is going on...and I'm going to the Room of Requirement with or with out you tonight. So what will it be, boys?" she asked raising an eyebrow. Ron and Harry looked at each other puzzled, Harry turned to her and said, "Blimey Hermione, why would you even trust him? You know how much that git hates us. Why would he invite us to tell us all about something that could cost his and daddy's precious little lives? It's a trap, Hermione." "No. It isn't. You weren't there, you didn't see him, he looked like- I can't even begin to explain it. Harry, I believe him, he needs us." she said. "No. Absolutely not. We aren't going. That's the end of it." said Harry and like always, Ron agreed. "Fine. I'm going on my own." she said and she turned to the door, to leave the Gryffindor common room. There was the sound of movement behind her and Harry caught her arm. "Hermione please don't go, you know Ron and I can't let you go alone." he begged. Hermione shook her head. "I'm doing this." He sighed. "Come on Ron, we are going for a walk."


Draco paced up and down in the Room of Requirement. At the moment, the Room  was nothing but a nice sitting area, a place for them to talk in private. He couldn't believe he was doing this, he was risking everything. The chances of him coming out of this alive were slight, and his family...Draco didn't want to think about it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the pocket watch his mother gave to him when he was much younger. "For my handsome boy, Mummy loves you." was engraved on the back. Draco let the tears fall, for the first time in years. If he loved anyone in this world, it was his mother. Now he was throwing her life away, but he knew that he was doing the right thing, and that's all Narcissa ever wanted from her son. 

It was about ten minutes later, when Draco heard the snap of nearby magic. Potter, Hermione, and Weasley must have arrived. Draco wiped his eyes, in case of any left over tears, and stood. In came the famous trio, looking suspicious. He noticed Harry and Ron held their wands firmly at their sides, in case use was necessary. He almost wanted to smile when he noticed Hermione wasn't holding hers. A small sign that perhaps he had earned a bit of trust from her. "Alright. We are here, and don't think that for a second we trust you at all. Ron and I have come for Hermione. Convince me this isn't a trap before we change our minds." said Harry. Draco pulled out his wand, causing Ron and Harry to lift their own. He lifted up his hands, palms out, and tossed the wand to the other side of the room. "I'm disarmed." he said. They lowered their own wands. "This isn't a trap, I'm not going to try and hurt any of you. I've made enough mistakes in life, please believe me when I say I can't afford to make anymore." he said. Draco watched as Ron put away his wand, his eyes moved to Harry, who hesitated. "Why should we believe that?" he challenged. "I'm about to explain everything, Potter." he replied. "Then start explaining." said Harry. Draco had a million clever lines popping in and out of his head, a million ways to insult Harry Potter, and on any other day he would have taken his chance. Today was different, today was the day of change. "I've made a lot of mistakes." Draco began and everything else came tumbling after it. He explained the reason why he spoke the way he had, he admit to being a Death Eater, causing a tidal wave of argument and insults, rising of wands and shock. The shock coming mostly from Hermione, who apparently had been the only one who had no belief of him being a death eater before. He revealed his Dark Mark, along with his task, and plan. They found themselves sitting. Somewhere in the conversation, they had all moved to the sofa's and Draco to the single chair. "..and that's why I asked Hermione to come here, and bring you two. I've made so many bad decisions, my family too. I don't want to hurt anybody, and I definitely don't want to kill Dumbledore. I don't have it in me...I need you to help me, save him." he said, and it hit him then, that this was the beginning of a new life, a new story. His life would never be the same now. The trio was speechless, until Hermione broke the silence, speaking slowly and quietly as though making sure she was picking the right words. "You've done us a great deed, Draco. You've saved more than just one life, by saving Dumbledore's. We'll do what we can to protect you and your family, and I'm sure Dumbledore will too." Draco felt his whole body lose tension, he nodded and whispered a thank you, before turning to Harry and Ron. "She's right," Ron mumbled "She's always been right...we can trust him, Harry." Harry didn't budge, he still looked at Draco the same way, with anything but trust. "How do I know this isn't a trap set by you Death Eaters?" he asked. "Now that I am positive you are one." It was a fair question. "I'll make the unbreakable vow." the words left Draco's mouth before he even agreed to them. Hermione gasped, and Ron looked startled. "Fine." said Harry, and stood. Draco stood as well, and grew nervous once more, he knew he wasn't lying, but the unbreakable vow was quite serious. "Harry, you can't honestly be thinking about..." Hermione's voice fell when she saw Harry hold out his arm, and Draco took it.

"No, he's proven to me just now, that he isn't lying," said Harry and dropped his arm. "I just wanted to make sure he was willing to go through with it." Draco let his arm fall to his side. No unbreakable vow. Harry was clever.

"We'll help you," Harry said. "We can meet here, every week, and come up with a plan." They all agreed, as they made their way to the door. Harry turned and faced Draco once more, a wall of childhood rivalry stood between the two boys, so for the second time in Draco's life he held out his hand for Harry to shake, and this time, Harry took it. Nodding to Draco, Harry left the room. Ron held out his own hand for Draco to shake, before leaving the room. Hermione gave a small smile and held out her own hand. "Thank you,"  Draco said quietly, "for bringing them here, and for trusting me." They shook hands, and that should have been it, but there was an unmistakable linger. There hands stayed in each others for a moment to long, and Draco noticed the color rush to Hermione's face. She dropped her hand suddenly,quietly saying a  goodnight, not meeting his eyes again.

This chapter was so fun to write! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Thank you so much for reading, please leave a comment letting me know what you think! Thanks! -jazzyjstar*

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