Chapter Three

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The next day, in potions, Hermione arrived early. Nothing in this wizarding world could stop Hermione from being who she was, the brightest witch of her age. She studied hard to earn that title. So of course, while the world was falling apart around her, instead of worrying, Hermione read. She studied, and lost herself in books. Being in class again gave her a positive feeling the way nothing else could. She never imagined it would be ruined by a certain Slytherin.


Taking a quick glance around the class, Draco sat at a desk full of Slytherins, as expected. He spoke to them, and looked down on everyone else, as expected. Then when Pansy Parkinson made a snide comment about "Stupid Potter, Blood Traitor Weasel, and their pet Mudblood", Draco smirked and added a few comments of his own, as expected. That's all Draco could ever do now, what was expected of him. He grew disgusted with the world he was living in. He was disgusted with the people he called friends, with Voldemort, The Death Eaters, and even his family. (Well, aside from his mother, who he knew lived in fear as everyone did now, and  wanted nothing more then to keep Draco safe.) Everyday, Draco even grew a little disgusted with himself.

While Professor Slughorn gave the days assignment, Draco gathered his supplies, taking note of what was missing. There would be a prize for the student who brewed the best potion, and Draco was sure he needed it more than anyone else in this room. "Liquid Luck" as Hermione called it, seemed to be the answer to his problems. He could always use a little luck.


Hermione tried once again to preform the same step, just as her potions book said to, but it was only getting worse. She sighed in frustration as she looked at Harry's perfect work. It was that bloody book he was reading from. "I am going to the supply cabinet, does anyone need anything from in there?" she asked, looking around at the group of Gryffindors close by. A few replies and shaking head told her the answer was no. Hermione gave her potion a little stir before getting up and moving towards the cabinet. A few of her classmates were already there, so Hermione pulled out her wand to summon what she needed. "Accio!" The jar on the top shelf came floating to her, just as she heard another summoning spell from behind her.  Another jar of a strange red liquid came forward quickly, too quickly. Hermione flinched, just as the two jars collided and crashed to the floor in pieces. Hermione jumped back in shock, and turned to see Malfoy with his wand in his hand , who's jar had clearly had just crashed into Hermione's.


"Now look what you've done! Stupid, useless, mudbloods!" Draco hissed, then shook his head and there they were. The words his father taught him to say, to believe. The very words Draco had been saying all these years, so often that he didn't even realize he was saying them most of the time. It was like swearing when you dropped something, or hurt yourself, it just comes out almost against your own will. These words were the ones he always wished he could take back. The hurt appeared on her face only for a second, coming and going faster than any snitch Draco had ever seen.  He realized then that in a world full of people like him, muggle-borns like her had to be strong. Suddenly, Potter and Weasley were at her sides, both ready to attack him with words or magic, maybe both. Draco would have deserved it, and he would have taken it had he not stormed out of class, as Professor Slughorn declared detention. Draco burst out into the hallway, once again becoming disgusted with himself.

Hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! -jazzyjstar*

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