Chapter One

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Hello everyone! I hope all of you enjoy my story...I am so excited to write it! This is a fanfiction, all the characters, locations, and more belong to J.K Rowling. Enjoy!

Chapter One:

Hermione Granger couldn't be more excited to get back to school. Everyone agreed, Hogwarts was home. She couldn't wait to board the Hogwarts Express and she was really excited to see Harry and Ron. She would get to see them soon, Mr. Weasley had promised to apparate and pick up Hermione to take her to The Burrow. Hermione tried to shake her worried feelings away. Voldemort was back. She believed it, she had no doubt, how could she? She worried about Harry, he had to be missing Sirius, she wondered if he had seen The Daily Prophet. Hermione thought it all over while packing, when finished she took her trunk down stairs. "Mum, I'm ready!"


Draco Malfoy set his trunk down. "Mum! I'm ready." Narcissa Malfoy glided into the room, followed by Lucius. "Draco-" began Lucius. " I know. You don't need to remind me of what I have to do, I am aware of the mess you put this family into." Draco snapped at his father. With one look, Draco immediately regretted saying it. Narcissa looked as though she had been put under the cruciatus curse. Draco knew how bad it made Narcissa feel, to know that the fate of the family was in his hands. Draco sighed, with a softer voice, and softened expression, he looked at his mother. "It's okay Mum, I can do this, it will be's no big deal, Bella has been helping." Draco tried to say this with a look that said he was going to be okay, and that he appreciated the help of his aunt. The truth was, he hated Bellatrix Lestrange. He knew he could be mean, but Bellatrix was evil. True evil, the kind that should be feared almost as much as the power of Voldemort. Narcissa looked at Draco and offered a weak smile. She rushed over and hugged Draco tightly, not letting go. Draco embraced his mother while looking up over her shoulder at his father. The lack of sleep showed on Lucius's face, Draco often wondered if his father would go mad with fear. Narcissa let go of her son, and looked at him once more with sad eyes. "We love you, Draco" That was not something Draco heard often, and it hit him like a bludger. He could only nod, and swallow the knot in his throat. Taking his trunk, and his Mother's arm, he nodded to his father, a goodbye.


After quite a bit of chaos full of letters from Hogwarts, hugs and tears (mostly from Mrs. Weasley who was so happy to have Hermione and Harry back) , Hermione, Harry, and Ron got time alone at Diagon Alley the following morning. However, Diagon Alley was hardly that at all, besides the amazing shop owned by the Weasley twins. Hermione didn't want to believe that this was the same magical place she had come to for the first time at the age of eleven. Diagon Alley was a dark and gloomy place now, it looked like the set of a muggle horror film, the kind Hermione would never watch as a child. When did her life become a real life set of a horror film? She wished she could turn it off. "Bloody Hell!" exclaimed Ron, shaking Hermione out of her thoughts. Her hand went immediatly to the wand in her pocket. "What happened!?" she asked. "Blimey, Hermione are you not seeing what we are?" Harry asked, pointing to the Weasley twin's new shop. It was unbelieveable. Dozens of children of all ages rushed in and out of the place, it was the happiest thing Hermione had seen in so long.

Other then a brief incident with a punching telescope, leaving Hermione with a bruise until given something to cure it from Fred, the shop truly was amazing. Even Hermione Granger was impressed with the magic. Harry looked at a special black powder while Ron argued over discounts with his brothers. Hermione soon found Ginny by a collection of love potions. Fred and George soon came to tease their little sister about boyfriends, sending Hermione into a daze, staring curiously into the bubbly pink bottles. She knew better than to ever use one, but still when she looked at Ginny, she felt a pang of jealousy. It wasn't that the boys that Ginny became involved with were boys she had interest in, it was just the thought of having a boy look at her the way she knew Harry was looking at Ginny. Hermione shook her head, and let out a little laugh. All the evil of the wizarding world was clearly making her go insane. With so many bigger things to worry about, it was such a silly thing to even think of for a second. She needed to get out of this crazy shop.

Hermione found her way to the exit on her own, telling herself that she would find Ron and Harry later on, right now she just wanted a moment of quiet. When she got outside, she went down to where Flourish and Blotts should have been. She stared at the dark windows with a frown. Suddenly she heard movement, footsteps maybe. She couldn't tell where they were coming from, and a wave of panic took her. She turned down the first ally she saw, and bumped into someone instantly.


Draco was supposed to meet Narcissa to get his robes, but had trouble finding his way around Diagon Alley now that it looked so sad and ruined. He walked quickly down the dark ally, Narcissa would be waiting for him. When he reached the end of the ally, he felt a sudden impact, sending him to the ground. Draco didn't hit the floor hard, and the girl he seemed to have bumped into got up quickly, then scrambled to get her wand on the floor. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you and I-" he began an apology but the girl finally turned to face him, blowing her light brown hair out of her face. "Malfoy?" Draco tensed. Hermione Granger. Muggle born. She shouldn't be here. " where you're going," he said, "Go back to Potter and Weasel, you shouldn't be here." "What is it that you are doing here then, Malfoy? I can go where ever I please." she snapped. "Fine, get yourself killed-" he began. "Yes I know, one less mudblood to worry about." she replied sourly. No, Draco wanted to say, I'm not my father, I'm not my aunt. "I'm not wasting my time, Granger." he said instead. He walked past her, intending to get to his mother. "Draco?" He turned. "What?" he snapped. She lifted her arm revealing his wand and said, "Silent disarming spell, I thought I had ran into a Death Eater...this is yours." You did run into a Death Eater. "Granger can do magic, wonderful." he replied sarcastically, walking to her and snatching his wand back. He paused and looked at Hermione. "Thanks" he said offering a small smile. No one would ever know he thanked a muggle born anyway, what was the point in being rude when there wasn't anyone around? Before she could reply, he turned for the last time to walk away.

Okay, so that's all for the first chapter. If you liked it please leave a comment with your thoughts. Let me know if you think I should continue this story! Thanks so much for reading! -jazzyjstar*

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