Chapter Two

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Hermione Harry and Ron had just boarded The Hogwarts Express. They discussed what they saw at Diagon Alley, when they followed Draco and Narcissa Malfoy to Borgin&Burkes. It was suspicious but not something Hermione thought to much about after. Harry, however, was completely unable to stop thinking about it. Hermione knew this because he continued to bring it up. "Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater." she finally said what he had been  hinting at for the past half hour. "Malfoy is sixteen, you don't honestly think you-know-who would let him in?" Ron asked. "Why not? We all know Daddy Malfoy is a Death Eater, he was there last year, and of course Draco's lovely Auntie Bella..." Harry stoped there. They all fell silent. "Harry, I'm sorry, and you know that. I know you hate them now more then ever. I think you have every right to hate Bellatrix and Lucius, but I really don't think Malfoy is one of them." Hermione said in a quiet voice. "Why not? He as always been blood proud! You of all people should know that Hermione, he made you so miserable you would cry!" Harry argued, while Ron nodded in agreement beside him. "Harry I was a little second year, making me cry wasn't that hard...need I remind you that Ron made me cry a few times as well over the years but I don't hold it against him. Yes, Malfoy is blood proud, but he was raised that way. When you hear something over and over as a child it's easy to believe it." Hermione replied.  Harry simply shook is head as  Hermione sighed, and pulled out her book.

When the train finally arrived at Hogwarts, Harry was nowhere to be seen. It really worried Hermione, but what could she do? She would notify a professor after she got off the train. "I forgot my book!" she exclaimed suddenly as she realized it. "You only have a billion, do you really need to get it?" asked Ron rolling his eyes. "Yes, Ronald." she replied. Turning around to enter the train once more. "Why not just summon it? Aren't you supposed to be the brightest witch of your age?" Ron asked. Hermione rolled her eyes. "It will give me a chance to look for Harry one more time." she said and turned away. Honestly, how could he not be worried? His best friend was missing! Quickly, Hermione found her compartment, picked up her book, and looked around. "Harry?" she called a few times. There was no sign of him anywhere. She sighed.


Draco exit the compartment where he left the frozen body of Harry Potter, only to collide with someone passing by. "Ow!" they both exclaimed. He looked up to find his eyes staring into a pair of brown ones. Hermione. "Again Granger?!" he asked in a tone that came out harsher than he intended it to. "I didn't see you." she mumbled. "We just keep bumping into each other, now I think you did it on purpose." Draco said with a smirk. "I'd say see you later, but I'll probably bump into you first."

Hermione surprised herself with a laugh she didn't know she had in her. Imagine that. Draco Malfoy making her laugh. Harry and Ron would have a fit. "I'm sorry." she said quietly. "It's okay, Granger." his smirk faded suddenly as he turned away, as though he had remembered something. He rushed out of the train without another word. Strange. Just as she was going to leave the train, Tonks appeared in front of her. She jumped back in surprise. "Tonks!" she exclamied when she realized who it was. Tonks held out her arms for a hug. "Hello, Hermione, I am just here looking for Harry." she said. "Oh, I don't think he's here. I was looking for him." she replied, remembering why she had come on the train. Tonks slid open the compartment closest to them, the one Draco had come out of. Tonks appeared to be concentrating on something Hermione couldn't see on the floor. With a flick of her wand, Tonks sent something flying , revealing a frozen Harry underneath."Harry!" exclaimed Hermione. Another spell, and Harry was able to move again. He stood, and retrieved his invisibility cloak as the train lurched to a start. It was on it's way back to London. "We better get off." said Tonks. They all jumped off the train and walked as Harry explained that it was Draco who hexed him and put him under his own cloak, after breaking his nose. Hermione did a quick spell to fix it for him. She thought of Draco, who had made her laugh after he left the compartment where he had hexed Harry. When Tonks was no longer around, and they were closer to Hogwarts, Harry told Hermione how he had gone with his invisibility cloak to spy on Draco and his friends before Draco found him. "I should have left you with a broken nose." she mumbled. "What? Me? What you should of done was broken his nose while you could instead of fraternizing with the enemy, the very person who has done his best to make our lives miserable." Harry snapped. "Fraternizing?! Harry when did you become so dramatic? You sound like Ronald. I wasn't, and if I had known you were in the compartment I wouldn't have been polite, but Harry don't act like you didn't go out looking for trouble when you went in to spy." she snapped. "I was worried about you and you are the one who went and did something daft!" Harry shook his head. "Clearly you weren't all that worried if you were outside the compartment laughing with Malfoy." he spat Malfoy's name like poison. Hermione decided she was not going to argue about this any longer. "Be mad at me if you wish, Harry. I did nothing wrong." Harry sighed. They had already reached the entrance to the Great Hall, and stopped.  "I'm sorry, thank you for fixing my nose." Hermione nodded before going inside.


Draco sat staring at the food infront of him. He wasn't hungry, how could he eat? With Dumbledore giving his speech, speaking kindly, giving wise words while looking at all his students fondly. How was he going to do this? His eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table, Draco was surprised to see Potter drinking a cup of Butterbeer. Potter. Listening in on his conversations. He couldn't have Harry figuring out his secret and exposing him. He wouldn't understand that the lives of his family were in his hands, that it was the only reason he was doing any of this. Draco at times wished he could erase those years behind him, where he was mean to any one of a different blood type. He wished he could make them understand. Those were years he had spent being foolish, not knowing the extent of his words, words that his father made him believe were true. His eyes moved to Hermione, sitting beside Weasley. She was the one that he had hurt most of all, and she was the one he wished he could apologize to the most. Maybe there would be a day when this was all over, where he could fix the life he had, for it had been destroyed for him at an age to young. Suddenly Hermione looked up, and met his stare. Embarrassed,  Draco looked away. His eyes landing on Snape, who had already been giving him  a cold stare. Perhaps it wasn't a cold stare, perhaps it was just Snape's everyday face. It didn't matter, it was enough to put Draco back on edge. The knot twisting up again in his stomach. He picked a  bright green apple from the basket of fruit in front of him, just as the tables cleared, and students were sent to their common rooms. Time to get to work.


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