Chapter Fourteen

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"It's time to go." Hermione said after they had finished removing the curses from each object. "If we don't head out now we'll be late for class." she added. Draco nodded in response, closing the trunk once more.  Hermione picked up her school bag and straightened her tie, then looked up to Draco who was doing the same. "Thank you" he mumbled, not quite meeting her eyes. "It had to be done," she replied. "Someone could have gotten killed." Hermione made her way to the door as she said this. "Yes, but... thank you for everything," he said and she couldn't help but stop and turn to listen. "For giving me a chance, for believing in me. Nobody else would have." he said, now looking her right in the eyes. "And they would have every reason not to." she replied. However, Hermione found she didn't want to be rude to Draco anymore after all he had done to show that he was sorry. Honestly, if Hermione hadn't thought he was worth trusting then she wouldn't have brought Harry and Ron to speak to him in the Room of Requirement that night. If she didn't think he was sorry then she wouldn't have had such a great time laughing with him about third year. For a moment, Hermione couldn't remember exactly why she had put such a guard up in the first place. "You're welcome." she said finally, then added, "Now we really are going to be late for class."


Not a single person was there to see Hermione and Draco leave to class together, nor were they there to see them having a small conversation as they walked side by side. It wasn't until they reached a certain hallway when they began to see other students walk by, that they parted ways.


Draco wasn't sure how he felt. Hermione was sometimes not willing to even look at him, then in rare moments she spoke to him as though they were friends. Perhaps she didn't know how she felt either. He didn't blame her. Draco had woke that day feeling different as he had for the last few days that he had been speaking to the trio. There was something amazing yet terrifying about siding with them. He felt a strange relief, and yet another weight on his shoulders. Draco supposed that there was no escaping the worry he felt for his own life along with his mother's. However, he now felt that he could escape the worry that he had grown to be just like his father, he could dismiss the thought that he was helping Voldemort in destroying the world and murdering many. For once, Draco knew he was doing the right thing, and he knew he owed it all to Hermione Granger, the girl who believed in him when no one else would have.


"How did it go?" asked Harry, trying desperately to turn his cup into a mouse, which was only the first instruction they had been given. Hermione had already done so and turned it pink. "Honestly Harry, we learned to do that in second year." she said, growing quite frustrated and doing it for him with a flick of her wand. "And it went fine, all the curses have been removed from their items. It's safe now." she whispered. "That's good." said Ron, who was sitting just beside them. "I just want to tell Dumbledore already." she admit and they all nodded in agreement. "Tomorrow," said Harry, then his eyes grew wide. "I forgot to find a date for Slughorn's party! Have you got one?" he asked. Ron rolled his eyes at the mention of the party he hadn't been invited to. Hermione shook her head and admit that she had not. "I'll have to ask...hang on, Hermione would you like to go with me? As friends of course." He said. "Oh that's a brilliant idea!" she said, and felt a sort of relief. She had planned on going with out a date, and didn't care to admit (even to herself) that it made her feel quite embarrassed. "Bloody party, teacher's pets..." mumbled Ron. "Oh don't get your wand in a knot." she said, then turned to Harry to accept his invitation.


Draco took a letter from his owl, and gave it a small treat in exchange. He saw the black parchment decorated with the bright green seal and knew immediately who the letter was from. His stomach twisted with disgust as the owl flew away. He didn't want to read it, but didn't want to risk not seeing important information either, so he broke the seal with a sigh. The small, messy print belonged to his Aunt, the quill she used had been enchanted to glow a bright green color. It made him feel sick, he read quickly.


Do not disappoint. Your task is the beginning of the revolution ahead. Remember: after Albus it's itty bitty Potter. We are all at the edge of our seats here waiting for you to accomplish the great task the Dark Lord had placed on your hands. This task was one I wanted for myself, and would be glad to take it. However a certain professor has made a vow to carry on this task for you if you were unable to do it yourself. Although I wouldn't depend on it, for the Dark Lord wouldn't be to pleased. Do not displease the Dark Lord, Draco. Be proud of the mark you wear, stay away from filth, make him proud of our family.

Auntie Bella

Hey guys! I can't believe this fanfic has reached over 830 reads! That is amazing. Once again thank you so much for reading, voting and not giving up on this story. Please let me know what you think of it so far in the comments below, or send me a message to my in box! Thank you! -jazzyjstar*


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