Chapter Twenty-Four

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        Hermione was quiet suddenly, her smile fading slightly. Draco who was laughing, was now letting out a few short breaths, resembling his laughter. What had happened? Neither of them knew and yet there they were. Hermione found herself suddenly unable to get her brain back into function. The only thought she could seem to grasp was the realization of closness. Somewhere in the back of her mind was the dim knowledge that told her Draco was staring at her, waiting for her to say something, she tried telling herself that this had gotten very strange very fast, and yet still there was no snapping her out of it.

        Finally, moments later, she was somehow able to manage just a stutter. "I-I um...I..." she avert her eyes from his grey ones, shaking her head and laughing a bit. "I suppose I drew a blank...ha! I guess I'm kind of tired, stayed up a bit late last night." she admit stepping back to help clear her head. "Yeah." Draco whispered, his eyes still locked. "Yeah!" he repeated, louder then, snapping out of his daze. "It happens." he said with a shrug. "Thanks for carrying my books." Hermione replied, not knowing what else to say, things were suddenly awkward, she had gone from comfterable to awkward in seconds! "Oh problem." Draco said with a nod. She didn't know what to do next. Hermione didn't want to run him off after he was so kind. 


        Draco shook off his awkward state, snapping back into his usual self with some trouble. "So...any plans besides reading?" he asked. "Well I was hoping to get ahead on that project Professor Filtwick was talking about....see I think he mentioned that we could..." and then Hermione was rambling on about school and Draco was back to smirking at her. "Granger, you really need to learn to have fun." he said, interrupting her sudden fast speech. She scoffed, " are you planning on spending your break?" "Not reading, not doing a crazy amount of homework, not whatever Hermione Granger plans on doing. That weirdo." he teased. "I'm not sure," he admit  "But I know I won't be doing those things, and neither will you!" 


        Hermione was feeling slightly offended but knew that Draco was simply trying to insure that she had a good time, as Harry and Ron might if they were here. Wouldn't it be great to write to them and be able to say honestly that she was having fun here at Hogwarts? (And it had nothing to do with books!) "Maybe we could go to Hogsmede every now and then but I'm not leaving my books entirely!" she added. Draco smiled at her, then reached into his pocket for his watch. Flipping it open he took note of the time, "It's not too late. Let's start this break properly." She hesitated, this was all becoming so simple. She was suddenly having trouble comprehending the whole thing. They really were acting like friends, they were becoming more and more comfterable with each other, and she could no longer find reasons not to. "Alright fine. What will it be?"


        "I don't know about this, Draco." Hermione said with a shaky voice. "Come on, Granger. If you can take on a basilisk you can take on a broomstick." he replied with a smirk. "I did not take on a basilisk, Draco. I just held up a mirror!" "Same thing. The point is you're brave-if you weren't the sorting hat wouldn't have put you in Gryffindor." he said. "But I really am not a fan of heights." Hermione argued. "I honestly cannot believe you have never been a broom." Draco laughed, clearly not letting go of the idea that she would be getting on one. "Where are we going?" she asked. "My room-you aren't going to ride on just any old broom, especially  not for your first ride." he added. Hermione wasn't sure if she was nervous or excited, as her stomach was twisting in all ways.  "Pure blood." he said when they reached the Slytherin common room. "That's nice." Hermione said, rolling her eyes at the preictable password. "Sorry." he whispered. He led her into the common room, where thankfully no one sat. "Don't worry-not many people here either. I think there's a brother and sister in first year who had to stay but that's pretty much it...anyway make yourself comfterable. I'll just be a minute." he said as he head up to the dormitries. She found her way to a velvety dark green chair in the corner. She looked around to the foreign fire place and colors that surround her. It was so different compared to her common room. "Ha-you found my favorite chair." Draco said as he came down. Hermione laughed, "Yeah finding it was easy-now I don't want to leave it!" she exclaimed, "Our common room seems very boring to me now." she added. "You can come join then. Be our brainy Slytheirn." he replied. "Ha!" she exclaimed at the idea. "Now lets see why the sorting hat put you in me some bravery Granger! Lets fly."


"Hermione!" Draco exclaimed between various fits of laughter. Hermione, at no surprise to Draco, was very stubborn.So to get her to do something she truly did not want to do was an accomplishment in itself, however if she was going to do it...she was doing it her way. "I'm telling you, there is no way to get on that broom stick while it's levitating. You have to mount the broomstick and fly with it." "But I don't want it too take off right away!" she exclaimed. "It won' have to..." Draco stopped, shaking his head. "Alright. You aren't going to want to learn until you've actually had a proper ride on a broom stick...and it is nothing like what they show you in first year." he added holding out his hand for the broomstick. Hermione handed it to him, and he began gesturing for her to come closer. "What?" Hermione asked looking at him in confusion. "You'll fly with me." Draco replied. "Is that safe?" "Yes, of course." he assured her. "Fine." she said, getting on behind him, an awkward task. "You're going to have to hold on." he said. "To what?" Hermione replied looking around. "To me." Hermione raised her eyebrows at him. "Oh come on, Granger. I don't bite." he insist, and a few moments later he felt her hands around his waist. "Here we go." he said with a smirk as he pushed off the ground and took a gasping Hermione on her first flight.

Thanks for reading...hope you are enjoying it! Can't believe there's almost 5 THOUSAND reads!!!! Please leave a comment with your thoughts...thanks! -jazzyjstar*

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