Chapter 4; What are you gonna do?

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Locker exchanges.

Let's just say, it's a hell pack for people with bottom lockers. We have to get there before everyone else or you won't get your stuff until everyone else is gone.

Sadly, that's the position I'm in now. So I'm leaning against the wall, waiting for the people around my locker move.

"You!" I hear a voice scream. I look over and see an angry blonde coming towards me. As she nears, I see- Oh it's Brim! I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and look around. I don't see any football players.

"You bitch!" She walks towards me and I'm taken back. She stops right in front of me. "You little slut thief!"

"Um, excuse me?" I asked. She was pissed. I couldn't tell why, or even what level of madness she is. But all I know is that it's pretty high up there.

"Don't act all dumb you bitch!" She yelled at me. People around us was starting to stare. Dammit, I hate this attention. I stood up straight. "I'm not acting. I don't know what-"

"You are such a lying whore!" Okay, I'm done! I threw my stuff down and clenched my fists at my sides. "Oh I'm a whore?! I'm not the one who slept with the entire football and basketball team!" She huffed. "I've never done anything to you! Why are you taking him?!"

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not taking shit from you."

"Reid! Stay away from him! He won't ever like you so get over it!"

"First off, calm the hell down, bitch. And second, I don't like him." She crossed her arms. "Oh your so gullible, you loser. Everyone of you think you can try to steal our boys. But in reality, they'll never like you. Your freaks. No one will ever love you. Your dad doesn't even want to see you."

I jump back a little at that. My dad lives near us, but yea... I never see him. That's because he's poor as fuck and has to work twenty four seven. But it's not like I have a relationship with him anyway.

"My dad may not want to see me, but I really want to punch you." She scoffed again. "Wow, I'm so offended by that. You know that's like the stupidest comeback I've ever heard, right?"

"You know I don't give a shit, right?"

"Look, bitch-"

I put my hands in the air. "Oh, nowwww we're back to bitch again! You want me to talk like a bitch?! Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch! That's all you do is bitch! You bitch about stuff, you bitch. Your a bitch yourself you fucking cunt! You wanna know something?! You wanna know why your a bitch?! Because your dad forgot how to use a condom! All right?! Yea! That's how you-"

"Woah, clumsy, calm the fuck down. What's going on here?" A husky voice said. Me and Brim both turned to Reid. He looked between us, confused. Brim batted her eyelashes and looked innocently at Reid, clinging to his arm. "Reid baby, tell this whore dog to stop calling me a bitch."

Ny eyes winded and I rose both eyebrows as high as I could. "Whore dog?! Oh hell nah!" I went to lunge at her but Reid wrapped an arm around my waist and lifted me into the air. I struggled to get free as he dragged me away. "Alright!Time to go clumsy. We don't want you to trip and punch yourself in the face."

"Shut the hell up, R!" I said, without thinking. I immediately froze in his arms. I could feel him tense and when we went around a corner he put me down. I turned to face him, flustered. But he was just smirking. "Fuck, Reid. I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up." I glared at his smirking figure. He shook his head and grabbed my wrist, yanking me to the wall beside him. I huffed and pouted. "Your bossier than my mom." Reid laughed and grabbed my wrist again, dragging mr back to my locker.

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