33; Hell

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The room was completely different from the fighting room. This one had darker, dimmer lights. And there was a small room with a door in it. Right now, a tall buff man stood in front of it like a guard dog.

Reid pulled us towards the door. He nodded to the man. He just glanced at him and moved out of the way. Reid opened the door.

"AH, theres my boy!" The door slams shut behind us. I look over and see Thorn sitting on a leather couch. Another man is sitting beside him, a huge cigar in between his lips. He smirks, looking up at Reid. All three look almost identical. It's freaky.

"I'm not your boy. Not anymore." The man scoffed. "Why can't you just learn to let things go, son? You know, let by gone's be by gone's." Reid squeezed my hand. "You beat me and mom both. I won't ever forgive you for that."

The man just smirks, then his eyes fall onto me. They run down my body slowly, staying on my chest for a while. I move closer to Reid. Reid's dad turns to Thorn.

"You were right. She is pretty sexy. We could so many things to her." They both started checking me out and I furrowed my eyebrows, getting mad. I squeezed Reid's hand.

"Look, you perverted freaks. You need to leave us alone. So what do we have to do to get that?" The two men smirk at each other. Then look at me and Reid. I know I told Reid I wouldn't say anything. But they were looking at me like some stripper. Plus talking about me like I wasn't there. Dicks...

"Well sexy, it's really simple," His dad speaks. "Next Friday night, you will meet me here at exactly seven o'clock. Alone, Reid. Which means you can't bring your sexy booty call with you-"

"She's not a booty call you jackass." He rolled his eyes and puffed out smoke. "Whatever. Just come here, alone. I need to settle some things and if your alone, it will be easy." Reid sighed. "Alright. So If I come alone, you'll leave me, Eden, and everyone alone, right?" He nodded, smirking.

"Promise, son." Reid nodded, holding out his free hand. "Deal."

The man takes his hand. "Deal."


As soon as we get outside in the cool air, I tug on Reid's arm, pulling him to a stop. He turns to me. "Reid... I don't know about this." He doesn't release my hand. He uses his free one to hold my face. "It's the only way I can make sure your safe."

I could feel the back of my eyes start to sting. "But what is he going to do?" Reid sighed and hugged me, digging his chin in my head. "Baby, it will be fine. I promise. Don't worry about it, okay?" I sniffled and nodded, looking down.

Two fingers slipped under my chin and picked my head up to stare into Reid's chocolate brown eyes. He smiles "Hey... I love you."

A big grin immediately appears on my face. "I love you too."


I lean over the table and rub my face. He tells me not to worry, and I worry more. He tells me he loves me, and I can't freaking think. Dammit, I'm gonna loose it.

"Way to not worry, babe." Reid comments as he sits down beside me. I glare At him and punch his shoulder. "Shut up. I can't help it."

He grabs my hand, forcing his fingers through mine. "Look. I don't want you to worry about this. It's my problem and this is exactly what I was afraid of. You always worry to much."

"Worry about what?" Amelia sits down in front of me. Reid sighs and eats a chicken nugget. "Nothing." Amelia crossed her arms and gave us that 'You dumbass' look. "I was right here when you said that, stupid. Now tell me what she's worrying about."

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