Chapter 18; Girlfriend

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Eugh! That damn bastard still hasn't shown up yet! I've been here for fifteen minutes! Yes, you heard me- FIFTEEN MINUTES! EUGH! I'm a very impatient person and he knows this....

So why the hell is he making me wait?!

Da fuck?

I pull out my phone and turn it on. When it does, my lock screen pops up. Which is a picture of Reid. After he saw what I did to his, he stole mine and did the same thing. But now I have a password on it!

I unlock it and go to my messages.


Where the fuck R U?

He doesn't reply. I groan and lean my head back against the wall. This is stupid! I'm just gonna leave.

I stand up and walk around the lockers towards the door, but of course, being me, I trip.

"How is it I'm always here to catch you when you fall?"

I look up and glare at Reid, then stand up straight. He wears a purple and yellow jersey with the number three on it. "Shut up. You made me wait! Where were you?!" He smiles and holds a jersey, like the exact one he's wearing, up. "I was getting this."

I look at him questioningly. "Why?" I ask, dragging it out. He smirks. "It's our new tradition. All the football players girlfriends wear their jersey's." He then hands me the jersey. I smile and take it.


"Thanks." I mumble. He laughs and leans forward, kissing my lips barley. "I want to take you to the field after the game, okay? Wish me luck." I blush after the kiss and he jogs off.

I look down at the jersey.

I've gotta beg my mom to let me go to the field.


Well... luckily after about twenty minutes if talking to my mom, she let me go to field with Reid. I knew she was gonna be hesitant because it was already late and going out with a boy that late. Yea...

But she said I could stay out until seven. I had to be back by seven ten. So yay!

I watched the game with Dexter since he was the only one out of all dour guys that didn't play football. But he watched it on TV so he explained everything to me. And let's just say... when I understood the concept of it, I was like a crazed fan.

Anytime the Vikings(Us.) Made a point, I cheered. Especially when Reid got a touchdown, or when Tanner kicked the ball into the Y. (I don't know what it's called.)

After the game ended, the score was 28-40... and we won! Yea, baby!

This was my first football game and damn, it was awesome. I never realised how fun football could actually be. It was really cool.

I jumped down the bleachers and ran towards the crowd of football players over getting a drink. I saw number five and ran over towards him. I ran over and gave him a huge hug, even though he was sweaty as crap.

"You won!"

He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Wow, I'm surprised you even watched it, clumsy." I pulled away and threw my thumb behind me. "Dexter taught me all about it. And great touchdown by the way." Reid smiled and took a swallow of his drink.

"So what'd your mom say? About going to the field?"

"We have to be back by seven ten.... but are you going there all sweaty?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Nah, I gotta jump in the shower. Here," He handed me his car keys. "You can wait in my car. But don't add anything pink like last time. I can trust you right?" I laughed and started walking off. "Bye Reid!"

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