31; Welcoming home

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♥♣♦♠Reid's pov♠♦♣♥

I softly brush the frizzy, curly piece of hair out of Eden's face. She is sleeping peacefully beside me with her head on my shoulder and her hand on my chest. Her breathing isn't like normal. It's actually calm.

I sighed, softly skimming my thumb across her cheek. I know she senses I'm not telling her something. And I'm not. It's a big deal. I won't tell her until I have too. Thorn and my dad is waiting an if I don't do what they tell me to, they'll take Eden without a second thought.

I can't let that happen.

Which means I need to handle it myself. If I tell Eden and get her involved, she has more of a chance of getting hurt. So I have to keep her in the shadows for just a little while.

She grunts and moves around a little. Then a smile appears on her face as she looks up at me. She slowly lifts her eyelids to let me look into her incredible blue eyes. It makes me smile.

"Morning." She whispers. I kiss her forehead. "Good morning, clumsy. How was your sleep?" Her waking up didn't stop me from softly rubbing her face with my thumb. Besides, I knew she enjoyed it.

"Mm... good." She mumbles, her small little hand starting to trace the outlines of my abs through my shirt. I shuttered and hoped she didn't notice. "Me too... I dreamt of you..."I whispered, softly kissing under her ear. It's her soft spot.

"Hey! That hurt..." i said, holding my nipple from where she just pinched it. Yes.. she fucking pinched my nipple. I love her but man that was a bitchy move.

Oh.... She still doesn't know that does she? Because I'm too much of a coward to fucking tell her. How long have I kept this in? A week almost? I need to tell her. Wait... what if she doesn't love me back?

You know what?! I'll wait.

"It was meant to. I don't need another hickey. My dad's getting married today. Purple doesn't go with red." I laughed and rolled her over so I was on top of her. I seemed to be doing this a lot lately and I can't help but think it's because I love her and am trying to keep it in. Just a way I deal with secrets I guess.

"But purple goes great with your neck." She rolled her eyes and punched me. "I swear Reid. Don't do it." I smirked and started lowering myself down to her. I kissed her lips and she instantly kissed back.

So much for that.

I slipped one hand up her shirt and held her stomach. She flinched so I held her harder, but softly. I kissed her the same way. The way she kisses me is what makes me come back for more. She kisses me the same way I try to kiss her. With passion, love, soft but rough at the same time.

It just does things to me that no other girl has ever done. Like make my stomach turn into a bunch of flaming butterflies. Or my skin get goosebumps from the way she touches me. "Reid... we can't keep doing this every day."

I smirk against her. "Why not?"

"B-Because something could happen." I pull away and look down at her, a little confused. She'd think I'd let something happen to her? If we were to do something, I would be careful and ask her anyways.

"I wouldn't let anything happen, E. Your my whole world, It's really
Impossible for me to hurt you. I know whats going through your head right now and trust me... if we were to have sex, I would ask. I've been a virgin too. I've been in the same situation."

She sighed and pushed me off her. I laid on my side, facing her. She did the same, coming close enough to me that nothing but our legs were touching, and our noses were only an inch apart.

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