32; The Truth

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I look up at my school as I get off the bus. I don't want to come back. I had fun at my dad's and I just want to be alone with Reid in that bedroom again. It's like the more I kiss him, the more I want to do it again.

But right now, I need to focus on the main issue.


I take a deep breath and go in the school, looking for Reid. But instead, he finds me. And it's quick. Pretty much as soon as I walk through the doors, he shouts my name.

I walk over to him. Okay... how am I going to say this? Just come out and say it? What? I swallow when I stop a few feet from him. He smiles and takes a large step forward, bending down to kiss my forehead.

"Hey babe." He says. I swallow again. "Hey R.... Um.... I ned to tell you something." He furrows his eyebrows, looking confused. "What? What is it?"

I sighed and just got my phone out, pulling up the message. I handed it to him. He stared at it a couple minutes. He didn't say anything, just stared at it in anger. Then he handed it back to me. As soon as I took it, he turned to the nearest locker and smashed his fist into it, making a large dent.

"FUCK!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He kelt his fist in the locker and leaned his forehead against it, squeezing his eyes shut. I step beside him and place a hand on his back. "Reid? Please tell me what's going on. I don't like this. I don't like the way your acting. You need to tell me."

He sighs. But doesn't move an inch. "He's going to hurt you..." He mumbled. I internally gasped. Did I just hear him correctly? "H-He's what?"

Reid stood up, tall and looming above me. His handsome face was just a cover of anger. But not at me. I knew that much. He squeezed his hands into fists.

"No. I'm not letting him." He said it in a demonic way. Like he was possessed by the evilest thing out there. He was serious. He wasn't going to let Thorn hurt me.

I bit my bottom lip to hold back a smile. He didn't let me get another word out before he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me back out the door. I perked up. "Woah, woah, woah! Reid I can't skip! It will go on my record! I-"

"You wanted to know what was going on, right? This is it. This is the only way you'll know." He started dragging me to his car. I swallowed, looking back at the school.

Well I wasn't there long.

When we reached Reid's car, he jumped in and started it. I quickly got in and buckled up. He grabbed his phone and put it on speaker, placing it in a little case holder glued to the windshield.

"Ah, my dear brother. I knew you'd call."

"Thorn. We need to talk." Reid squeezed the steering wheel so bad, His knuckles turned white. "When and where, Will?"

"The ring. In five minutes."

"Alright. But dad's coming. Bye brother."

Then the line cut off. I looked at Reid. "Reid, tell me what the fuck is going on." Reid sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Thorn and my dad found me. Their in a gang just a little bit up town... They found me a year ago. They wanted me to join their gang. When I denied it, they said I would regret it. Little did I know they were going to use this girl to do it. Jen was a part of their gang. But I had no clue of it. And we started hanging out... I wasn't the same player back then. I actually liked her. And she did too. She fell in love with me instead of killing me. When she confessed her feelings to me, I completely threw her away. Because I knew she was in my dads gang then. I was hurt. She was heartbroken and said she would never try to kill me because she loved me. She tried multiple times to get me back. But every time I told her to fuck off... Eden... she killed herself."

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