29; Angry kisses

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Song; Remembering Sunday by All Time Low.

♣♥♠♦Reid's pov♦♠♥♣

One fucked up sentence and now Eden's pissed at me. I didn't even mean what I said! I was just saying random shit to make her mad and I guess it worked! But I didn't want her thinking that I just did everything I did because I wanted to fuck her!

Dammit I'm stupid.

After Mabel introduced herself to Eden and Eva, she cocked her head at me. "And who are you sweetheart?" I held out my hand. "I'm Reid. Eden's boyfriend." I glanced over at her and she was just leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and avoiding looking at me. I sighed, looking back at Mabel, who was currently shaking my hand.

"Right, Lincoln was wondering what you were like. He is very exited to meet you. Come on now, let's eat!" She turned away and opened another set of large doors. These people are richer than me! By a damn long shot!

We followed her through the doors and I tried getting around Eva so I could sit beside Eden. Maybe then I could try to talk to her.

I tried stepping around her but Eva grabbed my forearm hard enough that I felt her long nails dig into my skin. She gave me and threatening death glare. She shook her head. "No Reid. Leave her alone before you say something else stupid. Alright? Thanks." She let go and I grabbed my arms, stopping in my steps. I looked down and saw the scratches on my arm that looked almost like claw marks.

Note; Don't fuck with Eva.


When we finally enter the dining room, it's almost like a museum. The room goes up at least two or three stories high. The table stretches out as far as a table possibly can. And everything's white and red.

Mabel sits at one end of the table and motions at the sides. "Please, take a seat." Eden sits down in the middle and Eva sits beside her. I jog over to her other side. But before I get there, a manicured hand plops a purse down on it. Which gives me two clues telling me it's not Eden. Eden doesn't have a purse or do her nails, unless you count black.

I look up and meet the mad green eyes of Eva. She smirked innocently. "Oh, were you going to sit here? Sorry, I have to have somewhere to put my purse. I'm sure you wouldn't mind sitting over there, would you?" I narrow my eyes in on Eva.

She isn't even near the damn seat. She's leaning over Eden just to do this. I clench my fists and harden my jaw. I look over at Eden and she see's how mad I am. Bur she just raises an eyebrow.

Alright... I see how it is. Your gonna make me work for it, huh? Fine. One second alone is all I need, Eden. Just wait.

I smirk. "No problem Eva. And just so you know... I think I saw a dog running around. And he's about as tall as the table." I winked at her before walking around the table and sitting right across from Eden. She just glanced at me from under her brown curls.

"Lincoln should be here any minute. He had a meeting with the governor about a new job." Eden scoffed and looked at Mabel with her eyebrows raised. "Dad? A job? That's new." Eden looked away, staring at the white table cloth in front of her.

"He got fired from Food Lion so I talked to my dad to set up a meeting with the governor. He wanted to be his assistant." Eva seemed interested in this. She leaned towards Mabel with an intriguing look on her face.

"How did that happen so quick? It usually takes weeks to get a meeting with the governor." How does she know so much about this? Mabel nodded. "Yes but when you have your father as a big Lawyer that's saved the governor's butt so many times, he'll do anything."

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