Chapter 19; Parents?!

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♠♥♣♦Reid's pov♦♣♥♠

Why is it that I can't help myself from touching Eden? Anytime I see her, I feel the need to touch her. Kiss her. Feel her against me. Anything that involves me and her. Us. Together. I don't give a shit if we're at school, I want to be with her. The field, hell yea I want to be with her.

It's been driving me nuts the past few weeks. We've been dating for three weeks and five days now. Yes, I keep track. Go ahead and say it;

I'm whipped.

Trust me I know. Dexter, Tanner, and Zander have all three told me that multiple times. Especially after the other week when me and Eden were at the field and Dexter called.... let's just say...

Dexter never hung up the phone. Plus he hit record. So he has that saved on his phone. See? This is why I hate technological people. Their so damn good with technology! I can't even figure out how to delete an app off my computer!

It's sad... I know.

"Reid, get open!" Tanner yells from the far side of my yard. I run to the left as Zander tries to get in front of me. I act as if I'm going one way, then jump the other. He falls for it and I run over to get open. Tanner throws the football and I catch it, then I run like hell.

Dexter actually was playing with us and he tried tackling me. But I ducked and kept running.

"Forth touchdown boys! Hell yea!"

They staggered over towards me. "Reid! Watch your damn language!" My mother yells from the porch. I laugh and wave to her. "Yes ma'am!"

"Dude, I think your on steroids or something. Theres no way you could've run this much without them. And still full of breath?" They all lean over and put their hands on their knees. I smirk.

"Have you guys forgotten? I'm a fighter and a football player. Two of the hardest sports."

Dexter scoffed and folded his hands behind his head. "I wouldn't call fighting a sport- ow! The fuck man?! Your turning into Eden." I laughed and shrugged. "It works."

Tanner was the second one to stand up. "Speaking of her, did you tell her about your parent's cook out next week for your birthday?" I shook my head. "Nah, I'm gonna tell her at school on Monday."

"You think she'll come?" Zander asks. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "Yea. Why wouldn't she?"

"Because she hasn't met your parents. If she came, the only people she'd talk to would be us four. And... I'm gonna go try to get some with Amelia." I rolled my eyes. "Amelia will never go out with you. She has a boyfriend. Plus your ugly."

"Am not!"

"Sure." I smirk. Tanner crosses his arms, taking a step towards me. "Dex's got a point, Reid. I've known Eden since we were twelve. She'd never go somewhere that she knows she won't be comfortable around. More than likely she'll make up an excuse so she won't hurt your feelings."

I thought about it a minute. I've known her about as long as Tanner has. And it makes since. Anytime I would invite her to my other birthdays, she'd always never show up. But she'd automatically go for Tanner's. (Which BTW made me jealous as fuck).

"Damn... I'll have to ask mine and her parents if she can come over for dinner. I really want her to come."

We started walking towards the house and Dexter laughed. "We got it, your whipped. We all know."

"Yep." Zander and Tanner said at the same exact time. I glared at them and all three fist bumped.

When we got in the house, my mom was putting the pizza on the counter from in the oven. I smiled and hopped over to it.

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