•Part 1• ______________________

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Jeffs pov
I sat on the couch, watching Ben and Jack play a game that...I believe has to do with the movie, "The Walking Dead". "May I ask, what is the point to this game..?". Jack looked at me like I had just called him a harsh name. "Jeff...the point to this game is that you get to kill a bunch of zombies. Is that a good answer to your -stupid- question?" He asked harshly. I rolled my eyes and got up as slendy entered the room. "Good morning Jeffery" he said calmly as he walked towards the window. "Why can't you just call me Jeff-? What the hell??" I asked irritantly. He ignored me and peeked through the blinds. I followed his stare to see what he was looking at. There was a moving truck...and a two story house right next to us. I looked down as Sally walked up beside me, grasping Charlie in her arms. "Jeffy...w-what's going on??" She asked me. "I'm not sure" I sighed. "Someone is moving next to us..." Slendy said, turning around. Ben and Jack snapped out of their trance towards the game, and looked at slendy. "Wait...what-?" Jack asked coldly. "You heard him" I said. "Jeff! Go meet your new victim!" Ben smirked. "Shut up you little gay elf" I hissed as I walked towards the door. "Ugh! Slendy!!! He called me gay!!" I heard Ben whine as I walked out the door, shutting it behind me. The cold winter air stung my face. I pulled my hood up and tucked my hands in my hoody pocket as I leaned up against our house. I slightly looked over towards the new house, trying not to draw attention to myself. There was a mother and I'm guessing her daughter who looked about my age. No more than 16. Her facial features were perfect. She had long, brown hair that dangled over her dainty shoulders. Her eyes were a beautiful bright blue. She was far on the thin side, like me. She was wearing a black hoody that fit over her curves perfectly, with a pear of black leggings. Her shoes looked similar to mine- except smaller and cleaner.
I stared at the girl for what felt like forever. As she started to look my way, I put my head down. I glanced up at her out of the corner of my eye. She was staring at me. Why was she staring at me?? What does that mean?
She finally looked away from me as one of the house movers said something.
"I'm sorry...repeat that" she said to the man softly. "I said, you guys are pretty much good to go". She nodded and looked at her mother. I could already tell by her moms appearance that she was on drugs. "Help me take these boxes in honey" she said as she picked up a box and walked into the house. The girl sighed as she walked over and picked up a box. She glanced at me, then looked away before she walked into the house. I turned and ran into the mansion. Everyone looked at me. "Well?" Slendy said. "It's a mother and her teenage daughter...great..." I said quietly as I walked upstairs.

Taylor's pov
I carried the box into the living room and dropped it on the ground. My mom looked at me angrily. "Be careful Taylor!!" She yelled. "WHY THE HELL DID WE HAVE TO MOVE IN THE FIRST PLACE-?! AND IN THE WOODS!!? YOUR JUST TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE AREN'T YOU!!!" I screamed. I turned and ran upstairs as tears began to roll down my face. I ran into what would be my room, and slammed the door. I sat on the bed and buried my face in my hands.
"Hey there- freckles!" A voice said cheerily from my window. I sniffed and looked up to see a boy with a dark blue mask on and a black hoody. "..who...who the fuck are you-?!" I spat. "One- out of, hmm...about 7 of your neighbors.." He said. "You really have 7 different people living in that mansion..?" I asked. He smirked and nodded. Suddenly, a little girl's head popped up next to the boy's.
"OH MY GAWD!!! Hello!!" She said with a bright smile on her face. "Hello" I said quietly. "That's Sally" the boy said as he ruffled her hair. She grunted and looked at him as she pet her hair down. "Don't touch me" she said. I smirked. "Let me go get the others. Sally stay here with her. By the way- my name is jack" he said. I nodded as he jumped out the window. Sally came over and sat next to me on the bed. "So...where's your mother?" She asked smiling. "Downstairs...?" I said slowly. She giggled harshly. "Perfect. Play with me...what do you say?" She asked. "Okay.." I said. Suddenly, her hands grasped my neck. I screamed as she chocked me. I gasped for air and pulled at her arms.
"SALLY!! LET GO NOW!!" A boys voice boomed. He pried the little girls hands from my neck and looked at me. "Are you alright..." He asked. It took me a minute to look at him. He was wearing a white hoody and black pants. He had pure black hair that almost reached his shoulders. His eyelids were burnt off, leaving a ring of black ash around his eyes. He also had a smile carved into his cheeks, witch didn't scare me really. I thought he looked nice. Just then, a lot of other people hopped through my window. I sat up and backed against my wall a little. "Hello again" Jack said. I ignored him as my eyes nervously looked at all the people. "Jeff, introduce us" a boy said. He looked like an elf to be honest. "Ugh, whatever..." The boy with the white hoody sighed. He pointe to the elf boy. "That's Ben" he said. Ben waved. "This is Toby" Jeff put his hand on Toby's shoulder. "Sup, beautiful" Toby winked at me. I just looked away from him. "That's slendy- also known as slenderman" Jeff said. I looked at the tall figure. My eyes grew wide with fear. Jeff noticed and smirked. "Don't be scared child. I'm not here to harm you." Slendy said. "Anyway, this is masky and hoodie" Jeff said. They waved at me. "And I think you know jack and Sally. I'm Jeff." He said. I stared at him. Jeff glanced down and looked back up at me awkwardly.
"Cat got your tongue, Jeff?" Jack smirked. Jeff snapped his head towards Jack and glared at him. "Okay- okay- I'm sorry.." Jack said quietly. Jeff shook his head. "I'm going now..." He said as he walked towards the window. "Jeff.." Slendy said. Jeff paused and turned around. "What?" He asked. "You can't be a good person for one minute and welcome this girl to her new home-?" He said.
"I know I'm not a good person...you don't have to remind me. And I wasn't planning on getting along with her" he said as he glared at me. Now that face was scary. I gasped a little. Jeff jumped out the window. Slendy sighed. "He's hard to get used to but...you'll get there" he said. "I don't want to know him!!" I finally chocked out. They all looked at me confusingly. "I don't want to live here! I just wanna go back to my old home!" I yelled as I started to cry again. Toby and Jack walked over and sat next to me. "Don't cry..." Toby said. "I know it's wierd to live beside a mansion full of killers but-" Jack began. I cut him off. "WHAT-?! YOUR KILLERS!?" I screamed. "Shh!" Slendy said, putting his finger over...I think his mouth. He didn't have a face. "Yes.." He said softy. "I shot up off the bed and jumped out my window. I had to get away from them. "No!!!" I heard some people yell. I didn't realize how high up the window was. I landed hard on the cold snowy ground. I put my head down and started crying harder. Jeff turned around and looked at me. I heard him run up to me. I didn't know he was still outside. "Oh my god!! Why the hell did you jump out the fucking window!?" He said as I kneeled down next to me. "Get my mom!!" I cried. He looked up at my window. "Is she alright!?" Slendy asked. "Not...really" Jeff yelled. "I shouldn't have done that..." I said through my tears. Jeff sighed and rubbed my back gently. Slendy teleported next to me and bent over. "Don't worry, Jeff will get your mother. Just rest for now, Jeff stay with her" he said. Slendy walked away. I held my leg and groaned. "I don't like you....but that doesn't mean I won't help you.." Jeff said as he pulled up his hood and scooped me up in his arms. He stood up and walked in my house. "What's your last name..." Jeff whispered to me. "Jones.." I sniffed. My mother walked into the kitchen and looked at Jeff then down at me. Her eyes grew wide. "Miss. jones, your daughter fell out of her bedroom window by accident" Jeff said. She ran up to me and took me from Jeff. "Oh, thank you sweetheart for bringing her in for me. Are you the neighbor?" She asked him. He nodded, keeping his head down. He shoved his hands into his pockets.
"Yup. He's the killer next door..." I thought to myself.

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