•Part 7•

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Taylor's pov
We reached the outside as cold, bitter, winter air stung my face. Jeff and I walked back to the mansion- not saying a word. Jeff held the door open for me, closing it after we both walked in.
"Slendy, I'm home." Jeff said, walking into the living room. "He's out hunting." Masky said from the kitchen. I shyly walked into the kitchen and sat in the chair next to Jack. "Where the hell have you two been...?" Hoodie asked, coming down the stairs. "Eh-...I decided to take her killing with me, but she was too afraid so I took care of it." Jeff said. He plopped down on the couch, turned the tv on, and looked at me. "Taylor get me a beer" he said, looking back towards the tv. I rolled my eyes and got up, walking over to the fridge.
"Please would be nice..." I mumbled.
"Please." He responded.
I reached into the box without looking and grabbed the first can I felt, then I walked over to the couch and handed him the beer. "Thank you" he said quietly. I nodded my head and walked back into the kitchen. "So. You were too afraid to kill- huh?" Jack smirked. "Would you expect me too be unafraid?" I asked, attitude in my voice. "Actually...yea, considering your neighbors with like...7 killers".
I glared at him. "Ugh...whatever Jack" I sighed. I looked over as Sally walked into the living room. Her eyes lit up when she noticed me. "TAYLOR!!!" She squealed as she ran and pounced onto me. I flew back onto the floor, surprised by her strength.
"Oh- are you okay??" Masky laughed as he helped me up. I nodded and brushed myself off. "Sorry.." Sally giggled. I smiled, chuckling a little. "It's fine sweetheart" I said. She hugged me and then ran into the living room, jumping onto Jeffs lap.
Jeff half grunted, not looking away from the tv as he lifted Sally onto his lap a little more. She sat facing him, playing with the ends of his black hair. "Did you have a good kill Jeffy?" She asked sweetly. "Mmhmm..." He mumbled, his eyes locked on the movie. She smiled and wrapped her little arms around his neck, hugging him. He slowly put one of his arms around her, cracking open his beer with the other. I smirked and looked away from them as I turned and walked upstairs. I knocked on Ben's door, putting my hands behind my back afterwards. "Who is it." He demanded. "It's Taylor". He opened the door and walked back over to his bed. I walked in, stepping on a McDonalds sandwich wrapper. I slowly looked around the room. It was completely. Trashed. "Wow...Ben..this is pretty-" I started to say, as he cut me off. "Messy. I know." He said clearly. He went back to the game he was playing on his X-box. "...it stinks like food in here as well..." I said softly. He nodded. "I'm kinda....lazy I guess." He chuckled. I smirked. I glanced down to see a half finished breakfast burrito. It had about 12 flies flying around it. I gaged and looked away. Ben looked up at me, then down at the burrito. "Sorry" he said. "It's...fine.." I said. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I gasped and turned around to find myself looking at Jeffs bare chest. I looked up at his face. He smirked. "Damn...don't do that..." I said, putting my hand over my heart. "All I did was put my hand on your shoulder...your the one who freaked out" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Did you want something?" I asked. "Yes. Will you help me with my homework..?" He asked. I paused for a second, not expecting him to ask that. "Uh- yea." I responded. He turned and walked two doors down the hallway then stopped. "Are you coming?".
I walked out of Ben's room and up to Jeff. He turned around and opened his bedroom door, walking inside. I
walked in to the smell of weed and cologne. I shut the door and walked more into the room. I looked down at the floor to see rolls of smoked weed, empty, crushed, beer cans, pills, pill bottles, a lot of broken things, and an X-box with a bunch of miscellaneous cords surrounding it. "Oh wow..." I said very quietly. Jeff looked back at me and blushed. "Uh~ I'm sorry about...all of this" he said, embarrassed. He looked down as he shuffled around some of the things on the floor. "It's okay....but..I didn't know you did drugs" I said, looking up at him. He looked up at me as well. "I..tend to use them as my relief...from my depression" he explained softly. "Your depressed-??" I asked. He shrugged and sighed. "Yeah...most of the time. Except for when I'm with yo-...." He stopped himself from finishing as his face grew bright red. "I mean uh-...I didn't-..I.." He stuttered, shaking his head. As he continued to stutter, I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. He stopped stuttering and paused. I felt my face grow warm. He stared at me, his face still blushed. "Sorry" I chocked out quickly, rubbing the back of my neck, and looking down embarrassed. He shook his head gently and finally looked away from his stare. He turned around and grabbed a thick Algebra book off of a shelf. He tossed it on his bed and grabbed a mechanical pencil out of his book bag. We both sat on his bed- witch was surprisingly made neatly, unlike the rest of his room- and started on Jeffs homework.

"So..if x is equal to 30..than.....wait-.." He said. I sighed.
"You still don't get it?..." I asked. "Ugh...no." He said, starting to get irritated. He put his elbow on his knee, and rested his head in his hand as he stared down at the paper. "Alright...listen to me closely Jeff...If 30 divided by 2 is 15......wait a second...what??" I said, moving my head closer towards the paper. I was starting to confuse myself.
"God dammit- now I don't even get it.." I mumbled. Jeff laughed. I smiled as I continued trying to find out how to solve this problem. I took the pencil from Jeffs hand and started writing out multiplication problems. After a while of that, Jeff suddenly gasped and took the pencil from me. He quickly started writing down something. I leaned forward, trying to see what he was doing. He finally moved his hand away. I read the division problem he wrote out. It was correct. "Ohhhh....wow Jeff..I wouldn't have understood that problem if you didn't know how to do that" I laughed. "Well I got it. Now I can forget about homework- THANK GOD" he chuckled. I laughed again as I helped him put away his book. "Thank you- by the way.." He said as we sat back down on his bed. "Your welcome" I responded. He sighed and looked up at me. I locked eyes with him. He tilted his head slightly, as if he were examining me. "...I know this might be strange- but, did you know that your absolutely beautiful Taylor...?" He said softly. I blushed, making him chuckle. "Well thank you..." I said. He nodded, still gazing into my eyes.
We both jumped as someone knocked at the door. "Who is it...?" Jeff asked. "It's Slendy. May I come in?" He asked. Jeffs eyes grew wide as he looked at me. I just remembered that I wasn't aloud to be here. "You have to get out of here!!" Jeff whispered as he jumped up and ran to the window, sliding it open. "Jeffery- what are you doing in there..?" Slendy asked. I quickly got up and ran to the window. I looked at Jeff. "Jump..." He whispered, almost pushing me out the window.
My heart sank as i heard the door knob start to jiggle.
"GO!!" He whispered nervously. I jumped, landing on the snowy ground. I crouched down beside the mansion, incase Slendy looked out the window.
Jeffs pov
I looked out the window too see Taylor crouching down. I quickly turned around as the door swung open.
"Jeff?" He asked, looking at me.
"Y-yes..?" I asked nervously. "Was someone in here with you?".
He stared at me for what felt like forever. "Mmm....okay." He said, a bit unsure of himself. He turned around and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I sighed in relief and ran over to the window. I motioned Taylor to climb back up. She climbed until she reached the window ledge. "Ugh..." She groaned. I leaned over and grabbed her arms, pulling her up into my room. I shut my window and turned to her.
"Thanks" she said. "Yup..." I responded. I shivered as a chill shot down my spine. I was still shirtless and cold- considering I opened the window and it's the first half of mid-winter. I walked over to my messy closet and grabbed a black tee-shirt off one of the shelves. I slipped it on. "Ahh, that's better" I sighed.
"No it's not..." Taylor said, half smirking.
I looked at her and blushed.
"Oh really now-?..." I chuckled. She smiled, nodding her head. I walked up to her and gently placed my hands on her hips. She glanced up at me, blushing deeply.
"I...should have done this earlier today...but now that we're here-..." I said softly, lifting her chin so her lips were level to mine.
"..Jeff~.." She whimpered quietly before I pressed my lips against hers.
So...did you enjoy part 6 of,
The Killer Next Door? :3
I'll be making part 8 soon, and I was wondering if I should go on to more than 10 parts...I'm a little unsure because I don't know if this story is good enough :/
Tell me in the comments what you think I should do! ^^

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