•Part 14•

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Jeffs pov
I approached Janes house, nervous and afraid. I was scared that Taylor might be hurt or even dead.
If she's not dead, I'm also going to have to tell her about her mother. I really don't want to be the one to do that. well...actually i have to do it. Im the only one who knows.

I shook my thoughts away about Taylor's mother as I placed my hand on the doorknob. I slowly leaned into the door, trying to see if I could hear anything before barging in.
All I could hear was a faint girls voice screaming helplessly. It wasn't until I heard Jacks voice pitch in and scream, "your hurting her!!", then I knew whatever was getting hurt, it was Taylor.

My jaw tightened, along with my grip on the knob as anger rushed through me. I leaned back a little then roughly slammed myself against the door, making it swing open. I let go of the door. It hit the wall and made a loud "thump".
I started running up the hardwood stairs, the screams of Taylor and Jack getting louder. Once I reached Janes bedroom, I could hear all their voices clearly.

I tried to open the door, soon realizing it was locked. I somehow managed to let myself turn the knob until it broke off. I dropped the knob on the floor and let myself into the room to find Jane twisting Taylor's head in a gross way, and Jack pleading her to stop.

Everyone paused and looked at me. I clenched my fists as my eyes locked on Janes.
"Well...look who joined the party.." Jane said softly, a smile growing on her face.

"What the fuck are you doing-?!" I yelled. "I'm just having fun Jeffy...don't be surprised. You should know me by now darling." She chuckled.
"Oh- darling my ass- LET HER GO."
I took a couple of steps towards the bed then stopped as I realized Jack was motioning something to me. I gently looked at jacks hands to see him making a "X" with his fingers. I shook my head and gave him a confused look. He mentally sighed and did something else. This time he pointed towards the window and made a motion as if he was telling me to "go".

I thought for a moment, trying to process what he was saying to me.

An X...and the window. The fuck-?

I gave him another confused look, then quickly glanced over at Jane. She was still staring at me like a fucking weirdo, with her cold, black eyes, meanwhile Taylor sat in an awkward position with her head in Janes hands, tears flowing from her eyes.
"Stop staring at me." I snarled, my eyes narrowing.

"Talk to me like that again- I dare you." She said as she twisted Taylor's neck a little more.

Taylor gasped in pain as she tugged at Janes arms. "...pl-..please.." She whimpered.
"Shhh..." Jane whispered, that smug smile still on her face.

As Taylor started to softly weep, Jane held her head against her chest and started to sing an erie song that made me sick to my stomach.

"Ring...around....the rosssieee...
Pocket..full...of posssieees...
Ashes...ashes...we all fall..down.

"Ring...around....the rosssieee...
What..do you..suppooosse we,
Can do...to fight...the daaarkness,
In which...we...drown...."

And then she stopped. Everyone was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Jane started humming the tune of the song once more.
"Jane...just stop. Please." I said quietly. "What do I get in return-?" Jane asked chirpily.

"You get nothing. None of this damn shit was supposed to happen-!!!" I yelled.
"Now give me her..." I growled, stepping forward.
"Okay." Jane whispered.
Jane started to take Taylor towards the window, planning to throw her out of it.
It felt like the world had stopped and the only thing attention was drawn to, was on Taylor as she began to fight back.

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