•Part 4•

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Jeffs pov
"I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die-...I don't wanna die, so your gonna have to- I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die-
No, I don't wanna die, so your gonna have to- blood is getting hotter, bodies getting colder, told you once- I'm the only one who holds her..."
My alarm clock played the song
"I don't wanna die" by Hollywood undead, loudly. "Aughhh..." I groaned as I swung my hand over and beat the top of the alarm clock until it shut off. I laid my head back down. I started too drift off to sleep again until-
"JEFF! COME ON BRO-!...I KNOW YOU JUST SHUT YOUR ALARM CLOCK OFF AND TRIED TO GO BACK TO SLEEP! YOUR GONNA BE LATE!" Toby yelled from his room a little ways down the hall. I sighed and rubbed my face. I forced myself to get off the bed. I looked over as Slendy appeared in my doorway.

"What??" I asked. "Just making sure you got up" he said. "Get out. Now." I demanded. He turned and walked away from my room, closing the door behind him. I rolled my eyes and bent over, picking up my knife that fell on the floor last night when I fell asleep. I shoved it in my pocket. My stomach groaned for food, making me  feel sick to my stomach. I sighed and rested my hand across my stomach as I walked out of my room. I heavily walked downstairs, each footstep making my legs burn. I walked into the kitchen to see Jack sitting at the table next to Ben. Jack glanced over at me. My jaw tightened as I harshly looked away from him, opening the fridge in the process. He sighed.

"Jeff...will you get the milk for me" he asked. "Get it yourself. You have legs." I said. "Does that mean you won't get me a bagel...?" Ben asked quietly. "No- of course I'll get you a bagel."

"What the fuck!?" Jack yelled. I grabbed Ben's bagel and tossed it too him. He caught it and smirked at Jack. "He has legs too you know!" Jack said. "Yes. Although, he's sick" I responded. "So-?! Your a dick! I don't know how Taylor likes you the best out of all of us!!" He said. I paused and looked at him. "How do you know that-?"

"Uh- it's pretty obvious. You guys are like...best friends except your sometimes mean to each other" he chuckled. I shrugged and got myself a bagel. I shut the fridge as I shoved the bagel into my mouth. "Wow....big mouth" masky laughed from the couch. "Thut- awp..." I said, my mouth stuffed. "Shut up- you mean..?" He said, laughing more. As I swallowed, I nodded my head yes. "Jeffery...don't speak with your mouth full" Slendy said, annoyed. I ignored him and snatched my toothbrush from a cup on the counter. I quickly brushed my teeth, so everyone else could go.

"guys, it's almost 5:00, you better get going" Ben reminded us. I nodded and grabbed my book bag that was leaning up against the wall by the couch. "Come on guys" I said as I walked out out of the door. Toby and Jack followed behind me as we walked through the dark woods, up to the beginning of the road were our bus stop was. Taylor was already there. She had her hood up, and her headphones in. I looked behind me and smiled at Jack and Toby. They smiled back with a confused look on their face. I turned back around and crept up behind Taylor. I gently grabbed the cord on one side of her ear buds and yanked it.

"TAYLOR!!!!!" I screamed in her ear, beginning to laugh. She jumped and looked me, holding her ear. Jack and Toby were laughing behind me.

"Jeff- you fucking dick!" She laughed, shoving me away from her. I smirked and walked back up to her. "Is anyone else cold as hell right now-?..." Toby asked, hugging himself. "Yea" Taylor said. "Not really" I said. "Ugh Jeff your never cold" Jack said.
"Why does it have to be dark and cold in the morning??" Taylor sighed. I shrugged. "I hate school." Toby said. "Agreed." I replied.

"UGH- I'm cold!! Jeff hug me" Taylor said as she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I put my arms around her as well. "Better?" I chuckled. "Yes" she smiled. We all stood there waiting for the bus. I gently rocked side to side on my feet, keeping my arms wrapped around Taylor. She rocked with me. "Wheres the fucking bus...?" Jack asked, looking down the road. "It's always late- idiot" Toby said. Just then, we seen orange lights coming down the road towards us. It was the bus. "Finally..." I said quietly. Taylor backed away from me as I moved my arms. The bus came to a stop in front of us. We walked across the road to the other side of the bus and got on. I slid into the first seat, Toby and Jack climbing into the seat across from me. We were always the first people on. The bus driver started to say something to Taylor, making her stop.

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