•Part 6•

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Jeffs pov
I reached Taylor's window and peeked inside to find her still unconscious on her bed. I sighed as I slid open the window and threw my leg over, ducking under the window into her room. I lifted my other leg in and stood up. I walked over to the edge of her bed and looked down at her. "Hey...get up" I said quietly, nudging her shoulder. She jumped as her eyes shot open. She sighed in relief when she saw me. "Jeff-..." She said as she started to cry. I quickly hugged her, and pulled her head into my chest to muffle her cry so her mother didn't hear. She hugged me back tight. "Shh..." I whispered. I put my lips too her ear. "There's no way I'm going to listen to Slendy...it's okay.." I whispered quieter. She sighed, trying to calm her crying. She backed away and sniffed a few times, wiping her face. "I have to find a way to make Slendy break this rule..." I mumbled, sitting next to her on the bed. "...I could just apologize for...wait- what the hell did I even do!?" She said, looking up at me. I was stumped just as much as she was. "Uh...wow..actually, I don't even know" I said. "I have to go over there and talk to Slendy..." She said.


"Um- no"

"Why do you care??"

"Because he might hurt you again"

"Jeff. I'm going."




"Jeff your annoying me"

"I could care less"

"Go away. Your annoying."

I stood up and walked over to her Window. "I'll see you later" she said.
"No you won't" I said as I started out the window. "JEFF IM TALKING TO HIM WEATHER YOU LIKE IT, OR NOT" she growled. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "It's adorable how you think your so strong. And...you can talk to Slendy. Whatever. Just know-
I'm not going to be there to save you this time, babe" I smirked as I continued crawling out the window.
"Don't call me that" she said.
"Je- ugh. Just, go." She grunted. I let out a low laugh as I let go of the window ledge, letting myself fall onto my feet.

~back at the mansion~

I sat on the couch, shirtless, looking down at my phone and scrolling through my list of victims I had jotted down in my notes.
Taylor-...*smirks* that's funny.
Donny..." I mumbled to myself, reading the names one by one. I was interrupted by Ben tapping on my shoulder. I put my head back and laid it on the back of the couch, looking up at him. "What" I said. "You didn't drink my beer-...did you?" He asked, holding it up.
God dammit.
"Uh...yea I did, why?" I asked. "Jeff! I'm still really sick..you really need to watch what the hell you drink bro..." He said as he shook his head and walked away. I sighed as I put my head back down and looked at my phone.
I shot my head right back up again as Slendy telaported in front of me. "Hello...may I help you..?" I asked irritantly. "Be mad Jeffery. That is just making this harder for you..." He growled in a low, yet loud and calm voice. Honestly...it kinda freaked me out. I shook it off and acted like I didn't give two fucks. "Yea- yea- whatever. I wouldn't care if I never got to see Taylor's face again. You don't bother me Slendy." I said. Suddenly, he gripped me up by my waist and Neck with his tentacles, making me drop my phone. "Eck-..what the fuck!" I chocked out. He picked me up and pushed me up against the wall, bringing his white face close to mine. He loosened his grip so he wasn't chocking me. I stared at his blank completion, then turned my head and looked down. "Listen...to me Jeff. I am -this close- to killing you. For these past few days you have been driving me up a WALL! Cut the damn act because I'm not buying it...I know your scared of me child." He hissed, his black, pointy, tongue slithering with each word he spoke. I must've been terrified because I couldn't speak. The only thing I could think of was to stab him. As he let out his evil, dark, laugh, I slowly reached down into my shoe for my knife I stuck in there earlier. I felt the handle and tightened my hand over it. As this adrenalin rushed through me, it made my inner-psycho come out. I started to laugh menacingly with no control of myself. Slendy paused and stared at me. "Y-you know w-w-what I think you need t-...to do instead of laugh...Slendy-?" I said, my voice full of anger. I tried to snap myself out of it because I knew I couldn't win against slenderman. I mean...he's like...the fucking God of proxies.
I grunted and looked down as I bit my lip. My hand shook as I held onto the handle of my knife...forcing myself to not move my hand. "Slendy...I'm sorry...just- let me go so I can go kill...n-now" I said quietly. He gave me a slow nod in approval. "Good choice, child." He said calmly as he gently let me go. I snatched my knife from my shoe and flew out the door. I knew I was shirtless, but I had to kill. As I started running, someone pounced onto my back, making me face plant.
"Oof~!". I looked up to find Taylor sitting on my back, smiling down at me. "What'ya doin..?" She asked sweetly. "..I have to go kill. You really need to get off me." I said. See grunted as she stood up, moving over to the side. I jumped up onto my feet. "You should join me..." I smirked. "No! I'm not killing an innocent person!" She said. "You don't have to. Just come with me..?" I asked, raising my brow. She rolled her eyes. "Fine...".
Her eyes glanced down at my chest then back up at me. "Why are you shirtless...?" She asked, giggling a little. "I uh...didn't have time to..grab my hoody- so I just walked out like this." I said. "Aren't you freezing!?" She asked. "Kinda. It doesn't bother me much" I said. She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Oh wow...well let's go.." She said quietly, turning away from me as she trudged through the snow. I followed her onto the road. We began walking down the right side of the road, making our way into the small neighborhood I usually went to when I needed a quick kill. "Jeff" Taylor said. "Yes?" I asked. "What if this person has a gun and he shoots you before you can attack him" she said. I laughed. "Taylor, Taylor, Taylor...you must not know me that well, angel." I said. She looked at me. "What do you mean...?" She asked softly. "Well...when I get that strong urge to..kill, I sort of.....go insane, I guess you could say" I chuckled. "I basically can over power any of my victims- taller or shorter than me, stronger or less strong, boy, or girl. Doesn't matter". She smirked. "Yeah right. I bet Ben could take your ass down without a fight" she said. I raised a brow at her. "Oh really now-? So you say?..." I said, grinning slightly. I looked forward as we walked up to a house. "You ready for this..?" I said, turning to face her. She rolled her eyes. "Impress me, big shot." She said, bringing her face closer to mine. I narrowed my eyes as I smiled. She glanced down as I gently ran my knife down her stomach, tracing it back up. I brought my lips down to her ear.   "Trust me. I will..." I whispered. She turned her head and blushed. I backed away and ran to the house, Taylor following me. I jiggled the doorknob to see if the door was unlocked. It was. I slowly opened the door, and crept inside. I turned to Taylor and put my finger over my mouth. She nodded as I took her small wrist and walked across the living room to a hallway that led to a bedroom. "Alright...I'm going to open this door...Taylor...I want you to take this knife and run at whoever is in here. Stab that person, and if there are two people, just be quick and jab the other person right in the chest were the heart is. Okay?" I whispered, putting the knife into her hand and closing her fingers over the handle. She looked at me nervously as she started to shake her head no. "You said I didn't have to kill anyone!" She whispered. "Well I lied. Ready?" I whispered back, putting my hand on the doorknob. She glanced at me then back down at the doorknob repeatedly. I swung the door open and backed up. She stood there for a minute, not knowing what to do. There was a man sitting at a computer desk on the right side of the room. He snapped his head towards Taylor as his eyes grew wide. "Go!!" I hurried her, pushing her into the room. She pushed back. Suddenly, the man got up and ran to the closet, grabbing a gun. Taylor screamed as I finally let her back up out of the room. "Here- just, give me the knife!" I mumbled, taking it from her shaky hand. As I walked up to the man, he pointed his gun at me. I quickly grabbed his wrist, twisting it the whole way around. His wrist cracked loud and unnaturally. "AUUUGH!" He groaned in pain as he dropped the gun. "Shh...don't make this worse for you. I suggest you just...close your eyes and...
Go...to...SLEEP.." I said harshly as I gripped the hair on the back of his head and yanked it, making his head go back. He screamed as I dug the knife into his throat, causing blood to gush out like a faucet. His screaming faded as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I pulled my knife out from his throat and threw him to the ground. I looked over at Taylor. Her mouth was covered by her hand in shock, her eyes widened. I looked down at the man, then slowly back up to Taylor again. "...how-...." Taylor chocked out quietly. She looked scared shitless. I couldn't blame her.
"I'm sorry if I scared you. I know. That's fucked up- so is my life, you know that" I said. "No...Jeff.." She started to say as she smiled.
"That...was fucking...awesome!" She laughed.
Did she really just say...awesome?
"Are...you serious?" I said, my smile growing. She nodded quickly, her smile bright as ever. "You, are officially my favorite person in the world right now!" I laughed as I ran up to her and hugged her, lifting her off the ground. She wrapped her arms around me, her hands cold on my bare back. She laughed in her sexy, hard, laugh as I squeezed her and spun around. I stopped and put her down smiling. She looked up at me, smiling back. Our faces were only inches apart. We stared at each other, our eyes locked. It felt as if there was a magnetic force between our lips...tempting me to kiss her.
We slowly leaned into each other, and paused. Taylor slightly started to blush, considering our lips were literally, not even an inch apart.
And as the fucking idiot I am, I chickened out and turned my head as I leaned in and hugged her again. She hesitated, but hugged back gently. We both pulled away awkwardly. "Um...come on. We better get going..." I said softly as I walked past her and down the hallway. She followed silently.

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