•Part 10•

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Jeffs pov
We walked back to the mansion to find that no one was there. "Where is everyone...?" Taylor asked me as we walked into the house. "I'm not sure...probably out killing" I replied. "Oh" she said. "Yea. Hey- will you help me get these contacts out...?" I asked. She chuckled and nodded her head yes. I smirked and grabbed her hand, leading her upstairs to my bedroom. We went in, shutting the door behind us. I sighed and bent down a little. Taylor gently took her thumb, and pulled down on my cheek, making the bottom of my eye stretch down. I looked up as she tapped my eyeball, trying to take the contact out.
"Ow...ow...ow...ow...ow..." I repeated as she finally got it too stick too her finger. She pulled her finger away, along with the contact. My eye started watering. "Shit..." I mumbled, putting my hand over my eye.

"Ugh ew....I forgot you can't close your eyes..." She chuckled. I smirked and un-covered my eye as the water went down. "Okay I think I got this one..." I said, putting my finger up to my eye. I stuck out my tongue as I concentrated on taking out the contact. "EWWW" I groaned as I pulled it out. I hated the feeling of my eye being touched.
Taylor turned her head, laughing. I smirked as I walked over to my dresser and set the contacts down. "You know your supposed to put them in an container, right?" Taylor asked. "You are...? Well, I don't really care because they're not mine" I said. She laughed. "Wow, okay then" she said. I laughed as well, walking back over towards her. "Hey, you know Christmas is in like...4 days right??" She said to me. "Really-!? Holy fuck..." I said, surprised. "What??" She chuckled. "That came fast...but I don't do Christmas."
I started to regret saying that as I watched Taylor's face turn upset. "You don't celebrate Christmas!?" She asked loudly. "No..." I responded. She turned from mad to sad within a second.
Is she bipolar-? Oh god, I hope not...

"Jeff...will you celebrate it this year please..?" She asked quietly. I sighed and looked at her. "Please..." She said again, grabbing my hands. "Fine...Slendy always tries to get us into the Christmas spirit anyway" I chuckled. She squealed happily and then hugged me. I hugged her back and laughed. She pulled away and looked at me. "...so, since we're celebrating Christmas, what do you want?" I asked. She paused for a second.
"Jeff...you know what I want."
I looked away from her and frowned confusingly.
"I just want you, idiot" she giggled. I blushed and looked at her again. She stared back at me, smiling.
After a few seconds of staring, I broke the silence by leaning down, crashing my lips against hers. She fell backwards onto the bed, surprised. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled away and took a deep breath in. "I just wanted to remind you...no ones here..." I breathed out, smiling. She blushed deeply, as she leaned up and continued the kiss. Just as I slowly slid my hand down the side of her waist, to the end of her shirt, and started to lift it up, the door swung open.

I shot my hand back and sprung up and off of Taylor. She sat up, embarrassed as fuck.
"...oh...my...god." Jack said slowly. I looked down, rubbing the back of my neck. My face was really hot. I knew I was blushing pretty bad.
Jack started bursting out laughing, bending over and holding his stomach. "When...when did you guys get home...!?" I spat. "Just a few seconds ago. But dude...was that really happening!?" He chuckled.

"Ugh...get out-!" I said, picking up a pillow beside me. I threw it at him, making him quickly get out, shutting the door behind him. I sighed and looked down again. Taylor sat there silently, probably not knowing what to do or say.
"Well....that happened." I said, looking at her. She glanced at me, her face a deep shade of red. "Wow...your face is so red right now" I chuckled. She smiled. "So is yours..." She giggled. I covered my face as I started laughing. I leaned forward, burying my face in my bed. Taylor laughed with me as she fell backwards, laying down. I sat up and leaned backwards, laying with her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her closer to me.
"..well...we can't do anything furthermore than kiss so...shall we-?" I smiled. She looked at me and nodded her head yes, smiling. I chuckled as I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers, as she wrapped her arms around my neck. We continued with that for a few minutes, then she pulled away smiling. I smiled back, lifting my hand to her face. I ran my fingers through her hair repeatedly. She looked up at the ceiling and thought for a moment, as I did so. "What's your middle name?.." She asked. "Alexander. Why..?" I asked softly. "Just wondering" she said. I smirked. "...I want to ask you something...but I don't know if you want to talk about it" she said, looking at me. "Taylor, you can talk to me about anything..." I responded.
"Alright then...how did -that- happen to you...?" She asked, tracing her finger over my carved smile. "Well..." I sighed. Before I went on, Taylor nestled her head into the pillow, ready to listen to my story.
"When I was about..mm..12 or 13, my mother, my brother, my father, and I, lived somewhat close to here, and we had these neighbors who had a son....I forget his name. But, he really wanted to become friends with me- and I had no idea why, because I was always the boy who just stood by and watched everything go on, and I talked really quiet. He was the kind of boy who was into sports and all that...I guess you'd say, normal, things." I started.
"And...one day, I came home from school and my mother told me that she invited me to the kids birthday party. I really didn't want to go- but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so of course, I went. When I got there, all the kids were probably around 6, 7, and 8. I was the oldest one. All the kids were running around, literally high on candy and cake, shooting each other with nurf guns. I stood around for a while until a little boy walked up to me. I looked at him. He just stared up at me, with blue icing all over his mouth. He finally said, "here. Take this" and shoved a toy gun into my hand. I decided to just play with the kids for a few minutes, considering I had noting else to do. After a while, I started to actually have fun. I was running around just like all the other kids, repeatedly shooting my gun. Then...out of no where, we all heard a loud bang...
Some of the littler kids started screaming and running to the house. I dropped my gun and looked towards the sound, as three kids jumped over the fence. They looked around until the kid in the middles eyes   landed on mine. He let out a small, menacing chuckle as he walked up to me. They all surrounded me. After I realized that they went to my school, I figured I'd be able to take them...but I was so wrong. The main leader of their so called "group", was Randy, along with his idiot sidekicks, josh and Kyle. Kyle was a fucking fat ass, and josh was almost as skinny as I was. Anyway, after we stared arguing about...I forget what, but they started beating me. Randy knocked the wind out of me by punching me in the stomach. It made me fall onto the ground, which led to all three boys kicking me. After I finally got up, I ran towards the house and past all the people, the boys running after me. I remember how all the adults..did nothing except watch in horror....
But...where was I...?  -oh, and I ran up the stairs, looking behind me at the three boys, not knowing where I was going. I guess I ran into the bathroom and ran into a towel rack, falling backward onto the ground, the rack falling on top of me. There was a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a tub of bleach that was resting on a shelf that was on the wall I ran into. Both fell on top of me, bursting open, soaking my clothes, hair, and skin. Randy yanked the rack off me and threw it behind him. He gripped me up by my hoody and brought me close too his face. Before he could speak, I slapped him across the face, making him drop me, then I pushed him down the stairs. Instead of Randy falling down, he crashed into the two boys behind them, making them topple down the stairs. They both blacked out at the end of the staircase. Randy and I stared at them for a few seconds, then looked at each other. He looked pissed. I started running, knowing I had no where else to go, so I threw myself over the balcony banister, landing on the ground hard. I got up and ran out the door again. I stopped in the back yard because Randy hadn't come out yet, and there was no way to get out because of the fence. I took that time too catch my breath, until Randy came running out. He ran at me and lunged and me, making both of us fall to the ground. We wrestled around, until I was on top. I pinned him down and raised my fist to punch him in the face, but he shoved me off of him. He got up and started pounding his foot down onto my stomach. He stopped after about...5 stomps i think. I got up after a few minutes and I gripped him up by his shirt as he yelled things in my face. I didn't pay attention to what he was saying until he said I didn't even know what pain was. I told him that I would show him what the definition of pain was and then...he started laughing. He said, "no Jeff. it looks like your covered in alcohol...and bleach. So that means...I'm going to show you-..." He stopped there, and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on and said, "the definition...of fire".
Then he set me on fire."

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