•Part 8•

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This was it...
You finally made the first move Jeff.
Should you take it even farther....?

I gently pushed her up against the wall. She took a shaky breath in, and held it, biting her lip. I chuckled in a low, soft voice as I lowered my lips to her neck. "Don't..." She sighed, turning her head. I ignored her as I started to kiss her neck. She gave in and wrapped her arms around my neck. I held her waist gently, grazing my thumbs up and down. She giggled as I pulled away from her neck- revealing the faint, red,bruise I had left. I glanced up at her. She smiled back in response, her face a soft shade of pink. I looked down at her neck then looked back up at her and smirked. Her smile faded.
"Jeff..." She sighed.
"You gave me a hickey- didn't you..?" She asked, pulling away from me and walking over to my dresser. She bent down, looking at her neck through the mirror. "Augh...Fuck...my moms gonna kill me if she sees this" she said, rubbing her neck. "Don't you have a kind of make-up to cover it up or whatever-?.." I asked, walking over to her.
"You mean foundation...?"
"Yea. That."
She chuckled as she walked past me and over to the window. "Alright...I'm gonna go. My mom is probably wondering where I am" she said, putting one leg out the window and sitting on the ledge, her other leg still in my room. I awkwardly walked over to her, my hands shoved into my pant pockets. "Soo..." I said as I looked down. "So..." She responded. I looked up as I bent over so our faces were level. "I'll talk to you later...Taylor." I smiled.
I instantly blushed as she gently grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I hesitated at first, then leaned my hands against the wall and kissed her back. She pulled away, giving me another little kiss as her lips left mine. I smiled and grazed my knuckles down her cheek.
"Bye Jeff..." She whispered, smiling. And with that, she put her other leg out the window and jumped out, landing on her feet. As she walked to her house, the snow left footprints behind her. I watched until she entered her house, shutting the door behind her.
I fully stood back up and shut the window, swishing the curtains over them. I sighed as I opened the door and walked downstairs. Jack quickly ran up to me. "Jeff-! Is she gone??" He whispered. I nodded my head yes. He sighed in relief. I looked up as Slendy started to speak. "Alright children, I have something to ask of you." Slendy announced. We all looked at him.
"Tonight, I am finding out if this so called -love- is real between Jeff and Taylor."
I looked down as I walked over to a chair and slunked down into it. Everyone came into the dining room and sat down.
"Okay. My first question- Jack.
What's the nicest thing you've seen Jeff do for Taylor?" Slendy asked Jack.
"Umm...when he saved her that one night the boy tried taking her- that boy that used to come into Sally's room." He responded. Slendy nodded and looked at me.
"Jeffery." He said.


"When was the last time Taylor entered this house-?"

"After I got hit by that truck. When you kicked her out."

"Are you lying to me?"




"Tell me the truth"

"I'm not lying to you sir..."

I bit my tongue, trying not to look guilty. "The funny thing is...I heard you talking to someone not that long ago. I also heard a faint girls voice....that sounded a lot like Taylor's." He said. Even though he didn't have eyes, I felt like he was staring into my soul...like he was bringing the truth out of me uncontrollably.
"She wasn't here. I promise you." I said clearly. I think he finally bought it. "Alright...Jeffery." He said softly. I took a deep breath and tapped my fingers on the arm of the wooden chair. Slendy looked at Ben.
"Oh dear lord~..." Ben whimpered.
We all chuckled.
"Ben..." Slendy said.
"Yes Slendy?..." Ben asked nervously.
"Now-...how come you told me that Jeff and Taylor kissed..?" He asked him.
My eyes grew wide as they shot over to Ben. Ben took one glance at me and gulped. "I-I was just trying..to get him in t-t-trouble Slendy!!! Really!!" He stuttered. Slendy looked at me. I think I might have gulped louder than Ben did.
"Jeffery Alexander Woods....is. This. True?..." Slendy growled. I just stared at him, not knowing what to say.
"N-no..." I finally chocked out.
"Yes it is..." He said quietly as he stood up.
"Slendy....think of what your doing before you do it..." I said nervously as I stood up. "Oh I know exactly what I'm doing Jeff. I told you, you had your chance. You broke that. Now I'm going to...BREAK....YOU-!!" He boomed. I quickly fled out the door and right out the front door, Slendy following me. My shoes thudded against the dirt on the dirt road as I ran. I ran as fast as I could- not looking back. Just running for whatever life I had left.
I panted loudly, my chest heaving up and down. Shit...my asthma was building up. I glanced behind me too see if he was still there.
And of course.
He was.
I whimpered as I turned around and started running even faster. I made it out of the woods and started running down the road. I ran until I reached a random house. I jumped through the closed window, the glass shattering around me, but surprisingly not piercing my skin. I landed on the hard wood floor and rolled before I stopped. I got up and flew into the closet, climbing on the shelf at the top.
"Wha-....WHAT THE HELL!?" A girl screamed from the bed as she woke up.
"Shh-shh-!! Please-!! Just shut this door and pretend that your sleeping!" I whispered. She looked at me for a second, then glared at me.
"Why should I-?!" She said.
"I promise you...you will not be here tomorrow- or the rest of your days if you don't..." I hissed. Her eyes grew wide in fear as she obediently got up and shut the closet door. I heard her crawl back into her bed. I sat there silently, just waiting for Slendy to realize that window is broken and come into this house.
I really should have grabbed my knife...I don't know what to do now that I have no protection except for myself.
...there was the answer. Myself.

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