9. Hunger or Boredom ?

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It's probably the most annoying problem : hunger.

Actually, it's not even hunger, it's just a need to eat, when I'm bored I eat, when I'm upset I eat, when I'm happy I eat, there is no get away with this when you've spent your whole life having troubles to know how much you should eat to fuel your body not your boredom.

I still don't know how much food and what foods my body needs, but I do know that the way I'm eating now is far to be good for me.

And it seems to be the current reason of my perpetual hunger : the more I eat, the more I want to eat, I'm not eating because I'm hungry, I'm eating because I can.

If I have food in front of me, I will probably eat it, because I can.
Because I feel the need to eat, I'm not starving, my stomach is not grumbling but I will eat because I want to, because it's what I did for the last 18 years.

This is the results of really bad habits as you would guess, it doesn't take more than a month to make new habits but it's not that easy to lose your bad habits that you had for years now.

I'm trying to change the way I'm living and I'm always complaining about the weight I gain, the way I look, the spots the day after I ate so many chips, but I never try to do something about it. And I'm so sick of this.

I'm trying to get my life together and I know it's not behind this screen that I will do something about it, but trust me, writing down how I feel, sharing my thoughts even if nobody is replying or reading is the only way I found to try and let it all out behind me.

So, I may not be a good example about this topic, but I never stop trying, every year I try, try and try again to make new habits, to get rid of the things keeping me from doing what I really want to do.

And even if I loose motivation sometimes, I won't stop trying, I won't give up on my goals, and I want to believe that one day I will finally reach it and be able to say : « I did it».

Again, I want to say that we shouldn't eat to feed our boredom, our madness or sadness, having a little guilty pleasure such as a cake, ice cream, hamburger, french fries or anything is something we shouldn't give up on, because starting a diet on restriction is the best way to find yourself binging at anytime of the day.

An healthy lifestyle is a nice way to boost energy, confidence, with natural foods with cheat meals once in a while, you can have pleasure and an healthy diet.

It's easier said than done, but little steps can lead you to a big success.

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