Destined to be with you (edited)

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  • Dedicated to This goes for my bf Brandon I LOVE YOU!

Chapter 1

I could feel the blasted suns heat on my face, a new morning in a different country. I didn't want to wake up and be in a strange place. I want to be home in Italy not in the UK. I left this place when I was 11 and now I'm 17 I don't even remember one road this city is strange to me.

"Good Morning ma'am" I heard the servant say

Get lost" I moan hiding my face under my pillow. I don't mean to be rude but I'm seriously not an early riser. I hated it when people spoke in the morning because I preferred silence and nothing more or less.

"Sorry, ma'am but Mr Gilbert says to remind you today is the first day at your new school and he is expecting you to be ready by now" the servant said I hate this I hate this place I hate everything about this place. I cursed my father for making us move to this place. My body had not adjusted to the big time change and all I wanted to do was sock someone in the face.

I hate everyone

I hate the fact I'm still alive to go through this

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate everything.

"Come on, Viola get your arse moving" I muttered to myself dragging myself out of bed.

My room was different after mom died when me and Jeremy were 11 we moved to Italy to start again. Jeremy's my twin brother but totally different no one can tell if me and him are twins it just doesn't seem right. It was hard but we got through it we tried our best after few years it worked but everything changed Dad got into his work more and Jeremy got more into his social life than spend time with his family. I used to wait and wait for them to come so we could eat together but they never came so I decided I should change and be more me then boring I want my family to be happy type. I started caring more about myself, I did everything got drunk, got arrested, crashed a car and sex though I've only had it 2 times. I was and still am popular I know most of the police officers in Italy because I see them 3 times in a month. I know your wondering I'm some spoilt brat but yes when you don't get attention at home and you start to feel like you aren't needed. You want to remind your family that you are in fact there and not invisible.

I have a shower, quickly dry myself and straighten my hair. I nibbled on my bottom lip as I stood in my walk in wardrobe. This walk in was every woman's dream because it held everything and it was all designer heaven. I grabbed my dark Jean shorts that stopped just below my butt. I grabbed my Alexandar wang white double layer crepe top. I finished the outfit by pairing it with Sophia websters, white Mila sandals. I look in the full length mirror, I was gorgoues as usual lets say more sexier than usual. My brown hair had highlights of light brown hair it was natural and they even standout. My violet eyes were no match for any girls on this earth. I smile and grab my iPhone, these are latest in town and I loved how modern this town was because if I had to use a crappy cellphone. I would definitely commit suicide. After a touch of makeup and lip gloss. I puckered my lips while staring into the mirror and winked.

Here I come bitches

I thought as I grabbed my Gucci bag and sunglasses.

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