Holding on tight

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Viola's P.O.V

I clutched the bed sheets tighter in my fist as he trailed kisses up my neck making me excited and wet for him. I moaned as his teeth grazed my ear lobe, I felt him smirking against my skin. Hell with this! I undid my fists and trailed my hand up his bare back. He shivered under my touch now it was my turn to smirk, I trailed my hand in his hair and tugged on it exposing his neck to me. I flipped us over so I was straddling him now. I kissed his forehead, then his nose. Just to tease him I didn't kiss his lips and instead kissed the corner of his lips.

He groaned "You tease". His eyes had gone darker and I could see the lust clear in his eyes. I smiled and trailed my kisses down his neck and on his bare chest. I trailed kisses right where his jeans hid the rest of his glorious body. I trailed my tang around the band of his jeans where they hung loosely on his hips. I could where the V started from. As I was moving up my hand brushed his hard on. He groaned his expression was pained as ever.

"Fuck!" He said "I want to take you right now".

"Then take me" I whispered my lips inches from his "I want you, you want me what's holding you back?".

"Right now a thin thread which I might break" He whispered "I don't want to rush you".

I laughed "Your talking like I haven't done this before". I regretted what I said because I saw his eyes darken nearly turning black if that was possible and I saw the anger in them. I quickly cupped his face in my hands and gently kissed his lips even though it was gentle it didn't stop the sparks.

"Please don't be mad" I said it came out as a plea. He sighed closing his eyes and opening them. I watched as the anger faded within his eyes. He caressed my face with the tip of his fingers "I should have waited for you and then you could be my first".

I couldn't believe it, Brandon 'The' Brandon was saying this. The bad boy in this town was saying this and what shocked me was that he was saying it to me.

I smiled "I also wish I had waited. So you could be my first but who knows if we wouldn't have met what could have happened".

He smiled "I know" He said and kissed my lips. I tried to pull away but he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me closer. I gave up and kissed him back with the same need and force. My centre was throbbing painfully for him and I knew we weren't going to be doing any type of sexual intercourse tonight.

I pushed on his chest gently letting him know I needed air. He pulled back, I was breathing really hard but what shocked me was he was breathing normally. Boy was he good!.

"Your brothers here" He annouced all of a sudden.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "How do you know?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"It's 6 o'clock your brother normally gets in at six" He answered shurgging as if it was nothing. I pouted but we weren't even done!. He stood on his elbows and kissed me since I was straddling him.

"Maybe tonight we could do alot more than this" He whispered seductively. I was throbbing for him and he knew that. But I also knew he was aching for me too because I was sitting on the throbbing bulge.

"Aren't you going home though?" I asked confused.

"Nope I'm staying the night without your brother knowing" He said smiling smugly. I instantly smiled, he would be with me tonight, I could sleep peacefully in his arms.

"But you left me last time" I said remembered at Miley's house.

"I know and I'm sorry but I didn't want to get my hopes up about us. I just shook my head at him smiling, I got of the bed to my disappointment. I quickly sort out my hair and clothes and chucked Brandon's shirt to him. He quickly put it on and got off the bed. He walked towards as If I was his prey. He leaned down and kissed me softly and lovingly. 

"I Love You" He whispered against my lips making my heart beat faster then it's normal pace. Being close to him always made my heart race and butterflies errupt in my stomach.

"I Love You" I whispered back kissing him lightly "Not". I quickly bolted gigling, I ran out the door and down the long and big stairs. I bumped into a hard chest, I looked up rubbing my nose and my eyes nearly popped out of my head as I looked up at Jeremy. He's eye brows narrowed as if in deep concentration, then he did the weirdest thing ever and sniffed me. 

"What are you a freakin dog!". 

"Where is that bastard?" He shouted clenching his hands into fists and shaking in pure rage. Shoot! How did he know?. 

"What are you on about there's no one else here" I said pulling the innocent look. He started shaking harder as if he was about to explode. 

"I'm right here" I followed the direction the velvety and sweet voice came from and found Brandon leaning against the banister. His arms crossed over his chest, he had a smug look on his face. He descended the stairs towards me and my angry twin. 

"You touched my sister" He spat accusingly at Brandon as if it was all his fault. 

"Yes I did" Brandon said shrugging carelessly. 

Jeremy grabbed Brandon by the color "You will go no where near her!" He growled. That did it for Brandon as his cool posture, changed to a stiff and angry one. He pushed Jeremy and stood by my side. He put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side so I was hugging his side. 

What happened next changed my life forever, when Jeremy turned around his skin was pale and those scary red glowing eyes. Then the those sharp fangs extending till they touched his bottom lip, I froze in shock as he bared his teeth at Brandon. 

He snarled at Brandon, I quickly turned to Brandon and screamed. I pushed Brandon away from me, he... he. 

I screamed as I saw Brandon's pale skin, glowing red eyes and fangs. Their going to kill me, that's what only came to my mind. No no no no

They couldn't be.

Not my brother. 

Not my boyfriend and the guy I love. 

They were monsters, they were hunters and I was their weak little prey. 

What came to mind next made me freeze in shock and terror. 


They were vampires, blood sucking creatures and terrible monsters that killed humans just so they could famish their hunger. Right now they were going to feed on me, I was their lunch and dessert for the day. Brandon's eyes were on me, I saw the glow fade but my fear, terror and shock didn't fade. I watched in horror as he transformed into the human Brandon, the one I loved with all my heart and the one whom had my heart. He made a move towards me but I screamed, he instantly stopped into his tracks. I looked at Jeremy, his skin wasn't pale anyone it was back to the normal skin colour. 

"D-don't c-come near m-me" I shouted scared taking steps back. 

"Viola" Jeremy took a step forward "NO-" I shouted "Don't come near me, both of you don't come near me!". 

I saw the hurt flash in both Jeremy's and Brandon's eyes. I kept stepping back, I held back a scream as my back bumped into something. I quickly looked behind and found myself against a white pillar. In a blink Brandon was in front of me, along with Jeremy. Their damn fast!. 

I slid down the pilar weeping, until my ass was on the floor and I hugged my knees. I cried trying to stop myself from running knowing perfectly well that, I won't make it far. "We have to wipe her memory" Brandon said making my eyes go wide in horror as my ears adjusted the words.

"No!" I heard Jeremy shout, I bet he looked angry I wouldn't know because my gaze was on the marble shiny floor. "She has every right to know who and what we are, after all it's about time she knew what kind of monsters we are".

Brandon was quiet for a moment but after a while, he let out a sigh a and bent down. I felt his hand on my chin but I pushed away, pushing my back against the pillar hard. This time he used a little bit of force and lifted my chin. My eyes widened as I saw the blue in his eyes "Go to sleep it's been a long day".

I was shocked but then my shock started fading and only leaving behind exhaustion. My eye lids felt really heavy, I yawned and closed my eyes. Letting the endless tiredness take over me.

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