Chapter 12

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I walk in my clothes were sticking to my body "Oh my lord" I heard Maria or is it Mary my personal maid gasp as she saw me. "Yeh lord" I said looking at the mirror on the wall I looked like I just wrestled a crocodile. I bet more like scared the crocodile.

"Mary" I said "Tell one of the drivers to go to St Georges and get Brandon's bugatti" Brandon gave the keys Mary or Maria I don't know.

"Yes ma'am and it's Maria ma'am" she said before turning around and walking outside. "Come on Brandon" I said leading the way to my room.

"Don't make yourself at home" I said before turning on the radio and putting it on full volume it was really loud. I get the pendant out of my skirt pocket and put it under my pillow while Brandon was looking at a picture I'd randomly drawed.

I open the wardrobe door and walk in on my right were party dresses and on my left were just clothing I'd randomly wear. I walk past them and past my 400 pairs of shoes all stacked up on a glass shelf. I walk over to where my nighties were I pick pink shorts and a top that said Feisty. I have 2 bathrooms and one of them is in my wardrobe so I won't have to arsed to go out and in the bathroom.

I open the door and walk in my shiny bathroom. I have a quick shower and brush my teeth. I got into my shorts and top and put on my pink slippers. I brush my hair and I do not put makeup on when I'm going to sleep.

I walk out of the bathroom and out of my wardrobe it was bigger then a ball room. I came out of my closet as Brandon stared at me "Don't tell me you have a bathroom in there" he said shocked. "Couse I do" I said not bothered about what he thought.

"Oh shit" I said I walk back in the wardrobe and into the bathroom there it was Brandon's ring. I grab it and take it back. "This I said" I said as I came out of the wardrobe putting my hand up to show the ring. I give him the ring he slips the ring back on his finger.

"Who's this?" he asked I turned around he was looking at the photo of me and mom wait it was meant  to be in the drawer. I snatch it of him and put it back in the drawer.

He just shrugged and sat on my big purple bed "Okay serisouly" he said pointing at my bed. "I'm a girl what do you fuckin expect?" I asked.

"Your room would be Pink not silk purple, your bed would be Pink not purple and your curtains are meant to be pink not purple" he counted on his fingers.

I threw my perfume bottle at him he caught it "You have great aim but your not fast enough" he smiled I stuck my tongue out at him he laughs. "So does your perfect life have any one special I mean come on I doubt it you'd probably have killed himself through his misery" he teased.

"Nope I am officaly single and not a virgin for your information" I said as I combed my hair I heard him sigh I turn around. "What?" I ask what is a sigh meant to mean when I didn't even say anything romantic or meanful or something to think about.

"Your just like the others hiding yourself" He chuckled I get up and walk over to him "Do not match me with those people those people do everything to get attention I do everything to not let anyone see the real me" I said.

I sat on the huge purple bed this was my home where I should belong and always should be there's a child deep down who cries for losing her mom and I don't want to let people see I'm weak. "I...I don't know how to explain it to you" I sighed.

"You can trust me" he said "Trust you dude you started argueing since I met you" I laughed. "Okay I did but still you can trust me that was my cover from hiding the real me" he said.

I smile "My mom died in a car accident when I was 11 we were going to celebrate cause my mom got a award for the cooking classes she did it was only me and her. Well when she was driving I decided to distract her by talking to her and got really upset because this girl was being nasty to me in school and my mom was too busy trying to stop me from crying then look at the road. When she turned around a truck filled with fuel was infront of her and we crashed. She told me to get out and-" I said I start crying.

A arm went around my waist and I put my head on Brandon's shoulder "And?" he asked. I didn't want to carry on but I would feel much better if someone knew the real truth.

"I got out and I fell uncounsiouse and it was all blury and then I could see the fire before I could go to her it was too late the car was on fire and a big bang was all I heard when I passed out" I cried. He's hand was going up and down my back trying to relax me. I couldn't tell him the last bit never I could never trust anyone what if it came true I could never tell anyone.

"It's okay" he whispered into my ear "Hey come on it's not the Viola I know" I lean back and turn around so my back was towards him and quickly wipe the tears away what the hell was I doing. "I knew the trick would work on you" I lied still my back towards him I turn around smirking "Great now I know when you lie" he smiled. I turn the radio off it was thundering and lightening outside I laughed I love the bad weather.

The house phone started ringing that was on my table we have a house phone that is connected to everyone's bedroom. I pick it up.

"Hello" I said

"Hey hon" it was Dad

"I'm going to be late I have some important work to do and I bet there's a traffic jam so I should probably come later" Dad said making excuses he was so into his work he didn't have the time to come home.

"Dad I don't care come whenever you like and why should I give a damn when you don't" I said and hung up.

"Your a bad girl" Brandon laughed I give him the daggers. I would taze him if I could with my eyes. "No you can't taze me" he said this bastard was reading my like a open book can you believe him.

"You can leave you know" I pointed out it was 11.45 pm "Nah you can't get rid of me until someone comes back" he said looking picking up a photo on the table next to my bed. I look over him shoulder it was a picture of me and Jeremy with our friends Jeremy was kissing him ex on the cheek. With his arm around me and I was kissing Marris on the lips he was smiling against my lips.

"Whos this?" Brandon asked pointing at Marris I looked at Marris's picture his blonde hair, sexy lips, blue eyes and fair skin he could never get sexier I thought. "No of your biz" I said snatching the photo of him and putting it in my drawer. I think I might have to dig a hole to hide stuff from Brandon.

"Oh let me guess it's that arse hole that made you take drugs his name is Marris" Brandon said in his green eyes I could see anger I thought. I have serisouly lost it I need someone to punch me in the face so I could get my head straight.

"Shut up he's not a arse hole he's okay not like your girlfriend she's a total bitch" I said I smiled when I called Sadie a bitch. "That's my girlfriend and I don't think you should call her a bitch in front of her boyfriend" Brandon said he didn't look serisous. "Dude I could laugh but nah I'm starving" I said as I walked out of my room.

For dinner was Lasagne, fish and rice and chilly chicken. Brandon he was texting someone like I care who it is. Before I could shout at the servant Jeremy walked in "Dick where you been?" I asked. "Eat your dinner bitch" he said.

"Hey Brandon" Jeremy said "Hey dude" Brandon said.

"How am I supposed to eat this crap when I want pizza" I shouted and got up and walked to the dining room and started watching tv. "Pizza's here" I heard Jeremy shout after 20 minutes I smile and walk back to the glass dinning table. 4 Boxes of pizza were on the table I take my seat as the servants served.

After eating 4 slices of pizza I was filled up "I'm going to bed" I said and got up to leave.

"Have nice dreams" Jeremy said "Have bad dreams" I smiled back he just laughed "That's my sister" I heard him chuckle as I walked up the stairs. "Oh Brandon you can leave now" I shouted as I dissapeared into my room.

Days as school were getting fun after Jeremy finding out about my little jump of the cliff he went bonkers and had a go at me though practically I didn't jump I just didn't look behind. It's been 3 weeks and everything was fablouse. I still made Sadie angry and teased Brandon though he knows when I'm not teasing he keeps teasing me about Marris.

Tyrone and the gang they had a gang me and Jeremy are in it it's called Toxic as in poison. In the gang was Me, Jeremy, Tyrone, Jimmy, Tina, Ashley, Matt and the last and worst of all Sadie bitchards. I hate that slut I could murder her and feed her to the dogs but it will be torture for the dogs to eat a disgusting animal.

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