The Lady: Part. 7

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Without a moments hesitation I push the key into its hole.

Shoot - a shot of pain travels up my arm and I regret busting up my right hand. But, I override the pain and twist the key firmly.

The lock gives easily.

Recalling how thick and heavy the door is, I position my back square on it and use my body weight to gently ease it out and open.

"Hello," I whisper.

No reply. So, I edge out.

It's only a short hallway. Looking behind I see it's a dead end. My only way is ahead.

A random thought enters my head 'I'm thankful for Darby & Associates casual dress code, my sneakers make better getaway footwear than heels.'

"Hello," I repeat, a little louder.

When there's no reply, I sprint to the end of the hallway. I turn right into a reception room and SCREAM!

A black clad figure stands in the corner. The skintight latex like fabric accentuates the astonishing musculature of his male physique.

My scream transmutes into a heavy hyperventilating heaving sound.

The guy stands stony still, but lifts a finger to his mouth to indicate quiet. It's then I notice his startlingly pale hand, his long fingers are accentuated in length by the bright crimson painted, talon-like nails.

His is the hand that freed me.


My breathing normalizes a little.

He removes his hand from his mouth, "It is an honor to be in the presence of your greatness, Tanya," he says, in a voice that is soft, yet has a high, hyper female pitch.

"You know my name?" I ask.

"Yes. You are a living legend amongst us followers in the know," he smiles, showing a full set of metallic silver teeth.

Relaxing a little, I ask, "In the know, meaning?"

"We know all that you know, the truth. As opposed to the devoted, indoctrinated followers." He looks suddenly wistful, "Yet we are incapable of escape. Troy is the first and last follower to ever have escaped, he is our hero." His silver smile returns, "Your victories gave us all such hope, not for ourselves, we are resigned to our fate, but for the rest of humanity.

My own hope begins to rise a little, "What's your name?" I ask.

"I am Drew." He begins to shake a little, becomes jittery. "You should go now. The observers are all at their busiest as the park opens." He opens a door that leads onto a stairwell, "Go Tanya. Take the north exit from the park and from there you can make your way into Chicago, and from hence make your way back to London."

"Come with me, Drew. You can free yourself," I say, making my way to the door.

"No! Today is my Death Day. Freeing you is my final act of rebellion; for I was to be the father of the child they were to impregnate you with." He lowers his head, "They extracted my seed before castration," he says, with sadness.

He's castrated - that explains his high-pitched voice, I realize, as my heart hurts for the poor guy.

He swiftly lifts his head, "I urge you to flea - now!"

"Please come with me," I plead.

"NO, GO - Tanya. Your place is next to Kade. I don't think you realize the triumphs you have achieved, or the Global tragedies you have aborted."

The Lady: Part.1Where stories live. Discover now