The Lady: Part. 33

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I look Kade in the eye for several seconds, before saying, "OK Kade, I will go!"

"WAIT!" He shouts, as I open the door.

Turning around I remain firm, "Wait for what, Kade?" I ask, making no attempt to dilute my anger.

While awaiting his response, I study him, and with this short distance between us, I observe he looks a shadow of his former self. He actually looks physically smaller, like he's lost a bunch of weight almost over night; he looks frail and petite, his musculature diminished.

I hold my hands up, "I'm waiting, what do you want me to wait for?" I ask, again, with a pissed emphasis.

He looks sheepish, "Like, you can't just go like that, aren't you gonna say goodbye – and like – where you gonna go?" He asks.

Stepping back into the room, I lock him with determined eyes, "You're wrong Kade – I can just go like this – just like you said – and no – I won't say goodbye."

His bottom lip begins to quiver, "Really?" He says, using the word like a question.

I remain stoic, "Really, there'll be no goodbye from me." I say, not removing my eyes from his.

His eyes moisten and fill with tears. My eyes remain dry as I back away from him.

When my back hits the door, I turn from him and open it.

Without looking back I say, "I'm going to the drug store to get you some antiseptic lotion, so there's no reason for 'goodbye' – I'll be back soon," I say, walking out and shutting the door before he has a chance to react or reply.


The smell in the Drug Store comforts me. It's faintly antiseptic mixed with a sweet perfume; it's the smell of health and healing.

I find the lotion I need and on my way to the cashier, something else catches my eye. It's an 'ON OFFER' sign.

Checking my cash, I have just enough to purchase the lotion, and the two items on offer: Baseball Bats.

The Cashier guy lights up when he sees me, "Hey, a Baseball fan, who's your team?" He asks, checking my items.

I hand over the cash, "I'm not a Baseball fan." I pop the lotion in my pocket and grab the bats, "These are to take out those hipster guys, you know the one's with those pretentious little topknots – the world don't need those types, trust me," I say, with a wink.


Back on the street I have more confidence in my stride. Yet my eyes are constantly peeled, my body primed for any suspicious activity or people.

Turning into our hotel street, I slow walk towards the entrance, scanning everything with a forensic eye.

In the reception area, nothing gives me cause for alarm.

The Lady: Part.1Where stories live. Discover now