The Lady: Part. 29

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"We're going back to our beginning. What do you think he means by that?" Whispers Kade, careful not to engage the topknot guy in any further dialogue.

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure I want off this tube train," I say, noticing that all the children without imps have fallen asleep, including little Kelvin who is snoring in my lap.

The little girl with the extra bad attitude and super sharp nails, approaches us, her imp nuzzling into her neck. She stares at me with penetrating eyes, "When we arrive at your beginning, it will become your end," she says, with not a hint of malice. I smile sweetly, as Kade's hand finds my knee, reassuring me, "What ever do you mean?" I ask, softly.

She doesn't return my smile; instead she gives me a vacant stare while her imp nuzzles silently into her ear. It's clear that she's concentrating and listening intently.

The imp's head nuzzles back into her neck and the girl glances at topknot guy, still standing at the door to the adjoining carriage. When he nods his approval, the girl speaks with a pitch perfect, rehearsed tone that is at odds with her age, "Back at your beginning, The Lady, will end."

I feel Kade tense, his lips find my ear and he whispers, "I've got to rip out his topknot, to disable these creatures!"

The carriage erupts into a cacophony of children's laughter as every child with an imp stands up, "We all heard that, you daft bat!" They sing, in a gleeful chorus, while making cat like sweeping gestures with their claw like hands.

Within seconds, the children surround us, their imps nuzzling into their ears while the children's faces contort with concentration.

Kade and I squirm in our seats, feeling vulnerable being hemmed in by so much malevolence. We exchange wordless glances trying to read each other's thoughts and find some kind of shared plan of action.

But nothing comes.

We are trapped.

Trapped from the world above us, in a speeding underground train, and trapped in its carriage by a shield of children who are being manipulated by little monsters.

We have nothing but our hands and physicality with which to defend ourselves.

Kade takes my hand and says with incredible intensity, "I love you."

But something in his intense declaration upsets me, it sounds kinda final.

"Why'd you say that?" I ask.

He looks hurt, "Because I do."

I smile, "But I know you do."

He clenches my hand, "Good, don't ever forget it," he says, softly.

Bad attitude girl breaks our moment, "EURGH, stop being so disgusting!"

I respond sweetly, "Love isn't disgusting."

The Lady: Part.1Where stories live. Discover now