The Lady Part 40a

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I look at the three women, imprisoned and on the cusp of giving birth to what will become sadistic, psychopathic monsters: The surgeon X 3. And in that instant I'm overcome by a crushing feeling of defeat – they have upped their game, and we've lowered ours. A fact that The Surgeon's voice delights in informing us.

"I need to commend you Kade, in exterminating Drew, you eliminated the one person who could offer you salvation. You did our job for us and in doing so sealed your own fate." She says.

Kelly shoots a look at Kade, a mix of confusion and anger cloud her face, "What the hell, she's kidding, right?" I cut her off and try to disarm The Surgeon with, "Hey, last time we saw you, you'd transitioned into a man, what made you change your tune?" I ask, hoping it will deflect her and especially Kelly from the rage I feel is mounting in her.

The Surgeon ignores me, "That's right Kelly, your brother shot Drew, the one person who had the knowledge and ability to get you to our core." She pauses, waiting for a reaction. But Kelly just stares at Kade, looking slightly dumbfounded, but I can see her anger abate as Troy puts a comforting arm round her shoulder.

Troy looks equally bewildered, but says in a quiet and conciliatory voice, "I'm sure you had your reasons for doing what you did."

I notice Kade looks bereft, the color has left his face and he looks almost ashen; his shoulders are stooped with the burden of guilt that he carries. I go to him and put my arm around his waist and he reciprocates, pulling me into him, as he murmurs a quiet, "Sorry," the word rife with regret.

The Surgeon's focus returns to Kade, "Also, I must commend you on your excellent love making skills, young man. My team and I are very impressed with your sexual prowess; and Tanya responds remarkably like a cis gender woman. In fact, your intimacy is still being studied right now, down in our core."

Again, Kelly and Troy shoot us raised eyed questioning looks, to which we respond with dismissive nodding heads, which say, 'Don't ask!'

A groan from one of the pregnant women alerts us all, "Ignore her, adequate pain relief has been administered to all three vessels." Says The Surgeon, switching her attention back to me, "You're very lucky Tanya, very few cis gender girls find a guy like Kade, let alone a trans girl, like you."

Kade jumps in, "Correction, I'm a lucky guy to have found the right girl," he says, with a pride that makes my heart leap. The Surgeon emits a little sarcastic laugh, "I stand corrected. In fact, I must say, the bond you both have is quite exceptional; the love and loyalty between you both is so strong, it's almost unbreakable," she says.

Kade repeats her and emphasizes, "You got it, 'unbreakable' that's Tan and I."

Her sarcastic chuckle is followed by an ominous, "Note my words, I said 'almost' unbreakable," she says, with a definite threat in her delivery. Her tone elevates, "You know, my teenage cloned twins wanted to stitch you two together, forever; in hindsight you should have let them. Then at least you'd know you'd never be parted," she says, the sense of threat still evident in her voice.

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