Chapter 1

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4 Years Later

Mom why you never talk to daddy.? My'Lyn asked as she stood by my legs as I washed the dishes. Yes my baby was walking and talking she was 3 now.! And so smart sometimes I forgot who I was talking to.

Because My, daddy did some very hurtful things to mommy and I haven't learned to forgive him yet.!

Well you should I wanna be a family again.! She said staring at us in a picture. I had to admit when we took that family picture it was one of the best days of my life. We had so much fun and you could just feel the love.

Maybe one day.! I said with a smile kneeling down to her. Now go get your coat and shoes on so you can go to grandmas.

She smiled than kissed my cheek. I loved my baby girl so much over these years from the moment I met her I knew she was mine.

I turned the water of because I was done washing the dishes. I tidy up the house once more making sure it was extra clean. I'm so happy I kept my condo that King got for me when he first found me. If I didn't I honestly don't know what I would of done.

I put my boots and sweater on. And went to go get My'Lyn bag. She was gonna be staying with Ms.T for a couple of days because I had to fly to Paris for a day for a huge meeting tomorrow night.

You ready baby.?

Yes mommy.! She came out holding her teddy bear and was ready. I grabbed her hand and we walked outside to my truck. I put her in her car seat and she buckled her self in. I drove off heading to Ms.T house.

Hi moma.! I said as I walked into the house she was sitting in the kitchen talking to King.

Daddyyyyyyyyyy.! My'Lyn happily screamed running to King. It made me smile. She loved her dad so much she was a daddies girl when she was around him. Mommy, daddies here.! She said hugging his legs. Daddy, you have to talk to mommy I miss you and I wanna be a happy family again like this.! She said taking out the picture and given it to him.

Mommy has to be willing to talk to me first baby. He said looking at me but I looked away.

Mommy talk to daddy.! Come on grandma I hear the ice cream truck and I buy you ice cream this time.! She said jumping out of his arms grabbing her grandmothers hand and walking to the door. She pushed me off the wall and on towards King than ran out.

She is to smart.! He said with a little laugh.

Yeah she is. I said as I backed away from him a little. The room became silent and I just starred at the floor.

After a min of silence which felt like a year I turned to walk away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him hugging me tight.

I missed you .! He said in the crook of my neck sending chills down my spine. Just hear me out. I love you and you was the best thing that ever happened to me, when they told me you had died I wanted to kill myself I didn't think life was worth living, then he said he revived you and I breath of life came back into me but was taking away because you was carrying my child could of been my son in there. All that shit that happened was because I wanted to be a hoe ass nigga. I won't ask you for a second chance because I honestly don't deserve it but I just want you to forgive me I'm going crazy everyday because I fell like that shit was my fault and you won't talk to me you won't even look at me.

I let my hot tears run down my face and hit his neck. I forgive you.! I whispered in his ear and kisses his neck. I pulled away and walked off before he could even grab me again. I wiped my tears so My'Lyn wouldn't see me crying. I kissed her bye than got in my truck and left.

Hey did you pack yet.? I asked Amber as I brought my bag to the door.

Yeah it's in the car, but did you wanna tell me what up with you.?


Your lying.

No I'm not.!

You seen King today.?

I bit my lip and nodded my head yes. She came over and hugged me. You know you gone need to sit down and have to talk to him sooner or later.

I choose later I'm just not that ready. I told him I forgive him though.

It's been four years Na'Kole.!

I know Amber but I could of died because oh him he wanted to fuck around with other girls.

Yeah and he knows that believe me I reminded him every single day kinda why he still mad at me but that's not the point. The point is you still love him.

I do.! But because of him I almost lost my life and I lost a child who should of been here. He don't love me because if he did than he wouldn't of did it, he knew that it would hurt me and he still chose to do so, I don't feel bad about not talking to him, I feel bad for my daughter who always ask why me and her daddy isn't together.

Yall love each other to hell and back there isn't anything he won't do for you and you won't do for him, all I'm saying is you needa actually forgive him it's been four years and he missed you like hell. And don't lose him because you wanna be stubborn.

Well I got to much on my plate right now with my fall line coming out and running the shops.

You need to sit your ass down and take care of your self you look tired as hell. I'm about to go take Melody home to Ace, we can go to dinner or something later.

Ight give my baby a kiss for me.!

I will and make sure you answer your phone.

I willlll.! I whined. I grabbed my phone off the counter and went into my room waving her bye. I layed across my bed thinking about what she said. I mean yeah we really did need to talk but I don't know if I was ready to just yet. I'm so stuck on the fact that I lost my baby and I could of lost my life all over him wanting to cheat. I missed him dearly, I missed everything about him he love, his touch, his kisses, the way his voice got extra deep in the Morning when he first wake up as the sun hit his face and he scrunched his nose up. The way his body glicend when it was dripping in water, how he smiled whenever he caught me looking at him, and the way he fucked me.!

Little Ghetto Girl    Part 2     REVENGEWhere stories live. Discover now