Chapter 27

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Amber hand me the tape.! I said holding the balloons. I wanted to tape them to the floor by the picture area.!

We just about done what you wearing.?! She asked.

I don't know yet probably some cute jeans I designed and cute lil button up shirt I got me and Prince for matching.

Oh that outfit you got made.?


That shit lit without a lighter. Mama on her way here with the kids so we can run and get dress.

Okay I'll meet you back here. I grabbed my keys than left out heading home. Today was my babies first birthday.! He was growing up so fast, walking, trying to talk, he acted so much like his daddy it was unbelievable. I took a quick shower than lotioned down. I did my hair and make up. Since King died I was so stressed out a lot of my hair fell out from stressing. It was still so long to the middle of my back but just thiner.

You look beautiful.! A deep male voice came from over my shoulder. I turned around to see home boy.

How did you get in my house.?!

You left your keys in the door. He said tossing them on the bed.

Leave now or I will call my brother and he will kill you.!

My brother won't kill me.! Look we need to talk.

No we don't.! Your not my King and you damn sure don't have a reason to be here.

Baby I'm me.! What proof do you want.?

Tell me something only King would know.! I said threw my tears.

He looked down than back at me........ March 2013 it was a Thursday night you had this really weird awkward nightmare. You woke up screaming and crying you kept saying leave me alone leave me alone. When I woke you up you staired into my eyes before your first tear fell down your face and you crawled into my arms and I kissed your forhead and you said it was you dreaming about the night you got raped and how someone kilt me in your face.! It took you exactly two months 18 days to tell me what that was about.! The day I found you on 23rd and Lexington in that alley I knew I KNEW I had to protect you and love you with all my heart because you was the most beautifulest woman I had ever seen in my whole life. He said as he grabbed me into his embrace kissing me. It's been almost a whole year and I can't watch you suffer any more.!

Why.?!! I cried.

The only way out was by death and I told you I wanted to get out shit had to happen so fast I couldn't tell you my plan.

So you thought by killing yourself was the best thing ever.?

I faked my death so us and our family could live happily ever in the Bahamas like you wanted without no dead weight if I didn't fake my death I could promise you I really was gone be dead. The day this happend it went wrong. I was suppose to meet up with this connect from them springsvall niggas turned out it was a trap. I went by myself so I guess they thought it was the best time to kill me so they followed me shooting at me which explained the bullet holes. I already had the dead dude so I had two mins two spare so I said fuck it and faked my death. I went over to the east side and cut my dreads off died my hair and got some contacts I flew out to the Bahamas right after that I started going by the name Mykal I got a fake ID and all. When I came back shit was all over the news and hot as hell out here.! But believe me baby I watched your every move I guarded you every step of the way. It was many time I wanted to just hold you while you cried and called out for me than that night at the park I couldn't take it no more I had to have you in every way possible I thought by making love to you, you would finally realize it was me.! That day at the house when you found me it wasn't gone get raided I just wanted you to leave because I knew I would end up telling you and I couldn't risk that.

Do you not know what you turned me into.?! I'm so cold hearted since your death I completely took over your ring, I kilt so many people over you, over petty shit as well. I was trying so hard to find your killer. I'm so damn depress it don't make no since. Royalty cries herself to sleep every single night because she misses you. Our son is turning one year old today and he doesn't even know you.!

Yeah but I was right there when he got his first tooth, he slept threw the night, I was there with him when you was extra tired and he woke up in the middle of the night I got him and let you sleep I would turn the baby monitor off so you could get some sleep. I read to My'Lyn every night in her sleep and she smiled. I watched you sleep. I would put that shirt on so when you went to smell it it still smelt like me when the scent was starting to go away baby believe it or not I was here.!! He explained wiping my tears. I'm sorry I'm honestly sorry I left you again like that and didn't tell you but the day I do die it's not gone be without you by my side baby I promise, till death do us apart right.?

Where do I go from here everybody thinks your dead I don't know how to explain shit.! I feel like I'm going crazy right now King.

What we gonna do is, I'm gonna continue to go around as Mykal and be in the dark and after I finish taking care of this business we moving to the islands as a family as King and Na'Kole with our kids and mama and ace and Amber and baby melody.! He said pulling me into his embrace.!

I can't have you in the dark you mean so much to me King I need you baby.!

I need you too.! I love you ight.!

I love you too.

You forgive me.?

No I'm still hurt that you couldn't tell me the truth.! He hugged me tight. And whispered I'm sorry I'm my ear.


We went to the party and it was packed with friends and family and celebrities with there young kids.

Hey Beyoncé.! I said hugging her.

Hey girl this is nice I wanted to drop Prince gift off personally since you made your way to me and designed that dress for me personally.

Oh girl it wasn't no big deal.!

Yes it was it was so last minute. She laughed. So here you go I gotta run I would love to stay but you know my concert tonight.!

I do.! It's gonna be lit have fun and show out.! I said hugging her once more. She walked off with her guards and I took Prince gift to the back. He had so much stuff back there. I looked over to see King holding a sleeping Prince.

Who is he.? Amber asked raising one eye brawl.


The nigga you came with.?

That's my friend Mykal.

Mmhm.! She said before walking away.

I went over and took a picture they looked so cute together. I sat by them and ate my cake.

This shit nice as hell you did that Bae.! He said kissing my cheek. I giggled and said thank you.!

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