Chapter 2

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I didn't know what to say at that point. I didn't know if I should just come out and ask her strait away or if I should ease into it.  I decided to look up a picture of Emmaleigh Blakely on my phone to show my mom. It came up with a picture of her and Ethan. Geez... How long have they been a 'thing'? "Take a look at this." I told my mom showing her the phone. "Honey, who is that boy you're with?" she asked me politely. Great. Just great. She has no idea about Emmaleigh, this is my worst nightmare. "Mom, you don't get it, that's not me." "What!? That's not!? Then who do you suppose it is? Your long lost twin? Sweetie, that has to be you. I didn't have twins, just you." My Mom demanded. "Mom, look at the name: Emmaleigh Blakely. That's not my name. I don't know who that boy is, well actually I do, but I've never seen him in person. Look at this," I said motioning her to come closer, "I don't have a birthmark on my cheek." I said showing her my cheek. "I've always had one right on the tip of my nose and nowhere else. Plus, her hair is lighter than mine, see?" I said putting my hair next to hers on the screen. "Hmm..." My mom said, "That is rather odd." What am I supposed to do!? I need to meet her, obviously. Like, would you not want to meet your long lost twin? I need to contact her in some way, but how? It's not like I have her number or anything. She's from New Jersey and I'm from Texas. There's no possible way that we could meet. Ugghh... I have a chance to meet my twin, or I guess she's my twin. I mean, she looks exactly like me, we have the same birthday, and we were both born in Texas. How much similar can you get than that? I decided to go to her website and see what she's all about. It turns out that she's really popular, popular enough to have a meet up with the Dolan twins. I HAVE to go meet her! I bought tickets right away, no questions asked. The meet up is tomorrow on our birthday!?! It's also the twins' birthday, too. I have to get packing like NOW!!! I went to see if there was a flight available for me to go on. Luckily there was and I got in the car with my best friend, Sade (pronounced like Sadie), she was going with me while my mom would stay behind to watch over the house. When we got to the airport, our flight was about to leave in five minutes. "We got here just in time!" I told Sade relieved. "I know, I thought we were going to miss it since it was so last minute." We got on our flight and we were now on our way to New Jersey. Oh, I'm so excited to meet Emmaleigh. The Dolan twins too, but mostly Emmaleigh. Man, that's a sentence I never thought I would hear myself say. She must be really cool if I am more excited to meet Emmaleigh than the Dolan twins. 

Author's Note: 

           I hope you like this so far. I know I said I would update tonight and it's not night yet, but I'll still update tonight, too. I just had a thought for a new chapter and I didn't want to forget it. I can be very forgetful sometimes. Stay awesome.


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