Chapter 13

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I got up extra early because Aaron and I had to catch a flight at 4:00 am AGAIN!! How come all of the flights I take have to be at so stinking early!? Anyway enough complaining, I get to be on a super long flight for who knows how many hours, sitting next to Aaron Carpenter. AAAHHH!!! OMG!!! My inner fan girl is coming out so much right now. I got dressed in a turquoise and pink Under Armor sweatshirt. Turquoise is my absolute favorite color and it goes great with my second favorite color, pink. I slipped on some black leggings and brown Uggs, put my hair up in a messy bun, and wore my glasses. I don't wear my glasses that much because, I just think I look weird in them, so I usually wear my contacts. My glasses are those squarish ones but they have a little curve around the edges. They are black with little rind stones along the sides. I don't like them, but other people say I look good in them, so I thought what the heck? I'm too tired to worry about putting my contacts in anyway. 

After the flight:

Aaron and I got off the flight and I didn't really care what time it was to be honest. I looked at Aaron and he looked at me and smiled. I started to sweat. I usually sweat when something embarrassing happens to me, this wasn't embarrassing. What was this feeling I was feeling? Probably hunger, I'm starving and tired. Starving and tired. Yep, that's me: starving and tired. But I am so excited to see everyone who I have met over the past few weeks, they are so awesome. When I got to Emmaleigh's house (Well technically now it's my house, but you know, I'm kind of in an awkward situation right now, you see.), I didn't want Autumn to see me because hopefully today we will get to play the prank on her. Em and I will have to share a room, but that's ok with me because I want to get to know her as best as I can; and what's a better way of doing that then living with her?  There practically isn't one. When I got settled in, Em and I came up with a plan: the twin teleportation prank! It's perfect! It's pure genius! I sneaked by her bed and Em went into her room and just like that, our plan was in action. So Em was talking to her and when she looked away, I was on the complete other side of the room. "Uh, Em? I didn't see you walk over there." She sounded very confused. "Well, I might have just mastered teleportation." I said with a evil scientist-like smile. "Hmm..." She said debating whether or not to believe me or not. I looked at Em with or special little 'signal' and we did it again. She was back where she originally started at and I was back behind the bed. Again, she said, "Ok, Em, that's enough, you can stop doing that 'teleportation' thing now." She sounded disgusted. Em gave me the look and we switched again as she looked away. "EMMALEIGH MARIE!! Your REALLY  starting to creep me out!"She yelled. I looked at Em and she gave me the 'ok, let's tell her the joke now' look. I got up out of my hiding spot and Em and I started to laugh hysterically while Autumn just stood there looking really confused, I could tell she was trying to process this in her brain. I could practically see the gears moving inside of her mind. Emmaleigh finally broke the never-ending silence, "Are you confused?" She asked Autumn. "Yes, very." Autumn said sounding a little less confused. "Ok, here's the story," She said getting ready to explain the whole confusing story of the mix up that I didn't even fully understand yet. "You see, she was like switched at birth, but we don't even know who with. That's the odd part. So I guess that were like twins." Emmaleigh explained. "Like twins? You are twins." Autumn insisted. "I'm Alivia." I said introducing myself. "Autumn." She said sticking out her hand for me to shake it. I shook it and then we talked for a long time until it was time to eat dinner. Stacy (Emma's mom's name. She said I could call her Stacy because she knows that it would probably be weird to call her Mom. You know, since I have grown up all 14 years of my life having a totally different Mom.)  made us quesadillas. (Which were delicious if I may add.) After dinner, we made a huge bowl of popcorn and had family movie night. We watched, The Giver, and it was amazing. Last year, we read it for school, so it was nice to see the words come to life on the big screen. (Or at least on TV.)  Then we got in to our comfy pajamas and went to bed. I fell asleep thinking to myself, this was a good first day/ night here in the Blakely household. I wonder if this is what it's like here all the time, or if it's even better. Only time will tell.

Author's Note:

            I hope you liked this chapter today. I was so excited to write about the prank and now I have. It was so fun to write about. I might not be able to post tomorrow because my friend is spending the night; however, I might be able to update in the morning or afternoon. I think we are going somewhere during the day, though, so it will depend on when we get back. As always stay awesome! 


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