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~Ashton Irwin~

"Alright, Riley. Text me when you get to school," I told the twelve-year old brunette. "It's your brother's first day, and I don't want him to be late. Frankly, you'll make it impossible."

"Dad, I'm not always late," she argued.

"You get it from Mum," I said, smiling.

"Did she leave already?" Riley asked.

"Yes. But she left a note in your lunch. Don't worry, she'll be home early tonight." Bella's hours just kept on going up, it seemed. I barely saw her myself.

"Bye, Dad." She kissed me on the cheek, and headed to the door.

"Bye, Riley!" Will waved from the table, with his mouth full of cereal.

"Have a fun day at school, Riles," I said.

"Daddy, do you remember your first day of kindergarten?" Will asked.

I chuckled. "Barely. I was a troublemaker. That's all I remember."

"What about Mummy?"

"I don't know," I answered, truthfully. "I never asked."

"Did she make friends?"

"Well, yes. Uncle Jordan was in her class, I think." Honestly, Bella and I had stopped talking about life before, well, us.

"I hope I make friends," the five-year old said.

I looked at him sympathetically. "You better charm those ladies off their seats. Make your old man proud."

Will nodded, eagerly. "But don't tell Mummy," I added, pretending to be stern.

The two of us got up together, and we walked to the door. I wished Bella would be here to see this milestone. But she had responsibilities. She begged me to call her once we got there. I couldn't refuse.

~Harry Styles~

"If I was such a lame ass, why did you even marry me?" I yelled at the equally angry blonde in front of me.

"It's not my fault you only asked me to marry you just because you felt sorry for yourself," she screamed back.

"We have a child, Scarlett. You can't just be out all night working. You're her mum!"

"I can't help it, Harry. In case you've forgotten, I'm the money-maker in this family now," she argued.

"We have more than enough."

"You know what your problem is? You spent every minute comparing me to her! I'm not her, Harry. And she's moved on. Not that I blame her."

"I don't! I haven't thought about her in years! You're my wife."

"Your wife, her mum. How long will I have to do this?" She asked, sarcastically.

I scoffed. "I don't know... forever?"

She groaned. "I can't do this much longer. You're the reason I'm so stressed out. You're the reason I have wrinkles. Why did you have to make me give birth to a child? I have stretch marks!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You said you wanted one. And so did I. She's my baby. She's our baby."

"I wanted one. But you changed," she said.

"I didn't change, Scarlett. You thought I was some perfect guy. But I wasn't."

"Just go to bed. You're cranky when you're tired."

~Bella Irwin~

"Hey Ash. Is Will at school?"

"Yeah, he's about to go in. He wanted to talk to you," Ashton replied.

Before I could say another word, I heard the voice of my little baby, anxious yet excited at the same time.


"Hi Will! I miss you. Oh I wish I could see you right now," I said, causing the little boy to giggle, similar to his father years before him.

"Mummy, I'm wearing the clothes you picked out this morning," he said, proudly.

I beamed. "Alright. Now, I don't want you to be late. Be good, and make lots of friends!"

He said goodbye, and hung up the phone before I could talk to Ashton.

"Hey, Bella," my colleague, Faith, greeted. She walked into my office casually, like she usually did.

"What's up?" After ten years of working there, my British accent never failed to stand out.

"I heard the big boss is giving people the pink slip," she said, worriedly.

"The pink slip? Why?"

"Budget cuts," she revealed. "I hope I don't get sacked. I need the money. It's not like my boyfriend will ever get off the couch."

"Don't worry. I need the job as well. I bet this is just some crazy rumor," I assured.

"Yeah, yeah. Your husband is Ashton Irwin. Ex-member of a world famous band? You'll be fine."

I chuckled lightly. I truly hoped I didn't get fired. My hours just went up, and I've been working twice as hard as anyone around here. I barely see Ashton's face in the morning, and Will and Riley are usually sound asleep when I get home.

Hopefully, things will simmer down. No pun intended.

AHH FIRST CHAPTER. ok so this will have more POVs than before, which was just Bella.

anyway... predictions? thoughts?

you get a glimpse into Harry/Scarlett as well.

plz comment and tell me what you think.


Same Old Love (sequel to Heartbreak Girl)Where stories live. Discover now